
World Wide Web anti-scam

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Normales Thema Olga <> (Gelesen: 1392 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 61
Standort: Bochum
Mitglied seit: 07. November 2010
Olga <>
24. November 2010 um 18:02
hmm... kommt mir irgendwie Türkisch vor.

From Thu Nov 25 13:15:08 2010
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Hello my new friend!
I am very glad to receive your letter again.
In this letter I will tell you a little more about me as you asked.
In my spare time I usually sit at home and read books.
but on weekends I go to the gym.
You may be doing some exercise?
I read books - Novels and adventures.
On weekends we usually go with friends to a movie or just a walk.
There are days when I was very tired at work and not go any where.
In addition, when there is free time I like to embroider.
This taught me my mom.
My house is not a small collection of music CDs.
I really like listening to music and dance.
I like our Russian executors.
I sometimes listen to classical music.
I madly like Ludwig Van Beethoven - Piano Sonata No.14 "Moonlight Sonata"
I think you'd be interested to know my character.
I am very polite and quiet man, kind and sympathetic.
Often my friends wonder how I manage to stay so calm.
In people I like honesty and straightforwardness.
I was not pleased when people tell lies. Lie very poor quality of the person. I also heard that a lot, I was told about half the people on the internet are deceiving, but I still have hope of finding her husband with another country and start a whole new life!
I want to tell you that my favorite color is dark red color.
I love animals very much.
I want to have a little kitty at home.
Do you like animals? I adore them, they're so cute))
I want to tell you that I've never been to another country, except Russia ...
But I've always wanted to visit another country or go to any trip!
I hope that my dream once, will be realized!
I live alone, I have my own apartment, which my mother bought on credit.
My dad died when I was a little girl and her mother lives next door.
I hope that now you can get to know me better.
I have to, you will also have a few questions.
You love children? What do you like in a woman?
What is your understanding of the family? "What do you pleasure in people and that is not pleasant?
What is your purpose friendship or you search loved which becomes your wife?
I ask you, because I'm looking for a serious relationship with a view to creating an excellent family.
And what's your favorite color?
On it I finish the letter. I hope that answered all your questions) would like to write something to you, but you need to run to Mom to help her in the house)
I will soon be waiting for your reply.
Your Olga!
« Zuletzt geändert: 25. Dezember 2010 um 16:37 von Webmaster » 
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† Rais †
General Counsel

I love Anti-Scam

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Standort: Oberpfalz
Mitglied seit: 04. März 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <>
Antwort #1 - 24. November 2010 um 18:52
Danone73 schrieb on 24. November 2010 um 18:02:
hmm... kommt mir irgendwie Türkisch vor.

Richtig erkannt.  Laut lachend

Mail wurde über die Türkei eingeliefert.

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Country:	Turkey tr flag
State/Region:	Istanbul
City:	Istanbul 

Date-Zeile verweist nach Rußland

Date:   Thu, 25 Nov 2010 16:15:08 +0300

Anderes Thema mit Bildchen.

Olya <>
« Zuletzt geändert: 27. November 2010 um 22:23 von Webmaster »  
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