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Normales Thema Tracy <> (Gelesen: 2871 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Advisors

I love Anti-Scam

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Standort: Germersheim
Mitglied seit: 11. Juni 2010
Tracy <>
27. Juli 2010 um 14:15
kam via

i am Tracy Johnson i am 29 years old and i am new on this site i know you will wondering why i contact you myself, well it is because of those men that only want to play games so i decided to do it that way so that they wont email me at all and i want you to know that you are the only man i have ever mail on this site cause i am new on here so i went through your profile and i swear it make me smile so that why i email you to let you know that i have some interest and i don't want you to think other wise about pictures i am sure you wont have any problem with me when you see my pictures if you are interested in me as well you can email me back on this email ........freddytracy 82. ...... AT YAHOO DOT COM or you can add me on here ....freddytracy82.. .... .AT YAHOO DOT COM i will be waiting to hear from you soon and have a nice weekend as well oh before forget i want you to know that age is nothing to me just a number that all

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Profilscreener und 2 Screener der Profilbilder ... Rest folgt - mal sehen wo es da wieder vel cold Blood ect. gegeben hat..^^

« Zuletzt geändert: 06. November 2011 um 16:24 von vierauge » 
Grund: afr20910  
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General Counsel

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Re: Tracy <>
Antwort #1 - 27. Juli 2010 um 22:56
Wenn die so redet wie sie schreibt, dann schaff Dir mal gleich Ohropax oder Mickymäuse an. Das ist ja ohne Punkt und Komma! Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend

Vermutlich wird da Kalifornien wieder in Afrika liegen!

Ein fast identisches Profil, bei dem zum Schutz des Scammers die Mailadresse entfernt wurde: Smiley
Die haben auch den Namen zum Schutz des Scammers entfernt. Aber was uns vielleicht noch erwartet, kommt hier:
My name is t and am 29 years old single with no kids ,never married...I am from usa and am now in nigeria staying with my sick granny since when i lost my both parent car accident
« Zuletzt geändert: 02. August 2010 um 10:08 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Advisors

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 669
Standort: Germersheim
Mitglied seit: 11. Juni 2010
Re: Tracy <>
Antwort #2 - 01. August 2010 um 21:33
So nun kam eine Antwortmail ... die so garnicht überrascht..^^

Thank you so much for getting back to my email and i have to let you know that it truly mean alto to me for you to get back to me .Anyway to be precised with you am in Nigeria,western part of African continent,I know that this might not be what you're expecting from me because i never told you that i was out of states from the beginning of our conversation but i just have to let you know...Though, i was scared that i am gonna lose you and you might not be interested in me but i guess i was wrong about you which i am truly sorry for and i hope that you would be able to find a special place in your kind heart to be able to forgive me because i would love to know everything about you if it can be possible since that's my main reason why i was on here..Hoping to meet that someone special who is willing to accept me  just the way i am and gives me a trial and who is ready for a change as well..I just pray that i ain't asking for too much because i am not willing to scare you away......I was impressed with what i read about you on your profile,it was awesome,that was why i wrote you back in the first place,i don't want you to feel flattered but i  just want you to know the darn truth about yourself. To be honest with you,I am not in the states at the moment,i only make use of a random zip code at the dating site..... hoping that someday i would be able to meet that special someone out there and i am so flattered that you happened...Having someone like you to talk to in this present predicament meant a lot to me ,I have been through alot in my life at this age of mine but i guess this was my fate and i have got no other choice than to accept things just the way they are but it has only make me a stronger person in life so that i could be more motivated..Here is what happened to me since you may wanna know how i ended up in Nigeria,I happened to be a only child,parents are late now though,lost them to an auto accident sometime back on their way to OH,presently I live with my step mom here because she's from Nigeria.What happened to me was Fate so i don't think that i do have any other choice than to accept things in whatever way they come towards me.Some years back,i came across a guy in the united states(UK by Birth)by the name Robert who wooed me and he told me that he would be interested in a relationship with me since i had no boy friend  and i needed a shoulder i could lay on whenever i am feeling down ,i had to accept is offer after pleading with me for a whole month and guess what???i fell for him so easily because he is so romantic,I hope you don't mind me making use of that word.He was my everything and we both love each other so passionately that we cant do without seeing one another everyday.A Year into our relationship,he proposed  to me about  marriage and i accepted instantly since this is the dream of every lady,I was so over joyed that i had to share this good news with my best friend by the name Betty,she was so happy for me and she wish me best of luck with him. Robert told me that we will be traveling to UK because he wanted his parent to meet me before we both got married and i have to accept because my mom have a house in UK and i told him that my best friend will be accompanying us...though he has never met her for once.One week later,i had Betty meet with Robert but what i noticed on that very day is that my Ex cant stop looking into Betty's eye,i never knew that something terrible was going to happen afterward but i never think towards that..How i wish i could turn back the hand of time but i guess that ain't possible so right now,i wanna make every minutes of my life count.Anyway back to my story,I,Betty and Robert traveled down to UK for the wedding ceremony and i received the greatest shock of my life when i woke up one morning and found out that Robert has left with Betty but abandon me in my mom's house in UK.On the table there was a note that read thus**I am sorry for doing this to you sweetheart but i just cant resist the beauty of your best friend so that's why i had to go with her to show my parent that she is the one i wanna get married to and after the wedding we are moving back to united state**.After reading this strange letter over and over again,i stood amazed and i take a proper look at myself if i ain't beautiful enough but i guess there is nothing i can do to what just happened...I waited patiently for few weeks in my mom's house in UK  hoping that Robert was trying to Joke around with me because he knows that i have no other person but him.and since  i never heard from him.i had to move to my step mom in Nigeria.Sometimes,women consider themselves losers if they aren't having the most blissful of affairs with men but from what i have learn concerning what happened to me,i don't think that i have any reason to be angry because i know that no one is perfect and moreover that's why i chose to share my story with you because i have this huge feeling inside of me that have this believe that "TWO CAN ACCOMPLISH MORE". Do you agree with that?...Its a pretty good here in Lagos, Nigeria anyway but its a little bit sunny and I don't have Choice had to live here like that and i will be coming back to the state anytime soon, just want to find someone nice before i come because I'm ready to sacrifice myself the right man not the wrong man and make him happy,....Hm mm I guess enough is being said about me.I look forward to reading  from you.



