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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Jason <> <> (Gelesen: 8686 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12678
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
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Jason <> <>
12. Oktober 2011 um 13:45
Herr Jason Frederick hat sich vorgestern über Tagged mit mir in Verbindung gesetzt 
und am gleichen Tag 1 Mail geschrieben.  Zwinkernd

Hi, this will let you know a lot more about me. Then after you respond, I will ask you a hundred questions. Just kidding: I will ask questions but I like conversation to just flow and we can follow where ever it takes us.
As it is obvious by my profile, I am a Christian. I have been asked many times to describe, explain, or define how I use the label “Christian”. To answer that would take many pages but for now, I will give you some idea of what God means to me. God has been a very active part of my life, for about eleven years now. Before that, He was active in my life, but I just wasn’t doing my part. Life is a lot better when God leads me than when I jump out there and take control. To get to know me it doesn’t take long to find out that God is number one in my life. He deserves that position and not just because “He is God” but because of what he has done in my life. I can, and most likely will if given a chance to share with you these stories of the miraculous evidences of God moving in my life. After hearing those stories, you will understand that I owe Him much more than I can ever repay. However, I don’t stand on the corner with a sign around my neck that reads REPENT. I, of all people, probably should but I don’t. I don’t hand out tracks. I don’t walk around with a Bible under my arm just waiting to smack someone over the head with it. If God points me in someone's direction I will obey, but I am not going to try to force Jesus down someone's throat. Now, if they ask or if I bring it up in conversation and they are receptive and want to know more: Well let’s just say we had better sit down because this could take a while. It’s only natural to want to talk about the ones you love and I could, and have no doubt will again many times talk about God for hours on end. I will not point my finger in anyone’s face and tell them that they are living wrong and headed straight on the fast track to hell. I let the Holy Spirit do the convicting. We are all sinners and fall short so I don’t feel that it is up to me to beat anyone up over their failures. But don’t think that all I do is talk about "God is love"; having a relationship with God is very much like and is often a reflection of a marriage and if you cheat on your spouse they aren’t going to like it much at all and cheating on God is no different. OK, let me step down out off of my pulpit here. I hope you are still with me and haven’t just deleted this message.
I have had only a few serious relationships in my life: I never have been big on dating around or the dreaded bar scene. Met some interesting people there, (in the bars), but there is always where I left them. I have never left with someone. I value commitment very highly, and I want to invest in someone; and, I would like to get a return on those investments. Now so far as sex goes that is a capital investment and I honestly feel that when two people join together and make love you are joined and you have just given to that person a apart of yourself that you can never get back. They now share with you your intimacy, your love, and a special part of you that few people ever see. Unless you are like my sister, and go for anything that moves. I say that jokingly, but in honesty I look at his life and I see no heart in it. she has given herself so casually and loosely and so often to men that today she probably wouldn't know who they are or remember their name; now she has no love left to give. That is sad! OK, enough about sex: I think you can get the picture. Just one note though: Don’t think that I’m all Mr. Control. I have blood in my veins and I have a “very active sex drive.” Hey its fun, and I like it.
Wow: I went straight from God to sex! That’s weird, guess that shows where my priorities are I skipped right over food, job, hobbies, goals, family etc., but it looks like if I spend as much time on these things as I have so far, we'll be here till the wee hours of the morning.
I’ll tell you all about my goals for the future; and what I’m doing to get there, and what I have been doing for the past years if you can bear to hear it all (but not right now).
I am a “very affectionate person”: I love “to touch and be touched.” I love to “Hold hands” while walking, and at times while driving. I don’t like being smothered though; and I won’t smother someone else. Some times, just “the softest touch can carry a lot of weight.” “I love to kiss”, not tonsil hockey; but the “soft, sensuous kind” that make your knees weak or your stomach tighten like a balled fist. Just a breath on the nape of your neck...
And I like to wrestle play laugh and cut up run and swing just have a good time no matter where I'm at.
I am very protective.. When out in public I will physically place my body between the one I’m with and anything, person or object that I don’t like the looks of.
Independence is great, and like I said: I don’t like to smother anyone, but “personally when I am in love” that is the only woman I care about is my mom and my son, but they can’t give me what that “special person can.” “I enjoy pouring myself into that person.” “I want to be so in tune with her that we know what the other is thinking without saying a word.” That kind of relationship takes time to build and communication is the only way that kind of relationship can be achieved. I am pretty much an open book: I don’t believe in, nor do I want to keep you guessing. I don’t know how to keep secrets from my mate. Christmas and birthdays are excruciating for me. If I buy something long before a birthday or Christmas, I usually have to go out and get something else, because I can’t wait and want her to have it so bad, I give it to her early. So sometimes, I am a last minute shopper.
OK, now I’m just rambling. I am looking for a woman who is not afraid to Love. I am looking for a woman with heart. I am looking for a woman with a heart of worship; a heart of love; and a desire to be loved. I’m looking for that woman with a heart, and to share with a woman who can handle it gently without breaking it.
Well as for what i do for a living, Ive told you and i have been to several countries where i buy and sell antiques.i have been to countries like Europe, and especially UK, so I guess you know that traveling is one of my hobbies. I do love it, honey. So I will stop here, if none of this has scared you off; then send a reply To my this email address or add me on yahoo messenger jason_fred1965 so we can chat o.k.......and tell me more

