Hello, my dear xxx!!!
It is a honor for me to receive your answer! Thank you for your
message very much! I appreciate it. Thank you for telling me more
about yourself!! I like your photo very much! I respect the fact that
you were a xxx I strongly believe in God too. I am glad you are
ready for family too! I don't think that you are too old! Your age is
ok for me!
How are you doing today? Hope ok???? My day is going fine and your
letter made it even better! Did I tell you that I was a very
optimistic girl?

I guess I did. So I try never to be sad and always
smile no matter how difficult this life is sometimes!
I live in Ternopil region, Nagirianka village, it is close to the
mountains, very beautiful nature here! My name is Ira as you know, my
Birthday is on the 15th of May, I am Taurus!! 27 years old. I work as
a nurse at the local regional hospital, it is not in my village
situated so I need to go by bus every day to another town, it is
rather inconvenient but there is no work for me in my village. So I
need to cover a long distance to get to my job no matter if it is a
frost or heat outside!! But I love my work!
As for my family I send you the photos of them, it is my mom Natalya
first of all, I love her so much! Then my older sister Galina, and her
two daughters, my precious angels Vika and Marina!!! I also have
uncles, aunts and grannies but will tell you more about them later if
you will want of course. We are a happy united family!! Would you like
to join us some day?

)) I hope you like the photos I sent you today,
some of them are made at a studio, I went to Ternopil to a good photo
studio to make such a photos, so hope you like them.
We live in a village and as a usual country girl, I like nature,
animals, I like gardening in my small garden, I have fresh vegetables,
fruits and a lot of flowers there. I like cooking! My favorite dish is
Ukrainian borsch with vareniki! I believe every Ukrainian like it! I
am sure you will like it too!! I guess it is time for me to finish for
today. One more thing, like most people here I don't speak English at
all and will not be able to communicate with you on phone or something
like that right now:( I also use the service of translations to write
you this letter. This firm is not far from my work situated so it is
convenient for me to come here to write you a letter. We will keep our
contact through this service for some times but I promise to learn
English soon!!! I hope to hear from you soon!!! Kisses!!! Ira.