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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Darya <> <> (Gelesen: 9187 mal)

Darya <> <>
25. April 2010 um 11:45
Hi I recived this from the e-mail adress;

Hello xxx. It's your name? Very beautiful name - I like it.
Forgive me for what I have for a long time did not respond to your reply.

I was on a business trip for work and therefore I could not immediately reply to you.

Here are just a few days ago I came today I saw your letter.

So, you wrote to me and honestly admit that your answer is very happy to me.

Thank you for what you do not have ignored and looked responded to my message.

Tell me honestly that you are interested in me anymore.

My appearance or meeting with me in a cafe?

Give me your answer, honestly!

Of course it would be very interesting to meet with you in a cafe and a cup of

coffee to learn more about each other, but you do not think we could meet with you right now?

Please do not think that I now refuse his invitation.

No, of course I agreed to meet with you, but I think that first we need to know

each other a little through letters and only then think about the meeting.

Do you agree with me? Personally, I think it would be correct.

Well, this is my first intro letter and I think I need more to write you about myself.

As you already know, my name is Darya, or for friends Darina. You can call me Darina, unless of course you both prefer.

I am 29 years old, was born 04 October 1980. I am not married and have no children.

By nationality I Latvian. I was born in the beautiful resort city of Jurmala, Latvia.

Approximately 3 years ago my parents died in a car accident and after their death, I moved to live and work in Germany.

Now I live in the beautiful city of Stralsund, which is located on the Baltic coast.

About my family I probably will not write you a lot, because there is nothing to write.

I was the only daughter of my parents and now, after death, I was left alone.

So my family - it is only me alone.

In Stralsund I work a sales representative in the company SUKOTEC GmbH & Co. KG.

Maybe you heard about this company?

My company is engaged in the device, the sale of radio and television goods,

sound recording or reproducing apparatus, accessories, etc.

If you would be interested, I can write you more about my work, but only later in another letter.

About my nature. By nature I am calm and not aggressive woman.

My friends would say about me that I am interesting, sociable, friendly woman.

From myself I can just tell you that I'm hardworking.

I work hard and love my job. I hope this is not a minus for you?

Just some men do not like women who work hard and so important for me is a fact.

So what are your thoughts on this? Do you like women hardworking?

I refer to you so many questions, but I do not know where to start.

So maybe if you do write me about yourself without any issues?

It is important that a person could tell about myself, and correspondence,

questions and answers "is not very interesting. You will agree with me?

So I will wait from you your resume on your life and your kind!

So, I dwell on this.

Once again, thank you for what you told me and I hope that

I will soon get the same response to this letter.

I wish you a pleasant day and a kiss for you in check.

Yours Darya.


« Zuletzt geändert: 09. Mai 2010 um 14:44 von Uli »  
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #1 - 25. April 2010 um 11:51
@ Ken


please post the E-Mail-Quelltext Thank you
« Zuletzt geändert: 25. April 2010 um 11:52 von Wesermann »  
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #2 - 25. April 2010 um 11:55
E-mail Quelltext; hi
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Scam Warners

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Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 05. April 2010
Re: Darya <>
Antwort #3 - 25. April 2010 um 14:55
Hi Ken

this looks very familiar to e-mails that I recently had from a Darya..also called Darina. She was also born in Jurvala, Latvia.. Also lost her parents..also now lives in Stralsund Germany.. also working as sales representative at Sukotec GmbH..

Though e-mail address, picture and date of birth don't match.. may be I should open a separate subject for 'my Darina'..?
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #4 - 25. April 2010 um 15:15
I do not now if you should, I'm new here and don not now how it works. Your information seems to fit. Is it the same person on your photo and just another picture?
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 05. April 2010
Re: Darya <>
Antwort #5 - 25. April 2010 um 15:43
Hi Ken

me too am new here.. But I just posted a new topic on Darina. E-mail address and pictures are different from 'your Darina' and I think that's why I should create a new topic for 'my Darina'..