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Subject: More About Me Jason!!!


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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Dezember 2011 um 12:53 von »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12678
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #1 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 13:50
Gestern dann gleich 2 Mails und Bilder.  Laut lachend

listen baby I am a very frank and open person, I see no point in lying, playing games, or indeed not being totally honest. I came on this site for one reason, and one reason only, I am indeed looking for a woman; I am very serious about finding the right woman .i'm a sincere honest man who wants love and be loved to create a family originated life and happiness with a good honest woman who wants care love support and happy life..

The most I want to need now is true love ,i am a serious, calm, purposeful, smart, honest, modest, elegant, sensitive, gentle, cheerful, optimistic, romantic, considered, responsible..good sense of humor,open-minded, many different interests..I have two boats I love to be out on the water fishing shelling diving..My perception of an ideal relationship: Quiet content partner who wants to be with her partner in free times but also needs space at times. Must be self-content and happy with herself(without issues).Homely type...true, intelligent woman and mutuality

In a relationship, i put the other person first, and hope to have the same in return.i like one who can play and work with me but still independent free willed..To fit together are good for being sincere and honest in love and take care of each other! Inner beauty is to understand each other, talk about problem and don’t lie. This is important rules and after that I think life is not a challenge anymore. I mean if you really like someone and you can smile and show your love to other people they will be jealousy and think why not we! If you understand and agree with me so are candle lights dinner, hot bath with champagne, travel, make love, be friends and soul mate in same person naturally for me!

Also it is important to must be really open and say what you don’t understand and wants to know. For it will much easy, we must talk and respect each other so we can enjoy the life .we so want be you agree?.......For a relationship to work well, I think there needs to be a number of features, the ability to communicate, not just verbally but with that inner understanding that two people that are in love have. The ability to work together for a common goal, to support one another, through the bad times as well as the good, the ability to listen and hear what your partner is saying. I am not looking for a wife that is afraid to give me her opinion or enter into discussion with me, I expect her to voice her opinions and I will always consider her opinions before I make any decision.

..Love is to give as much as it is to receive. I want to be able to look into your eyes and find understanding even without words, and I want to understand you silently too. I want my heart to beat faster when thinking of you, and a smile to magically appear on my face when looking at you. I want to laugh about the same things you laugh about. I want us to look into the same direction and walk the distance without thinking twice.. I want it all, but I am well worth it !

I am also a very, very tactile person, I love to touch, hug, stroke all the time, so if you are the same then it will work well. The ability to express oneself in a physical and sexual way with out inhibitions, to be able to walk hand in hand through crowded streets, kiss, cuddle without feeling embarrassed, being able to lay side by side in the privacy of the bedroom and caress and explore each other without fear. I suppose despite my military life I am still a born romantic

The person that I would marry will know that she has found someone to love her who is totally faithful to her and realistically would lay down his life for her and the family.I am not intimidated by height so any height up to and beyond 6 feet tall. Age is a number, personality and maturity are not measured in years..,because distance doesn't really matter in true love..... i wait to read from you dear..

