Mein armer Declan hat ein Problem: seine Tochter liegt im Krankenhaus und er kann das nicht bezahlen.
Natürlich soll ich als liebende Mutter mal eben aushelfen mit 3000 Dollar.
...Blöde nur, dass er mich auf der Arbeit erwischt hat, aber nach der Arbeit werde ich mich natürlich darum kümmern - habe ich ihm versprochen.
Aber erst einmal soll er mir seinen Paß schicken; das macht er natürlich sofort. My love am sending you my pass sport and the picture of my daughter in the hospital.
My love please you have to send the money today so that i can pay the doctors here so that they can continue treating my daughter before i leave here,i will pay you back the money when i come and meet you in Germany.
My love you can go to any post bank near you and tell them that you want to send money through western union money transfer to here in Nigeria and they will show you how to do it,after you have send the money they will give you 10 digit number and some security question,you will send them to me here in Nigeria so that i can use it to collect the money here.
My love please am waiting for you.
I love you very much,
Und er schickt natürlich auch noch gleich Fotos seiner Tochter aus dem Krankenhaus mit ..diese fiese Socke.
Na da hat diese alte Socke auch noch zwei unterschiedliche Töchter. So ein Trottel, als ob mir das nicht auffällt.
Die Bilder setze ich hier nicht rein, weil die Kinder ja nichts dafür können.
Naja, ich wollte natürlich alles für ihn tun und habe mich natürlich beeilt nach Western Union zu kommen.
Aber leider hatte ich wegen Blitzeis einen Unfall.
Habe mich eine Woche tot gestellt, das heißt, bin nicht ans Telefon gegangen, denn bei unseren Krankenhäusern darf man nicht telefonieren, und nach einer Woche habe ich ihm dann eine Email geschrieben.. Hello my love
i am so sorry
i just came out from the hospital i have a accident with my car ,. but all is okay with me i have only a broken leg ..
what is with you and your daughter
is it okay or need you help ..
i kiss you
xxxxx ..
Tja und natürlich hat er gleich wieder angebissen ..
Mal schauen wir er im Chat erklärt, warum er nun seinen Flug zu mir nicht genommen hat: xxxxx my love.
I feel so sad to hear about what happen to you,me and my daughter was involve in an accident here in Nigeria and now you too had a car aciddent,honey am so sorry about what happen to,honey am still here in Africa and i don't have any money with me here,i have try to contacted my bank and they say to transfer money from one country to another country through banks transfer takes time,they say is might be up to two weeks or more.
My love i will call you latter in the day,i miss you very much and i still love and am still going to come and meet you in Germany.i thought you have abandoned me because i ask you for money,i didn't know that you were involve in a car accident,am very sorry my love.
Mein Schatz braucht ja nun dringend Geld und da mein Bein in Gips ist und ich kein Auto fahren darf, kann ich natürlich auch nicht nach Western Union und ihm Geld schicken.
Das hat er auch schnell verstanden und oh Wunder da bekomme ich doch glatt eine Konto Nummer .... Declan Tyler: honey i have not be able to pay the money
Declan Tyler: i thought you were sending me the money that day
XXXXXXXXX: yes but it is one week a go
Declan Tyler: i have made a bank transfer and they say it can take up to 3 weeks before i can get the money
die 3 wochen kriege ich run .. XXXXXXXXX: aha
XXXXXXXXX: and now
Declan Tyler: that is the reason why i told you to send me the money through western union money transfer\
Declan Tyler: so that i can collect it in time
XXXXXXXXX: yes but i have a broken leg and i can drive with car
Declan Tyler: honey if you really want to help me,you can send me the money through online with your credit card or depite card,just go to western union money transfer site and you we see how to send it through online
XXXXXXXXX: you have the site from western union ?
Declan Tyler: yes
XXXXXXXXX: give it i will look
Declan Tyler: ok
Declan Tyler: have you check it
Declan Tyler: you we see where they wrote send money online
XXXXXXXXX: no i think you want give me the site
Declan Tyler: Declan Tyler: this is the site
Declan Tyler: click on it or copy and paste it into your browser
Declan Tyler: you we see where they wrote send money online there
XXXXXXXXX: oh i have only american express card
mensch ich habe doch keine master oder visa card Declan Tyler: so what does that mean?
