Hello xxxxxxx!It's Katy from Russia. Hope you did not forget about me.
Thanks for your message. I've been very glad to get it. I am writing
you from my work e-mail, because I have troubles with home computer
but I have saved your address )) xxxxxxx, now I am happy we can continue
our correspondence. How are you? Hope you are reading this in a good
mood. It is very unusual for me to correspond through the Internet
especially on my not native language, but I will do my best to tell
you something about me. At first as you already know I live in Russia,
my city is Urzhum that is about 950 km from Moscow. It's not very big
city, about 12000 people living here. I will tell you little more
about my home in one of my next letters ok? I am 28 and I was born 30
of Jule. At this moment I live alone at my own flat with my little dog
Nike. I broke with my ex boyfriend about half year ago. There was a
lot of of lie from him so I stopped any relations with him. If we
become good friends, I will tell you about it later. So as you see, at
first I am looking for honest and caring man. I've been in foreign
countries few times and I saw a lot of Russian woman living there
happy life, maybe that's why I tried to meet someone in Internet. My
family live in a city that is about 200 km from here, they are living
in their own house and have a garden where I like to work at my free
time. I am trying to visit them as often as I can and help them as
much as I can. If you want to know more about my family just let me
know and I will tell you about it in one of my next letters. Ok
something more about me... As I already said I am single now and I
have no kids. My height is 169 cm and my weigh is 56 kg. Xxx, what is
your height? 5 years ago I finished university as a manager and at
this moment I work as accountant at firm which sells different staff
for gardening. Of cause this is not my dream job but this is not such
hard and it pays quite enough to be self employed woman. What you do
for living and do you like your job? As you understand my native
language is Russian but I also know English well so I can write and
read it without translator and speak a little. I studied it in school
and then in University so it's great we can understand and get to know
each other better. I want to tell you little more about my goals in
life. At this moment I want to find a good partner for me. He must be
a man who understand me and with whom I am absolutely spiritually
compatible. The man who can always care about his woman and trying
best to be happy together. That's all I want. Another things are not
very important for me: age, appearance... As you see we have age
difference. I want to tell you this is not a trouble for me, more to
say I like man of your age. xxxxxxx can you tell me what are you looking
for and what is most important for you in a partner? I think I will
stop here, it took me about half hour to write this letter

me in advance if I answer you with delay, but I will do it as soon as
I can... I want to wish you a good day or night )) and hope to get an
answer from you soon with some more info about you and a few another
pics ok? By the way, I have attached a few photos of me. Hope you will
like it. Bye for now! Katy.