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From: jason Fredrick <>


Subject: More ABout Me

Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 15:56:27 -0700

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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Dezember 2011 um 12:54 von »  

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General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32968
Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #2 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 13:51
email over Nigeria

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Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 12:41:06 -0700 (PDT)

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Oktober 2011 um 15:22 von lemansue »  
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General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32968
Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Jason<> <>
Antwort #3 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 13:54
email #1 over Nigeria

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Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 15:56:27 -0700

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Oktober 2011 um 15:22 von lemansue »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12678
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Jason<> <>
Antwort #4 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 13:54
Und hier die nächste Mail mit dem gleichen Text, aber einer anderen E-Mailadresse Schockiert/Erstaunt

listen baby I am a very frank and open person, I see no point in lying, playing games, or indeed not being totally honest. I came on this site for one reason, and one reason only, I am indeed looking for a woman; I am very serious about finding the right woman .i'm a sincere honest man who wants love and be loved to create a family originated life and happiness with a good honest woman who wants care love support and happy life..

The most I want to need now is true love ,i am a serious, calm, purposeful, smart, honest, modest, elegant, sensitive, gentle, cheerful, optimistic, romantic, considered, responsible..good sense of humor,open-minded, many different interests..I have two boats I love to be out on the water fishing shelling diving..My perception of an ideal relationship: Quiet content partner who wants to be with her partner in free times but also needs space at times. Must be self-content and happy with herself(without issues).Homely type...true, intelligent woman and mutuality

In a relationship, i put the other person first, and hope to have the same in return.i like one who can play and work with me but still independent free willed..To fit together are good for being sincere and honest in love and take care of each other! Inner beauty is to understand each other, talk about problem and don’t lie. This is important rules and after that I think life is not a challenge anymore. I mean if you really like someone and you can smile and show your love to other people they will be jealousy and think why not we! If you understand and agree with me so are candle lights dinner, hot bath with champagne, travel, make love, be friends and soul mate in same person naturally for me!

Also it is important to must be really open and say what you don’t understand and wants to know. For it will much easy, we must talk and respect each other so we can enjoy the life .we so want be you agree?.......For a relationship to work well, I think there needs to be a number of features, the ability to communicate, not just verbally but with that inner understanding that two people that are in love have. The ability to work together for a common goal, to support one another, through the bad times as well as the good, the ability to listen and hear what your partner is saying. I am not looking for a wife that is afraid to give me her opinion or enter into discussion with me, I expect her to voice her opinions and I will always consider her opinions before I make any decision.

..Love is to give as much as it is to receive. I want to be able to look into your eyes and find understanding even without words, and I want to understand you silently too. I want my heart to beat faster when thinking of you, and a smile to magically appear on my face when looking at you. I want to laugh about the same things you laugh about. I want us to look into the same direction and walk the distance without thinking twice.. I want it all, but I am well worth it !

I am also a very, very tactile person, I love to touch, hug, stroke all the time, so if you are the same then it will work well. The ability to express oneself in a physical and sexual way with out inhibitions, to be able to walk hand in hand through crowded streets, kiss, cuddle without feeling embarrassed, being able to lay side by side in the privacy of the bedroom and caress and explore each other without fear. I suppose despite my military life I am still a born romantic

The person that I would marry will know that she has found someone to love her who is totally faithful to her and realistically would lay down his life for her and the family.I am not intimidated by height so any height up to and beyond 6 feet tall. Age is a number, personality and maturity are not measured in years..,because distance doesn't really matter in true love..... i wait to read from you dear..