XXXXXXXXX: i can npot make a online transfer
Declan Tyler: really?
XXXXXXXXX: yes it is only for master and visa card
Declan Tyler: i think you don't want to help me
mensch wie kannst du das nur glauben XXXXXXXXX: no i want help you
XXXXXXXXX: but the site is not the way i can help you
Declan Tyler: then go to a post bank near you and send me the money
XXXXXXXXX: honey you know i have a broken leg and i can not drive with my car
XXXXXXXXX: i must ask a friend
XXXXXXXXX: to help me
Declan Tyler: honey i have been here for close to a week now,i told you about my situation here and you know everything that has happen to me and my daughter i even send you the picture
XXXXXXXXX: yes and i was lying in a hospital for the week
Declan Tyler: i know
Declan Tyler: you told me
Declan Tyler: am sorry about what happen to you
Declan Tyler: honey i really need that money now
XXXXXXXXX: okay so be not angry with me
Declan Tyler: am not angry with you
Declan Tyler: am angry with my self
XXXXXXXXX: i must be angry with you ... that you have no insurrence for your daughter when you drive in a other country
Declan Tyler: honey am sorry about everything that has happen to you and to me and my daughter here,what i need now is solution,and not to make things worst
Declan Tyler: please
XXXXXXXXX: yes i know and i dont understand why you go not to the embassy to help you
Declan Tyler: there is no embassy where i am,i have call them and they told stupid things,i don't want anything to do with them
Declan Tyler: they blame me for everything
XXXXXXXXX: but they can help you out
XXXXXXXXX: and to ask me is not a blame ?
Declan Tyler: i have money in the bank,if you don't want to help me is fine
Declan Tyler: i understand
Declan Tyler: okay
XXXXXXXXX: you understand what
Declan Tyler: if you don't want to help me is fine,i can not fox you to send me money here
Declan Tyler: do you want to help me or not?
XXXXXXXXX: yes i want help you
XXXXXXXXX: i make a call to my bank that they make a transfer to you
Declan Tyler: now?
XXXXXXXXX: when the bank open at 2 a clock
Declan Tyler: what kind of bank is that?
XXXXXXXXX: sparkasse
Declan Tyler: a bank that opens 2 oclock?
XXXXXXXXX: they have a paused in the mitttle of the day
<mittagspause schon mal gehört ??? Declan Tyler: honey do you want to send it through western union money transfer or to an account?
XXXXXXXXX: a account is faster i think than i can send it online
XXXXXXXXX: and you have the money on the same day
Declan Tyler: okay
Declan Tyler: just hold on
XXXXXXXXX: hello????
Declan Tyler: am here
Declan Tyler: are you there now?
Declan Tyler: i want to give you the account now
Declan Tyler:
iban:gb29hlfx11066800577615.Bic:Hlfxgb21065 bank halifax bank manchester piccadilly name sama ndango Declan Tyler: are you there?
Declan Tyler: honey are you there?
Declan Tyler: hellooooooooo
Declan Tyler: honey are you there?
Declan Tyler: ok
XXXXXXXXX: i am not so fasr
XXXXXXXXX: i was in the restroom
Declan Tyler: ok
Declan Tyler: did you see the account details?
XXXXXXXXX: yes but that is a bank in manchester how can you pick up the money ??
Declan Tyler: this account belongs to my friend in machester,if will collect the money and then send me the money through western union money transfer to nigeria here
XXXXXXXXX: and how is the name from your friend
Declan Tyler: sama ndango
XXXXXXXXX: but better is you give me the bank account from the doctor
XXXXXXXXX: than he has hois money in 3 hours
Declan Tyler: what is all this?
Declan Tyler: the doctors here don't operate international account,i have told you before
Declan Tyler: if you want to send me the money to Nigeria here,you can either send it through western union money transfer or through money gramme
XXXXXXXXX: yes but i think he has a nigerian bank account
XXXXXXXXX: i can make a transfer to a nigerian bank account
Declan Tyler: it is not possible
XXXXXXXXX: why not
Declan Tyler: all they have is just an ordinary bank account
XXXXXXXXX: whats that
Declan Tyler: so is not possible for money to come in from abroad
Declan Tyler: please just send the money to that account
Declan Tyler: thanks
XXXXXXXXX: and which time you come to me ??
