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Normales Thema Lenusik <> (Gelesen: 1635 mal)
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I Love Anti-Scam!

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Standort: Aachen
Mitglied seit: 22. August 2011
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Lenusik <>
09. Februar 2013 um 18:13

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Lenusik (34)

Weiblich / Single / Kundennummer: 2949371
Khimki, Moskva, Russland
Suche: Männlich 33 - 46
Für: Brieffreundschaft, Romance / Dating, Heirat
Bildung:      Master
Kinder vorhanden:      Nein
Trinken Sie:      Ich trinke nicht
Rauche:      Nichtraucher
Religion:      Orthodox
Beruf:      Finanz / Bank / Immobilien 

I am happy, funny, easy going and sociable! I am soft and kind by character. I am a very positive girl in all aspects, but sometimes I like to sleep in and can be a bit lazy. If I have to wake up in the morning because I work early hours, I get up without problems, but if I have no work in the morning, I like to stay in bed till late! And if the cup of coffee is brought me to my bed , it is heaven to me! I feel like in the paradise!I am choleric by my character. As my friends say I am an unbalanced extrovert! That is why I have lots of friends. I like to have fun, to celebrate holidays. I adore receiving friends home! I like to joke and make fun! I am not much for cooking, but if I have to, I prepare tasty dishes, I put a part of my soul to the food. I think that a woman is the homemaker! I like pets and I have got a cat at home. My relatives say that by my character I am gentle, fluffy and puffy like a cat!

I have just added you to my yahoo you can come online so that we chat over there okay email
Lenusik  9. Februar 2013 17:59 
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Januar 2014 um 15:03 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20623
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Lenusik <>
Antwort #1 - 09. Februar 2013 um 22:32
Model/Schauspielerin Kendra Jay aka Briana Lee, Briana Lee XO, Breana.

« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Januar 2014 um 15:04 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20623
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Lenusik <>
Antwort #2 - 09. Februar 2013 um 22:43
@ trucker105

Also wenn der Komiker nicht verschleiert, dann trau ich mich zu wetten, daß die Mail aus Ghana kommt. Zwinkernd

Facebook-Profil mit dieser Email-Adresse - leider keine Bilder.  Traurig
Esther Love Atidaa

    Hat bei Schülervertretung gearbeitet
Hat hier studiert: Univercity of Ghana
Aus Accra

    Arbeit und Ausbildung
        Univercity of Ghana

        I am a sociable, upbeat, faithful, nice to be around girl with a lovely smile that can melt ice. My sense of humor keeps me up even in the most difficult situations. I am feminine and charming, very active and energetic, but quite a strong personality. I am used to compromise, to be patient and to love with all my heart. I am the girl who has an optimistic and open outlook on life, ready to help you in whatever difficulties, also many-sided and self-developing. In my free time I enjoy doing many sports as I used to be a professional gymnast. I eat a healthy diet and I never smoke or use drugs. I love to kiss and to hug and to have passion in my life.

« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Januar 2014 um 15:05 von Webmaster »  
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