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From: jason Fredrick <>


Subject: More ABout Me

Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 15:56:27 -0700

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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Dezember 2011 um 12:56 von »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12678
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #5 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 14:01
Nächste Mail:

More about me,asked some few questions and I gave my own answers would want you to reply with your own answers too ..Favorite Food?......i like eating most foods especially gourmet foods, my background is Hungarian so i love cooking those sorta dishes,I'm more into savory than sweet things, i like cheese and crackers and pate, i like chicken but am allergic to seafood sorry.i cook well and love hosting dinner parties, as i like to entertain at home.....wot about u do u??

Favorite T.V. Show?.....well that list is endless, , but i like comedies and my favorite movies are thrillers i like suspense and drama and sheer anxiety, not knowing what is going to happen next., i do like sum of the US sitcoms such as friends, will and grace, all the csi programs, house, just to name a few.

Favorite Music?.......OK again this is an endless list, but i tell u what this might sound cony, i really like the era of the 80s, i grew up in that era and i have many favorite songs from there, i also like rock, jazz, even punk rock from the Brits hahah lol, i like a lot of Aussie artists as well, u probably wouldn't know of them but they are fun to listen too...

Favorite Movie?...............should i write an essay on all the films i have enjoyed, wow u should see my DVD collection, i have over 700 movie titles and as i said before i enjoy a lot of different genre of films and movies, docos, etc u would just have to come on over and take ur pic to watch with me ok

Favorite pet?.............i have both a lovely dog named precious, he's a Pomeranian, and he's about 8yrs old, i also have a cat named Sabrina, she is a huge cat and is one, no other pets but i like all sorts of animals ...well except spiders they freak me out

Favorite Drink?.......eek milk no thanks, but i do like wine red and white, don't like beer though, i drink lots of water, it compensates me when i get dehydrated hahah lol, i don't mind the odd drink or so sometimes, when I'm in the mood for a little fun, that's all, sum cocktails are nice and yummy siting relaxing under an umbrella by the each....OK

Do you really like your job?......yes i do its very rewarding and challenging, i am a contractor, and i also have a degree in social work ad counseling, i like to work with young people, and in my job i also work with the indigenous culture.

If we should marry would you still want to work? If so full or part time.....i like my job so yes if that won't an issue i would still like to work, but if u prefer me not to that is OK as well, but i make a good teacher and kids of all ages love me.

What is your favorite flower?.....cant think of one but i love purple roses, they are very hard to find though.would you consider the possibility of me meeting you?. i would consider the possibility of u meeting me of cos i would luv that very much, when, where, how???soon i hope lol.Where would you like to go on vacation?.......i would luv to have a holiday with u, that would be so fun, I'm sure u can tell me all the fantastic places u have been to, i would love to know about them, i believe a holiday is as good as a change in Ur life, enjoy it and make the most of it, so wot destination will u choose for us honey xx

Do you like picking out a man's cloths? I don't, but like shopping for a woman.....yes i luv going out for shopping but i would like u to pick wot u would like best, be cos i believe u too have to like it and of cos wear it i like buying special gifts for my sweetheart and spieling them with little surprises, i hope u like that cos u will get them from me hahahee OK sweets

What would you wish for, if you had a wish? wot a question, i do have an answer, it might sound corny but why can't i have u, simple but it would be so perfect i believe OK.What is your favorite stone?....well my birthstone is opal being the month i was born in October. but i like amythadist, pink saffire and rubies, they are all really beautiful

Do you like gold or silver, or both?...i prefer gold it looks nicer on my skin tone.Do you believe in long engagements? long is long?? no too long is no good, u either want to marry or not, and be with each other for the rest of ur lives,i believe u know if u want to be with someone u will be, there is no point being engaged if Ur intentions are not to marry that person, that's wot i think anyhow,but u will know whether true luv is there forever and if it is nothing should stop it OK sweets, so my answer would be no i wouldn't want a long engagement, whats the point in that, get it over with be married and enjoy life together as a married couple hahhaha
If you could do any type of career, what would it be?.....hmmmm well i suppose i chose the career I'm i whether its the right one I'm not certain, all i do know that I'm happy were i am now in my life

If you could visit any place, what would it be? come and visit u, if u wold let me of cos, or even better for u to cum and visit me OK.If you could learn any new skill, what would it be?....wot would urs be? I'm stuck on this on can't think of anything as yet u see I've tried most things in my life u ask me i bet I've done it or tried it, sum probably i shouldn't say but when i was young i did do a lot of silly things, sum regret others i enjoyed but it was all part of experimenting and growing up in I'm so lad back and take each day as it comes, i do enjoy the roller-coaster style of life the ups and downs, not the merry go round its always the same and it makes me sick going round and around , u understand wot i mean don't u!