Declan Tyler: i can come next week after i leave here
Declan Tyler: have you started processing it?
XXXXXXXXX: i go offline with messenger and than i start my software ok
Declan Tyler: ok
XXXXXXXXX: see you later
Declan Tyler: how do i know when you send the money?
XXXXXXXXX: i told you than
Declan Tyler: you will call me?
XXXXXXXXX: i come online
Declan Tyler: ok
Declan Tyler: am here waiting
Declan Tyler: are you there?
XXXXXXXXX: i have make the transfer
XXXXXXXXX: i send 1500 thats all what i can send now
Declan Tyler: ok
Declan Tyler: i will call me friend now
Declan Tyler: i have called him and he said he will go and check the if the money has arrive
Declan Tyler: you sent 1500 euros?
Declan Tyler: okay,that is what i told him
XXXXXXXXX: i hope he is not a bad boy
Declan Tyler: no
Declan Tyler: why will you say that
XXXXXXXXX: i send a foreigner 1500 euro
Declan Tyler: you sent me the money
XXXXXXXXX: to your friends bankaccount
Declan Tyler: i don't understand what you mean
XXXXXXXXX: and i dont know him
Declan Tyler: are you talking about me or some one else?
XXXXXXXXX: only with you
Declan Tyler: so you are talking about me,that you sent me 1500 euros and you don't know that what you mean?
XXXXXXXXX: i hope your friend is a good friend 1500 euro is much money
Declan Tyler: i trust him,if you send the money and he gets it,he will surely send me the money here immediately
Declan Tyler: but still i would have prefer if you have send the money throught western union money transfer of money gramme
Declan Tyler: or money gramme
Declan Tyler: is really better,i would have get the money faster and better
Declan Tyler: are you there?
Declan Tyler: honey don't you have some one that you can send to western union money location near you to send the money?
Declan Tyler: really
Declan Tyler: so you have no one?
XXXXXXXXX: yes really i can not drive to the western union station
Declan Tyler: i know that
Declan Tyler: when do you think my friend can get the money?
XXXXXXXXX: i think in 3 hours
Declan Tyler: ok
Declan Tyler: i think that will be okay,i mean 3 hours
Declan Tyler: what are you doing now?
XXXXXXXXX: now i look television
Declan Tyler: ok
Declan Tyler: hold on
Declan Tyler: i will be back soon
XXXXXXXXX: yes i am here
Declan Tyler: my love
Declan Tyler: honey i want you to cansole that transfer
XXXXXXXXX: that is not possible
Declan Tyler: why?
XXXXXXXXX: when i make a transfer here in germany i can not cancel it
XXXXXXXXX: it is normal when anybody take money from my account i can take it return
Declan Tyler: i wanted to give you an account here in nigeria that works with international transfer okay
das nehme ich nachher XXXXXXXXX: but when i make a order i can not cancel it
Declan Tyler: is okay
XXXXXXXXX: than i must wait that the money comes return
Declan Tyler: return back to you?
Declan Tyler: how will you do that?
Declan Tyler: how will you do that?
XXXXXXXXX: i can not do that
Declan Tyler: but you said the money can be return back to your account
XXXXXXXXX: yes when the reciepent the money send return or the bankaccount is wrong
Declan Tyler: ok
Declan Tyler: the doctors here just gave me an account that works with international transfer now
Declan Tyler: so what do we do now?
XXXXXXXXX: i dont know
Declan Tyler: i have not heard from my friend,i guess he has not yet collected the money from the bank
tja warte mal ab wenn ich dir sage das dein kumpel dich beschissen hat und das geld unterschlagen ö.... XXXXXXXXX: 3 hours my love
XXXXXXXXX: he is not so fast
Declan Tyler: honey i just spoke with my friend now,he said he has not yet gotten the money,he said that there is no money in is account yet
Declan Tyler: can you send me the payment slip?
