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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) David <> <> (Gelesen: 4893 mal)
Veronika Maria

David <> <>
21. Juni 2011 um 16:42
Ich werde seit Tagen von einem Mann namens David Williams (49 Jahre) über Mails kontaktiert. 
Er sei Schwede und lebe jetzt in Liverpool UK. Seine Frau sei vor 3 Jahren verstorben und er habe eine 10-jährige Tochter. 
Jetzt weiß ich nicht, ob es sich hier um eine SCAM handelt oder nicht. 
Bilder von sich und seiner Tochter hat er mir ebenfalls gemailt. 
Komischerweise hat er meine Daten über Stayfriends gefunden, hier habe ich dann auch noch angebliche Schulfreunde gefunden, die ebenfalls im Internet auf einer "Schwarzen Liste" stehen. Hier wird davor gewarnt, dass es sich um Betrüger handeln soll. Das Bild eines Freundes habe ich im Netz gefunden. 
Aber, was ist mit David. Schickt denn wirklich jemand Fotos von sich und seiner Tochter, wenn er nicht ganz koscher ist?  hä?

Hier einer seiner Texte:

How are you doing today my friend, but below are some things about me you might want to know. I am David williams, I'm a Swedish, but presently I am an independent contractor here in Liverpool, I deal on heavy underground cables and copper wires for constructions and telecommunications networking, I supply goods both in and outside of Uk and I live in Liverpool (UK). I lost my wife three years ago, and I have two lovely daughters and her name is AJ

I am an independent man who loves working and planning and in search of a lovely woman who will forever remain my life partner as well as growing older together. I don't smoke, but sometimes take Social drinks. All I want now is someone who can be comfortable at an important public function but has no problem getting sand between her toes at the beach! Sure enough of herself to open herself to loving and caring about that special man in her life. I am intelligent, funny, honest and responsible.

A woman who can communicate what she desires and has the ability to listen someone who is positive and believes that every day holds something amazing. The ability to share her heart, her mind I want to share my life with someone and it won't be as a playmate. You need to be ready to make a commitment if the relationship matures.

I am a very passionate man, and I need a passionate woman to be my partner someone who is romantic, and thoughtful. I like touching and being touched caressing and being held or just holding hands while watching a movie or sitting on the sofa. She should see sex as something to be enjoyed by both of us. And hopefully not play games with that part of the relationship.

No woman had ever captured my attention so fully the way you do dear, i just thought I would be able to make it all alone without someone in my life, but since I saw you here have got to know the value of a woman in a man's life. And also to let you know that the distance and language can never come in as a barrier cause all that matters is understanding, as I am ready to travel miles just to spend the rest of my life time with the woman I love.

I will be glad to call you if you send me your cell phone number. I can only wish and hope that you like my photo, I’m sorry if I bore you with this long letter.

I will like to keep in constant communication with you, so that we can get to know more about ourselves my treasure.

« Zuletzt geändert: 11. Dezember 2011 um 10:58 von »  

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General Counsel

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Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 28. März 2011
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Re: David <> <>
Antwort #1 - 21. Juni 2011 um 17:02
Der Mann ist Jonathan CainSmiley

Der Musiker und Songschreiber vor kurzem von Wine Country in Nordkalifornien zu Brentwood, Tennessee mit seiner Frau und drei Kinder, und er ist der Wein von seinem De la Cain Weingut in Sonoma County Healdsburg, Kalifornien zu Music City gebracht.

« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 19:26 von zapparella »  

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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Standort: Hinterposemuckeltonne
Mitglied seit: 05. Juli 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: David <> <>
Antwort #2 - 21. Juni 2011 um 17:10
@ Racheengel

Hi Zwinkernd  Smiley

Ist das dein richtiger Name??

er wäre besser wenn du dir einen anderen Namen hier zulegst!!!

Du hast deinen Namen und deine E-Mail Adresse hier gepostet, das ist nicht so richtig Zwinkernd

Du musst den Namen und Adresse von deinem "Scammer" posten!!!
wie es geht steht hier:

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Juni 2011 um 15:03 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: David <> <>
Antwort #3 - 21. Juni 2011 um 17:14
US-amerikanischer Pop-Rock-Musiker, geboren mit dem Namen Jonathan Leonard Friga. 
Mit seiner ersten Heirat hat er den Nachnamen seiner Frau angenommen und heisst jetzt Jonathan Cain.
Der 61-jährige Musiker aus Chicago lebt zur Zeit in Nashville, Tennessee, und ist zum zweiten Mal verheiratet.