If you could eat anything you wanted right now, what would it be?.....well i just had lunch so not hungry, but i suppose i could eat u....yummy.If you could have anything you wanted right now, what would it be?......u of cos silly wot more can a girl need.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?.....everyone says world peace but not me, i couldn't change the world only god can, and those who believe in him, u make Ur own destiny, u have to challenge yourself to survive in life, don't be afraid of wot is out there,be independent and be strong, i know i try to be.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?...nothing i like who i am and the person i have become, i could loose a few pounds though hahaha.If you could fly, where would you go?....if i had wings i would fly into Ur arms right now, would like that.

If you could have one wish, what would it be for?........aha a double jeopardy question sorta the same as before but yet different, i let u answer that first, I'm still thinking about it, my mind is working overtime here u know.If you could meet one person from the past, who would it be?....i would luv to have known my sister and grew up with he, unfortunately he passed away when she was quite young from a brain tumor, i know one day i will see her again, god bless xx

Should couples live together before marriage?....they can thee is nothing wrong with that, sum couple consider that as marriage even without the official paperwork, as long as u love one another and are truthfully, u can be soul mates forever without being married....i don't think its a sin like sum people might think.Honesty is always the best policy, even if it hurts...yes i agree u should be honest with one another, go with the good and bad, that's life it happens OK my luv.u warm my heart

where were you born,where did you grow up?..i have lived all my life in Fremont,Indiana and i grew up here my dear ..Lost my dad while i was a kid and was raised by Mom all by herself and she lives with me now ..
do you have brothers or sisters?..i have sister. and a brother my younger brother lives in Bellaire,Ohio married to his wife and first younger brother died some few years ago and one of my sister lives with me be cos she just got divorced and she has to move out before the divorce process takes place so she lives with me now ..and my sister is 55years old..
tell me about your work.?Not really much to talk about my work other than buying from somewhere to sell to other people and when it comes to construction ,I am in charge of selling out building materials used for construction ,its a nice job and i have been involved in it for over 15years old and it pays real good..
have you ever been married or do you children?..Oh yeah ,I have but lost my late wife years ago and yes i do have just one son and he is all i have got in this world.she died of a cancerand being in and out of dates but they never seem to work so my sister introduced me to the site where we met sweetie and hope things will work out fine for us be cos am sincerely seeking for that wonderful woman
what kind of car do you have or prefer?.I have a Camry2009 model,its very expensive but a sweet car and trust me you will love it ,Just completed payments on it some few months ago and its a nice car,i do love it also i have two trucks.a gmc sonoma and a dodge ram charger.the dodge is four wheel drive and i love going to the mountains in is terrible on gas mileage but take the back seat out and i can put a full size mattress in it...instant four wheel drive camper.i love to back country camp out in the middle of nowhere away from everybody.ever run around in the woods naked?it can be a lot of fun.
are you a morning person or a night owl?..I'm adaptable.i can get up early or sleep late or even better...fight over(or under) the covers when ever the urge hits.which do you like?..Well i will also say i do have a strange sleeping habits,can wake up anytime and sleep anytime..its really strange so don't be surprised when you see me online anytime my dear..
shower or tub?...most of the time i prefer a shower.i have always wanted a double shower,more room to play in.but a big whirlpool tub is so nice, can have alot of fun with the jets.WOW!..I do have a tub also though
do you live in a home or apartment?urban or rural?..i am a man of modest means.i live in a house which i bought a long time ago honey at the present that belongs to's urban but lots of neighbors.i do have a very private yard where i like to sunbathe.i need someone to help with the oil though.know any volunteers?i sometimes burn so i need lots of 'coverage'.think you can help me with that?
how tall are you?..i am only 5'8" and yes i get teased about being a little tall but i don't mind.i really like when a woman wraps her arms around my shoulders with my head on her head.being a little tall has it's advantages, is so romantic when a woman wraps her arms around your waist and picks you up to kiss's been a long time since anyone did that and i think i would melt if you did it.
do you prefer long hair or short?How long your hair is ,doesn't really matter what I am looking for is that woman with that special heart of gold so the hairstyle does not really matter to me.