XXXXXXXXX: honey you must wait
XXXXXXXXX: it is not 3 hours ago
Declan Tyler: but i need to see the payment slip,so that i can be sure that you send the money and that my friend in London is not lieing to me
XXXXXXXXX: honey you kno i make it online
XXXXXXXXX: i have no payment slip
Declan Tyler: yes i know,yes you can get it
Declan Tyler: you can send me the transfer details
XXXXXXXXX: you have the transfer detail
XXXXXXXXX: i made only the transfer from my bankaccount to yours
Declan Tyler: honey i don't know if i can be sure of what you are telling me now,because i have no prove
also echt ich habe das geld geschickt wozu brauchst du einen beweis ,,,m schau mir in die augen können diese augen lügen ??? XXXXXXXXX: honey why should i lie ?????
Declan Tyler: is not you an worried about,am worried about the guy that is going to collect the money
XXXXXXXXX: when you wait 3 days than i become from my bank the slip via post
XXXXXXXXX: you are worried
Declan Tyler: because i don't know if the guy collected the money or not in three hours time
Declan Tyler: how will i know that?
XXXXXXXXX: honey in the first you must wait 3 hours
Declan Tyler: good
XXXXXXXXX: than you can ask him
Declan Tyler: but will you know if the guy collected the money or not?
na jetzt schon angst das er mit deiner kohle abhaut.. XXXXXXXXX: and you told me that you trust your friend
XXXXXXXXX: also what is the matter
Declan Tyler: if the guy should collect the money that you have send me,will you notice it from your computer?
XXXXXXXXX: in 3 days yes
XXXXXXXXX: now the money is away from my account
Declan Tyler: good
Declan Tyler: that is what i want to know
Declan Tyler: honey please you have to go to western union money transfer tomorrow and send me 500 euros
Declan Tyler: i don't have any money to feed here
Declan Tyler: i don't eat good food
XXXXXXXXX: i can not go .. you know it
Declan Tyler: you will have to look for a person
Declan Tyler: but if my friend collect the money and send me the money,there will be no need for that
XXXXXXXXX: and i have send you all the money from my account so i must wait that i become new money next week
XXXXXXXXX: that was i have in my account i nedd for live
Declan Tyler: but i just want you to know that you will have to send some one tomorrow to western union money transfer
Declan Tyler: i understand
Declan Tyler: but you will have to do what i told you tomorrow
Declan Tyler: please
XXXXXXXXX: what you mean
Declan Tyler: just in case i have not receive the money from my friend,then you will have to send some one to western union money transfer
Declan Tyler: i mean tomorrow
XXXXXXXXX: how should i do that
Declan Tyler: you don't have any thing to worried about,if the account i gave you is wrong then the money will return back to you and if the money you sent me has been collected you will notice it in three days time
Declan Tyler: so you have nothing to worry about
XXXXXXXXX: in 3 days my love
XXXXXXXXX: but i hope all is okay
Declan Tyler: i hope so to for my sake and that of my daughter
XXXXXXXXX: so my love now i will go on my lounge my leg hurts
Declan Tyler: ok honey,we will talk latter
Declan Tyler: i love you
XXXXXXXXX: love you too
Declan Tyler: thanks for all that you have done for me today
Declan Tyler: i love
Declan Tyler: bye honey
XXXXXXXXX: all is okay
Declan Tyler: talk latter
Declan Tyler: i kiss you from Africa
XXXXXXXXX: kisses return from germany
Nachdem das Geld, was ich auf das englische Konto gezahlt habe, nach Aussage seines Freundes nicht angekommen ist, will mich mein Declan unbedingt auf Cam sehen.
Den Gefallen tue ich ihm natürlich gerne, und er zeigt sich auch über Cam.
Aber wenn man genau darauf achtet, sieht man bei ihm, dass die Cam aufgezeichnet ist und meine Bitte, mir doch seine schönen Augen zu zeigen in der Cam, kann er nicht verstehen und natürlich auch nicht zeigen.
Und komisch ist nur, dass die Reaktionen, die er in der Cam zeigt, überhaupt nicht zu dem steht, was wir reden..
Die Mugus werden immer schlauer ...aber nicht schlau genug..