Wikipedia: Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 19:26 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: David <> <>
Antwort #4 - 21. Juni 2011 um 17:22
How are you doing today my friend, but below are some things about me you might want to know. I am David williams, I'm a Swedish, but presently I am an independent contractor here in Liverpool, I deal on heavy underground cables and copper wires for constructions and telecommunications networking, I supply goods both in and outside of Uk and I live in Liverpool (UK). I lost my wife three years ago, and I have two lovely daughters and her name is AJ

Hier shreibt bestimmt wieder mein alter Bekannter Billy Hosel
Der ist immer noch mit der gleichen Story unterwegs.

Ich verwette meinen  Smiley , dass die Mails aus Nigeria kommen.

@ Racheengel


Dann sende uns doch noch ein paar Quelltext zu den Mails, die du gepostet hast.
Am besten der Reihe nach, von der ersten bis zur letzten.
Dann können wir dem Gaukler auch die richtige Heimat verpassen.

Bilder, die du bekommen hast bitte auch.

« Zuletzt geändert: 11. Dezember 2011 um 10:54 von »  
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Veronika Maria

Re: David <> <>
Antwort #5 - 21. Juni 2011 um 18:59
Sehr gerne und das Bild, das er mir geschickt hat, das ist dem Musiker Jonathan Cain, Nashville, zuzuordnen. 
Danke dem Chat!

Hier bekommt Du jetzt von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite alles was er verfasst hat.

Dear xxx,

How are you doing today my friend, but below are some things about me you might want to know. I am David williams, I'm a Swedish, but presently I am an independent contractor here in Liverpool, I deal on heavy underground cables and copper wires for constructions and telecommunications networking, I supply goods both in and outside of Uk and I live in Liverpool (UK). I lost my wife three years ago, and I have two lovely daughters and her name is AJ
I am an independent man who loves working and planning and in search of a lovely woman who will forever remain my life partner as well as growing older together. I don't smoke, but sometimes take Social drinks. All I want now is someone who can be comfortable at an important public function but has no problem getting sand between her toes at the beach! Sure enough of herself to open herself to loving and caring about that special man in her life. I am intelligent, funny, honest and responsible.
A woman who can communicate what she desires and has the ability to listen someone who is positive and believes that every day holds something amazing. The ability to share her heart, her mind I want to share my life with someone and it won't be as a playmate. You need to be ready to make a commitment if the relationship matures.
I am a very passionate man, and I need a passionate woman to be my partner someone who is romantic, and thoughtful. I like touching and being touched caressing and being held or just holding hands while watching a movie or sitting on the sofa. She should see sex as something to be enjoyed by both of us. And hopefully not play games with that part of the relationship.
No woman had ever captured my attention so fully the way you do dear, i just thought I would be able to make it all alone without someone in my life, but since I saw you here have got to know the value of a woman in a man's life. And also to let you know that the distance and language can never come in as a barrier cause all that matters is understanding, as I am ready to travel miles just to spend the rest of my life time with the woman I love.
I will be glad to call you if you send me your cell phone number. I can only wish and hope that you like my photo, I’m sorry if I bore you with this long letter.
I will like to keep in constant communication with you, so that we can get to know more about ourselves my treasure.

Dear xxx
Thank you so much for your beautiful respond I am glad that you can understand English this will make our communication a lot easier. I thought a lot about you today and I was thinking what you are doing when you are alone my dear and I would really like to know more about you and be a part of your life too, no woman has ever made me felt this way ever since the death of my wife.
And I am very glad that faith and destiny has us to each other my dear I promise to treat you with love and honesty my dear I will really advice you to create an account with so that we might be able to have a chat online and get to know more about each other my angel, and I believe that communication is the key to every successful relationship.
I wish you a beautiful and heavenly dream tonight my angel.
Loads of kisses

Dear xxx
Thank you so much for your beautiful respond I am glad that you can understand English this will make our communication a lot easier. I thought a lot about you today and I was thinking what you are doing when you are alone my dear and I would really like to know more about you and be a part of your life too, no woman has ever made me felt this way ever since the death of my wife.
And I am very glad that faith and destiny has us to each other my dear I promise to treat you with love and honesty my dear I will really advice you to create an account with so that we might be able to have a chat online and get to know more about each other my angel, and I believe that communication is the key to every successful relationship.
I wish you a beautiful and heavenly dream tonight my angel.
Loads of kisses

oh no my darling how can i do something like that you are the woman of my dream that i want to spend the o rest of my life with my darling you are so nice to me you have giver me life how can i turn that down it was an internet error
please forgive me i am sorry my  darling is like you don't  want to talk to me.
please my angel i am dealing to talk you can you see that you are the most important person in my life you are so sweet my dear and wonderful please my darling come online i want to hear your voice

my darling if i send them for you will you come online now i am online now please i am sorry to ask you this favored i hope you will not be angry i will be waiting this are my photo i hope you like it
my darling i have read everything that you have said i will send you some of my daughter photo my darling i will love to call you my darling come online now so that i can have your cell phone number so i can call you please ( uk)
these are some of my daughters photos and hope you like them........