but seriously,i pray to god everyday if this is not real,honest,and true,that he take you away from me.i tell him that i want so much for it to be real but if it's not,to stop you from writing me.then,when you do write back,i'm so brings me a step closer to believing that god had a hand in bringing us biggest concern is that i would be like a daisy living among roses.i said this to a friend and he said don't sell myself short.he said he always thought i was better than the life i have had and said he hopes it works out.i almost cried.i thanked him for the vote of confidence and said a prayer that he is you think a daisy can live among roses?i hope so....much love...

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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #6 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 14:05
Eingeliefert über Nigeria

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Decimal:	1384142105
ISP:	Multi-Links Telecommunications Limited
Organization:	Reserved for future use
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Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Dynamic IP
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« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Oktober 2011 um 15:21 von lemansue »  
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General Counsel

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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #7 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 15:26
info from yahoo

Jason Fredrick
Een man - South Bend, Indiana
Soo Sad And Confused!!! 17 dagen geleden
Lid sinds: 26/08/2011

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General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32968
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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #8 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 15:29
also to find on facebook whit the yahoo account

Jason Fredrick
Basic Information
Gender      Male

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General Counsel


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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #9 - 12. Oktober 2011 um 18:54

Die Mails sind alles typische Scammermails.

Bei RomanceScam ist er ebenfalls gelistet.
Herkunft wird aus den USA angegeben, Mails kommen aber durchwegs aus Nigeria.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #10 - 13. Oktober 2011 um 13:06
Hallo und wieder eine Mail.  Durchgedreht

Am very happy to meet you is like our dreams are the same,and i believe with trust love ,care and understand,it shall come true.Most people dream of many things some people want money, fame, and even popularity for me, my dream is simple, my dream is having the ultimate love.Not love of money, or things.Not love of fame, or fortune.But a love for a woman that reaches far beyond something you can touch My dream is about a love for an incredible woman.Someone who is strong minded, yet gentle in her heart Someone passionate about her beliefs, but interested in my thoughts Someone that will love me for all of my wonderful qualities, and love me despite all of my unique traits. My love and I would have total trust for each other.i am also looking for the right woman..That woman that We could talk for hours about nothing just be together and just thanking God why he brought us together. Our most secret desires we would not even have to speak When life turns bad, we would run into each others arms and when life turns good, we would be thankful for being able to share it. we would have trust that no matter what, we would not be judged and our love would endear anything life had to offer : I imagine our families laughing at our silliness they enjoy our games, our laughter, our love they always would know that we loved each other, and when the time is right, they will know what kind of love to look for. I imagine growing old with her, yet ever stronger our love will be like a passion , never letting nature have its say i imagine making love everyday, yet feeling like its a new and wonderful experience every time we see love in the others eyes, we know that no other love is greater than ours So you see, my dream is simple simple in its intention simple in its desire simple in that today its only a dream.


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« Zuletzt geändert: 13. Oktober 2011 um 13:15 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #11 - 13. Oktober 2011 um 13:16

Nun ist es aber genug - Mail wieder über Nigeria.

Alles auswählen
IP Address
Location 	NG NG, Nigeria
City 	Lagos, 05 -
Organization 	Reserved for future use
ISP 	Multi-Links Telecommunications Limited
AS Number 	AS36954 Multi-Links Telecommunications Limited 

Smiley Smiley
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

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Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #12 - 14. Oktober 2011 um 09:57
Hilfe, Jason Frederick braucht Geld!
Irgendwie kommt mir das bekannt vor !

