
World Wide Web anti-scam

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Normales Thema Ashley <> (Gelesen: 4583 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1387
Mitglied seit: 08. Januar 2008
Ashley <>
17. Januar 2011 um 01:47
Eingeliefert über waydate

From: ashley       Date: 2011-01-16 17:39:55 

My name is ashley and i am born in USA but living right now in UK where i study fashion, i am Kind, cheerful, cheerful, sociable, purposeful, hardworking, sympathetic, devoted, erudite, sincere. Talking about me I can say that I am always different. Sometimes I am romantic and sociable, sometimes optimistic and brave. I am a person who does not like lies. I am open-hearted and caring. I am attentive and understanding. I have a lonely heart.I am here looking for a soul mate a man who is willing to make me happy. I hope to hear from you soon and if you can come online to chat with me..My email address is so i can tell you more about me and show you more picture of me
Ashley Very Happy

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Juni 2023 um 15:37 von Webmaster » 
Grund: Scammer using Pictures by Emily 18 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1387
Mitglied seit: 08. Januar 2008
Re: Ashley <>
Antwort #1 - 17. Januar 2011 um 01:52

   - 20 y/o female
   - from Orono, Maine, USA
   - English, English, English
   - seeking a Man from 18 to 25 y/o

   Last logged in: 2011-01-16 17:05:59

ashley are looking for
I look for a      Man
Looking for an age range      18-25
Looking for a height      I prefer not to say
Looking for a body type      I prefer not to say
Relationship      Relationship

Personal details of ashley
Name      ashley
Sex      female
Children      0
Want children      Yes
Date of birth      1990 March 25
Height      I prefer not to say
Body type      Average
Ethnicity      Caucasian
Religion      Christian
Marital status      Single
Education      High School graduate
Occupation      I prefer not to say
Income      I prefer not to say
Smoker      No
Drinker      No

My name is ashley and i am born in USA but living right now in UK where i study fashion, i am Kind, cheerful, cheerful, sociable, purposeful, hardworking, sympathetic, devoted, erudite, sincere. Talking about me I can say that I am always different. Sometimes I am romantic and sociable, sometimes optimistic and brave. I am a person who does not like lies. I am open-hearted and caring. I am attentive and understanding. I have a lonely heart.I am here looking for a soul mate a man who is willing to make me happy. I hope to hear from you soon and if you can come online to chat with me..My email address is so i can tell you more about me and show you more picture of me Thanks Ashley,

Ideal match description:
am I looking for? Sometimes that is so difficult to out your dreams and thoughts into words… I want him to be the only one for me. I want him to understand me and love the way I am and to accept my love in turn. I think that the most important characteristics are loyalty, honesty, sincereness and intelligence. He should be able not just to listen but to hear… I want to trust him without any doubt and to be able to share every little thing, every thought, every fear… I want to love him with the whole heart and to make him feel the happiest man in the world.

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Juni 2023 um 15:28 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20612
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Ashley <>
Antwort #2 - 17. Januar 2011 um 02:02
Dann will ich mal auch noch meinen Senf zu dieser Ashley dazugeben.  Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend

Mit dieser Email-Addy auf Facebook zu finden.
Da wird wohl wieder ein westafrikanischer Yahoo-Boy dahinterstecken.


Ashley Conrad
Hat hier gearbeitet: Self Employed
Hat hier studiert: UK
Wohnt in London, United Kingdom
Spricht English, English English, American English
Aus Durham, Durham

Ausbildung und Beruf

      Self Employed




      University High School

Über Ashley      My name is ashley and i am born in USA but living right now in UK where i study fashion, i am Kind, cheerful, cheerful, sociable, purposeful, hardworking, sympathetic, devoted, erudite, sincere. Talking about me I can say that I am always different. Sometimes I am romantic and sociable, sometimes optimistic and brave. I am a person who does not like lies. I am open-hearted and caring. I am attentive and understanding. I have a lonely heart.I am here looking for a soul mate a man who is willing to make me happy. I hope to hear from you soon and if you can come online to chat with me..My email address is so i can tell you more about me and show you more picture of me

Geschlecht      Weiblich
Interessiert an      Männern
Beziehungsstatus      Single

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Juni 2023 um 15:30 von Webmaster »  
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