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« Zuletzt geändert: 02. August 2010 um 10:09 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6709
Standort: Beuningen
Mitglied seit: 25. April 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tracy <>
Antwort #3 - 01. August 2010 um 22:05
Alles auswählen - Geo Information
IP Address
Location 	NG NG, Nigeria
City 	Ikeja, 05 -
Organization 	Multi-Links Telecommunications Limited
ISP 	Multi-Links Telecommunications Limited
AS Number 	AS36954 Multi-Links Telecommunications Limited
Latitude 	6°59'67" North
Longitude 	3°34'31" East
Distance 	4465.80 km (2774.92 miles) 

« Zuletzt geändert: 02. August 2010 um 10:09 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


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Re: Tracy <>
Antwort #4 - 02. August 2010 um 10:06
Ich habe mir mal die Story von Chicken George zu Gemüte geführt.
Ist ja traurig und soviel Pech auf einmal gibts gar nicht.

- Eltern bei einem Autounfall in Ohio ums Leben gekommen.
- Doch plötzlich hat sie eine Stiefmutter aus Nigeria - keine Pflegeeltern!!
- Freund brennt in UK kurz vor der Hochzeit mit der besten Freundin durch.
- Sie wartet auf ihn im geerbten Haus ihrer Mutter in UK.
- Als er nicht zurückkommt, verlässt sie das eigene Haus, um wieder zur Stiefmutter nach Nigeria zurückzukehren.
- Und das alles im Alter von 29 Jahren. So alt will sie laut Profil sein.

Wer's glaubt wird seelig!!

Mit dieser haarsträubenden Story allein hat sie sich schon den Umzug an die Öffentlichkeit verdient. Cool
« Zuletzt geändert: 02. August 2010 um 10:07 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6709
Standort: Beuningen
Mitglied seit: 25. April 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tracy <>
Antwort #5 - 02. August 2010 um 17:04
zapparella schrieb on 02. August 2010 um 10:06:
Mit dieser haarsträubenden Story allein hat sie sich schon den Umzug an die Öffentlichkeit verdient.  Cool

Die potentielle opfer sollen mitleid bekommen und Sie trösten.
Die Chicken George scammer tun alles zu viel and das alleine ist schon genug um zu wissen das Sie nicht echt sind.
Aber solch eine story soll ja 20 eurocent wert sein.  Laut lachend
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