Hi Baby,
I have thought about you all day, today is not a good day for me. It was hit with a big blow. And if it's alright I just need someone to talk to, to vent all this. So if you don't want to listen, that's OK to. Anyway i the whole project is over now and i got paid as they promised but i wasnt paid in cash i was given check,i asked them why they wont give me cash and they explained to me that is is not safe working around with that huge amount of money,also i tried to access my credit card down here but it wont work,i am just realising here is crappity smacked,I just can't believe this is happening to me right now as i am so stranded right now it is gonna cost me about $1200 to get outta here,i spoke with my sister she said things are so tight that she can only send me $500,i tried to reason with her because she has been taking care of Bill and morever i have always been the one helping her,honey i know this doesn't seem right and i dunno what you gonna think of me right now but i am hoping if you could loan me $800 more to add up with the 700 my sister is gonna send then i can get outta here which i promise to return back to you the moment i get back to the states I am sorry, I know you are wondering if you want to be involved with me now. And I understand. I have a close family but they just don't have money to help. Baby it's just a heart breaking mess. There's just no way I can come up with $700.00 down here 
OK thanks for letting me talk. Like I said I have thought about you all day hoping all this mess wouldn't turn you off, please don't let it. 
Baby I really like you, there are very few things we don't match up on. I like most foods again, except India foods, don't care for the spices. I like to cook to, I love having cookouts and inviting friends. I love hosting parties., mainly like and parties or around the pool, etc. As for meeting you, that would be a big yes. I feel we need to talk a little more and plan something to meet in the next little while. I need you to understand that I'm not comfortable going off to a place I don't know, it nothing against you. I don't feel I have any reason to not trust you. I'm just a male that doesn't feel safe traveling alone anywhere,I always want my woman to always be with me ... I think once we work out that first meeting, , then going off on a weekend would be nice, and believe me I would

love to get you alone. What about your family? Are you close?

Baby I am still just blown away with you. I have never met you but it's like I've known you. I feel all warm inside when I see your picture. I feel like God has lead me your way. I just can't explain how much I look forward to coming home to meet you,Please if you can help with whatevr amoutn you can I would really appreciate it ..I am not lieing and not playing games ..If you can help me I promise and assure you that once i get to the states I will refund it back to you , hope to hear from you soon. Baby thank you so much for just being you !!!!!!



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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #13 - 14. Oktober 2011 um 10:18
jetzt muß Herr Frederick mal schleimen,
damit er ja das Geld von mir bekommt.   Zwinkernd Zwinkernd Zwinkernd


Hey Beautiful, I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and to put that smile I love so much back on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.
I tell you this everyday, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I've ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you.
I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we've been together, we have grown so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, XXXX, with all my heart and soul, always and forever!

Love always,


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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
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Re: Jason <> <>
Antwort #14 - 14. Oktober 2011 um 10:25
Über chat habe ich ihm gesagt,das ich evtl. helfen könnte 
und schon sind die Daten für die Überweisung da.  Augenrollen

Hello darling am really happy youre helping me out with the little problems am having  here and i really appreciate it soo much and i promise i wont let you down as soon as i get my check cashed i will wire the money back to you..... well the total money i need is 750Euros which will  cover the fees the  bank needed  so  as to get  the check cashed ,you will have to send to me through WESTERN UNION.... here are the information you will be needed to get the money sent  ....

Recievers Name: Onile Olawale Funsho

States: Oyo States

City: Ibadan

Zip: 02234

Country: Nigeria 

My Co-work will be helping me recieve  the money and that his info above ...Am soo glad youre such a kind woman with soft heart in helping me and i look out in meeting you soon ....hopefully after you send the money and i get my check cleared i might be heading  to Germany on a one  or two weeks visit to you so as to prove to you how serious i am in having a  serious relationship with you.........So darling i will need you to send to me information which i will be needing to be able to get the money here after you send.... Senders Name, City, State and your Zip Code and also dont forget about the text question and answer which you use ...Thanks for been there for me youre such a darling and youve just left me in happiness now and i hope you wont fail me as you promise in helping me i wait to read from you  soonest ....Much Love,



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