Good morning my xxx,
How was your night?... It gives me a wonderful feeling when i wake up every morning to know that there is a special person in my life, and that special person is you, my life is so beautiful because of the colors you give to my life, my heart rejoices whenever i think of you, knowing that someday our dreams will become a reality, i can never imagine a life without you, because i day without thinking of you is a day wasted and i love and adore you, you are the queen of my heart and i will never let you go, i wish you a brighter day with so much love from my heart, i hope to see you online tonight, a big hug and kisses to you.

Love always

my darling first i am happy that i have you now, i am sad now i have never wrote a woman before i was shock that you reply to me i have never see a woman so beautiful like this i told my  daughter about  you she where so happy my dear your message is so sweet there are so many question i want ask you do you have kids, what  do you do for a living .
I have added you to my messenger and I do not know if you have but please if you can find time to come on chat I promise I can tell you anything you wish to know about me and my life

hello angel
I could kiss you a thousand times and still not be satisfied. My love for you is endless, so tender, so hot and complete. I swear to God I want you in my life. I love you more and more with each day passing and it eases me to know as tomorrow approaches, that I will love you more then yesterday and tomorrow will be more then today. My love for you cannot be measured by words alone as love does express my true feelings for angel i said you that i don't no anybody call by Corinne please trust me i promised to be honest to you and my daughter said she want to see your photo  

Hello xxx 
It's a new day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent talking.and i want you too know that i we never leave you. you 
means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go.
I we never let  you go out of my side i promised you i will be your husband and honest and caring that will alway love and care please do not think that i we do anything that we hunt you and i am so very sorry for not replying you early you have give me life please keep it safe my darling i will love your daughter as my own daughter i cant stop thinking about you my darling i will be online later in the evening when i am back from office and i want you to send some of your photo
my love i missed you too my darling i want talk to you now before i go to bed my love i am online now

Hello xxx
Good Morning My Beautiful Angel,
How was your night, i presume you slept well, i have truly missed you so much my queen, i wish am talking to you now , words alone can not express how much i love and cherish you my baby, i long to be with you every moment of my life.
You are the most significant part of my life, you are my better half, you complete me my treasure, I'm addicted according to your strength of your character,it fills me whole... I see you everyday in my dreams, i can imagine your perfect smile, i wonder every moment of the day, how our first meeting is going to be my love, as for me, i will hold you so tight in my arms and kiss you again and again until eternity my love, you are truly a gift to world.
In the soft candlelight I want to show you my love with the embers of my lips on your naked body and the fire kindled in me Passionate we will love each other and our silent longing Let me feel your lust and your hands over my trembling body glide until the blood my boil in our veins... i love you forever and ever Sigrid, until eternity end and start all over again my queen... You are worth the wait my baby
my treasure please i want you to know that i we never do anything to hunt you
Wet and passionate kisses to you

Hello xxx
Good Morning My Beautiful Angel,
How was your night, i presume you slept well, i have truly missed you so much my queen, i wish am talking to you now , words alone can not express how much i love and cherish you my baby, i long to be with you every moment of my life.
You are the most significant part of my life, you are my better half, you complete me my treasure, I'm addicted according to your strength of your character,it fills me whole... I see you everyday in my dreams, i can imagine your perfect smile, i wonder every moment of the day, how our first meeting is going to be my love, as for me, i will hold you so tight in my arms and kiss you again and again until eternity my love, you are truly a gift to world.
In the soft candlelight I want to show you my love with the embers of my lips on your naked body and the fire kindled in me Passionate we will love each other and our silent longing Let me feel your lust and your hands over my trembling body glide until the blood my boil in our veins... i love you forever and ever veronika until eternity end and start all over again my queen... You are worth the wait my baby
my treasure please i want you to know that i we never do anything to hunt you
Wet and passionate kisses to you
my darling i told you that i we never do anything to hunt you please my sweetheart i want you to trust me trust is the key to any relationship my love i am online now in my office

Hello my dearest xxx
Good day my dear how are you i am still thinking about you please i can stop thinking about my darling i now you are angry with me my sunshine please don't walk out of my life and my daughter life you are the happiest thing that have happen to my life 
since three year life had been are the bless to family life please don't walk out please  
kisses to you  

my dearest xxx
How are you I hope you have a wonderful day my darling i was thinking about you my darling I can not repay you for so much happiness you brought to me and my daughter life I am so happy that God has bless me it you my treasure promised me that you will be by my side and you promised to love me for what I am and my love to have you as stepmother and I will love you to become my sunshine my darling
I really want you to fine time and come with me so can so I we have the opportunity to tell you her much I care about you
I wish you lovely night and sweet dream
Kiss kiss

Hello my dear xxx
How was your night my dear I hope you slept well  I could say that you complete me...but that would be a lie, because every morning when I wake I long for you more than the day before. I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I'd be dreaming of you ... but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren't a dream 
My dear please sand me some of your beautiful photo 
Good morning my angel

