
World Wide Web anti-scam

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Normales Thema Elena <> (Gelesen: 3265 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 11167
Standort: Aachen
Mitglied seit: 22. August 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Elena <>
02. Juli 2012 um 14:22
Hi my friend! Do not worry. It's not spam. I am a real girl who wishes
to get acquainted with you. I have seen your profile on a dating site. 
I very badly understand on the Internet. Therefore I have asked the manager
the Internet - cafe to help me. He has helped me to find you.
I hope for you it's not a problem. Please tell me more about yourself,
your interests. My name is Elena. What is your name? I live in Russia.
My age of 28 years. I wish to find new acquaintances and good
friendship. And can be and a love! If you liked my structure write on
E-mail and I will send my photo and video. I hope you
all have correctly understood and you write to me the return letter.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Reply-To: "Elena" <>
From: "Elena" <>
Subject: I am glad get acquainted.
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 15:39:58 +0400
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« Zuletzt geändert: 10. November 2024 um 09:14 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

Beiträge: 67432
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #1 - 02. Juli 2012 um 21:11
Aus dem Album von Fotograf Івано-Франківськ:

Der übrigens auch professionelle Profilfotos für Datingseiten macht. 

« Zuletzt geändert: 09. November 2024 um 11:30 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28399
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #2 - 02. Juli 2012 um 22:34
Vlad ist wirklich ein  Smiley

oder ein blutiger Anfänger. Mit solchen Fotos kann man keinen Blumentopf gewinnen.

Das Foto im Startthread habe ich jetzt allerdings nur in S/W gefunden, man sieht aber, was Vlad dort abgesäbelt hat.

« Zuletzt geändert: 09. November 2024 um 11:45 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 11167
Standort: Aachen
Mitglied seit: 22. August 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #3 - 08. Juli 2012 um 11:59
Hello my new friend ! My name is Elena. I am very glad to get
acquainted with you. And I hope we can become good friends. I am not
very good at using internet but anyway I decided it is a good way to
get new friends. That is why I want to explain the reason why I am
here right now. It is possible I will visit your country soon and I
made my mind to get acquainted with a person from your country. And at
this point I am writing to you. I have never been abroad and I don't
have friends outside Russia. I really want to know more about you.
Could you please tell me about you, about your lifestyle in the next
letter. I hope it is not difficult for you. I will also write about
myself. It is interesting to find out about your family, maybe about
your job, friends and hobby. Ok, I am 28 years old. And I am sure it
is a good age for a lady. Because I am still young but nevertheless
have got a good life experience. My height - 170 sm and my weight 55
kg. You know I am fit because I like sports. One of the most important
things is to look after myself .In a sound mind ,a sound body. I am
sending my photos so you can see me. You know I am not very
photogenic. The photos are usually not very beautiful. But they are
important for correspondence so one can see another. I hope you will
like me. By the way I am looking forward to see your photos in the
next letter. It is very interesting for me to see a person you writing
to. So I want to ask you a few questions so we will know each other
better. What about sport? Alcohol? Smoking? Please tell me about your
habits. As for me I am an only child in the family and I don't have my
own kids but I have a dream. I have a dream to build my own family and
have wonderful children. My father died when I was a child. I really
miss him. My mother has been growing me since I was 2 years old and
she taught me alone. My mother works in hospital. She has got a good
job. She has been working in a hospital for a long time and she knows
a lot of people. She is respected in our city. I have got a few best
girl friends. I spend much of my spare time with them. They say I have
a good sense of humor. I like to laugh at a good joke. I am a cheerful
person so my friends do. I live in Mullovka. It is a small town. It
is situated 450 km far from Moscow. I think this information will help
you to know me better. I am looking forward to know about you, you
job, your city. I don't have bad habits, I don't smoke. I am sure it
is important for a lady not have bad habits. When gathering together
with friends I can drink a glass of wine but not more. I am really
keen on cooking. I usually cook fish soup, borsch, salads. You can
write about your favourite dish, or maybe your cooking experience. I
personally like flowers. They really make our life more beautiful-at
home, outside, at work. Oh yes I have forgotten to tell you about my
job. I work with children and I really like my job. I am a tutor in a
kindergarten. I teach little children. I think that is enough about
me. I has written a really big letter. I hope you are not tired of my
little letter. So what do you do? Where do you work? Please tell me
about your interests. I am really looking forward to your reply. I
hope my letter will not be lost with no attention. I will read your
letter with pleasure and will surely reply. Elena

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« Zuletzt geändert: 10. November 2024 um 09:16 von Webmaster »  
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Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28399
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #4 - 09. November 2024 um 11:24
Stiray schrieb on 02. Juli 2012 um 21:11:
Aus dem Album von Fotograf Івано-Франківськ:

Gibt es nicht mehr.
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