Hello xxx
good day my darling how are you doing today my darling
Thank you so much for your careing. I thought a lot about you today and I was 
thinking what you are doing when you are alone my dear and I would really like 
to know more about you and be a part of your life too, no woman has ever made 
me felt this way ever since the death of my wife.
And I am very glad that faith and destiny has us to each other my dear I 
promise to treat you with love and honesty my dear I will really advice you to 
create an account with so that we might be able to have a chat 
online and get to know more about each other my angel, and I believe that 
communication is the key to every successful relationship.
this is the http that we help you to registrat
I wish you a beautiful day my angel.
Loads of kisses

hello my dear 
  how are you today you promised that you we never hunt me you make me cry you said that fake you sent me some name i not no you are the only woman that make me happy i want to church pay for us that we live long i told you that i we never do anything to hunt you i don't know what to tell you that why i don't reply you early please you promised me that you will not talk out of my life what do you want to tell my daughter now you was a sent from God to us happy my angel you are livening me to dead how can you say you saw me in the scan do you see my photo please dot do that to me i am in love we you my angel think about my daughter what she will do now you are like Hello Dearestlight come and go 
my angel how was your night and i hope you slept well my dear this morning i have been praying for both of us believing God to answer all our prayer and i know God will do it for us and i wish you do best day ever and please forgiver me
i care for you so much

Join David Williams on Yahoo! Messenger.  
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So, und nun bin ich also mit so einem tollen Hecht liiert?!!!

Ich glaub das alles nicht.
« Zuletzt geändert: 11. Dezember 2011 um 11:03 von »  
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Veronika Maria

Re: David <> <>
Antwort #6 - 21. Juni 2011 um 19:03
David Williams [] uk
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 19:37 von zapparella »  
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Veronika Maria

Re: David <> <>
Antwort #7 - 21. Juni 2011 um 19:05
Wenn er aus Nigeria kommt, da habe ich so meine Erfahrungen mit. Meine damals 9-jährige Tochter ist von einem Nigerianer sexuell missbraucht worden und ist heute noch in der Taumaambulanz. Diesen David Williams werde ich auch fertig machen, ich habe Jonathan Cain bereits kontaktiert, dass seine Blder im Internet unter einem anderen Pseudonym veröffentlich werden. 

« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 19:33 von zapparella »  
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Veronika Maria

Re: David <> <>
Antwort #8 - 21. Juni 2011 um 19:07
Hier noch ein zweites Bild:
« Zuletzt geändert: 11. Dezember 2011 um 11:04 von »  

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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 5288
Standort: Hinterposemuckeltonne
Mitglied seit: 05. Juli 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: David <> <>
Antwort #9 - 21. Juni 2011 um 19:19
@ Racheengel

lese dir bitte die Bordregeln durch, da steht auch wie man postet!

Brief, den Quelltext dazu und Fotos Zwinkernd

was ein Quelltext ist steht hier:

falls du es nicht weißt
Quelltext ist sehr wichtig!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Juni 2011 um 15:04 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: David <> <>
Antwort #10 - 21. Juni 2011 um 19:39
@ Racheengel

Ich habe jetzt (hoffentlich) überall deinen realen Namen durch "xxx" ersetzt.
Der Scammer braucht nicht zu wissen, wer ihn hat auffliegen lassen.
Das schützt dich und uns!!

Wenn dein Nick hier bei uns ebenfalls etwas mit deinem realen Namen zu tun hat, dann gehe bitte in dein Kontrollzentrum und ändere ihn.
Wenn du das erledigt hast und uns noch die Quelltext gesendet hast, dann kann ich den  Smiley in den öffentlichen Bereich verschieben.

Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, dann schicke mir einfach eine Nachricht hier oder schreibe sie in diesen Beitrag.
Wir werden dir dann weiterhelfen.
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Juni 2011 um 15:04 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: David <> <>
Antwort #11 - 21. Juni 2011 um 19:43

Die Yahoo-ID ist noch relativ neu - leider ohne Avatar.  unentschlossen

David Williams
Updates erhalten

    Mitglied seit: 21.05.2011

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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: David <> <>
Antwort #12 - 21. Juni 2011 um 19:49
Dafür habe ich mit der Yahoo-ID ein weiteres Profil auf Facebook gefunden:
Dort nennt sich der Komiker allerdings Mark George.  Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend
Schade, dass die Infos nicht einsehbar sind, aber ich hab ihn gleich mal verpfiffen.

Mark George

Geschlecht      Männlich

Mark teilt nur manche Profilinformationen mit allen. Wenn du Mark kennst, füge ihn als Freund hinzu oder sende ihm eine Nachricht.

« Zuletzt geändert: 11. Dezember 2011 um 11:05 von »  

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