Have fun while being warned! Zwinkernd
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #6 - 25. April 2010 um 17:53
Thanks, you to!
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #7 - 25. April 2010 um 18:35
OK, here are all the mails. I also Attached more photos, I found the photos in a website called "" and the Avatar "Vialin" all the photos I received are there.

Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 8:08 AM

Subject: hi

Good morning, my Xxxx. It would be better to call you?
My "dear friend" or just call you "my dear"? As you will be better?
"Good morning my dear!"
If I call you so, I think it sounds more romantic and more so because we have become closer to each other? I right?
So I'll call you "my dear" and I hope you do not mind this treatment to you.
You become closer to me - that is true!
For many days after my last letter to you. You probably already missed? Please forgive me for my long silence to you.
Of course, I myself also very much missed by your letter, but unfortunately because of my trip to Russia in Moscow,
I had no time for writing to you.
So now I can only apologize to you for your silence and certainly hope for your forgiveness.
You do forgive me? " I hope so!
One thing I do with great difficulty got to Russia, because of flight delays.
At the moment I'm in St. Petersburg.
I arrived yesterday evening and was morning in the hotel. I stayed at the Hotel "Atlas".
It is not expensive hotel, but here quite comfortably.
By the way, were you ever in St. Petersburg?
I've been here a second time, but every time I am more surprised culture of Russian people.
Yesterday evening, when I went to the hotel
I stopped in the street, two men and began to start a conversation, but I did not answer what they left.
Of course, I was very scared at first, but then they immediately went on the street, as if nothing had happened.
I was shocked and very surprised, but on the other hand I was happy for their attention,
but I did not sleep male acquaintances did not meet on the street.
My dear, I hope you are not jealous of me now?
Of course, I would like you to me a little jealous, but now you can not even get excited!
There is no need to be jealous passersby on the street, the more I was never interested in Russian men.
I like you, so do not worry, ok!!!
I understand that you have a lot of questions, because I do not write the answer
but I really wanted this letter to you to write the answers to all your questions,
but the problem is that now I would like to keep your letters but it happened so that together,
I keep clicking delete, it's my mistake but I hope for your understanding and ask you to
write me back your questions which I did not write you an answer just back your phone number, right?
My dear, I'm constantly thinking about our meeting and every day fewer
days remain before our meeting and I am beginning to worry a bit.
Since my trip to Russia is delayed, a lot of work.
No, I do not think that I do not want to meet you.
I really want to see each other soon and is already at the meeting to become acquainted with you,
but all the experiences from the fact that to me this is the first time.
Suddenly I do not like you at the meeting?
Or you just do not want more than to meet with me after our first meeting? What then??
I have to go back to Germany with sadness in your heart?
These issues are now torture my mind, but in my heart I hope that everything will be fine.
Let life will show how it would be. Do you agree with me?
My God, time goes very quickly.
I write you this letter to one and a half hours and had completely forgotten about his work.
Today I had a difficult day and I need to prepare a report.
So perhaps now is the time to stop and prepare for work.
But still I want to say that I am writing to you now from my work notebook.
So, I will hope that you still waiting for my letter and my letter will raise you up.
I can do is wait for your response and hope that you will tomorrow or the next few days,
write to me, and I'll be able to write to you at the beginning of a new week.
I very much hope that you will write to me and wait for my letter.
I wish you a good happy sunny day!
I am sending you my pictures, that you do not forget me!
Gently kiss your cheek!
Happy weexxxxd!
Your Darya.

Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 11:30 AM

Subject: hi

Good day my dear friend! This again wrote to you your friend Darya.
I hope I can call myself your friend? You will not be against it?
Sorry for my short message this morning.
I have since this morning was a lot of work in the office so I could not write you a lot.
But now, now I have a spare half hour from work and decided to take advantage of this time,
to write you a response to your letter.
To start once again I would like to thank you for your letter to me.
I was waiting for your response and was actually very glad to see your response.
Or I'd probably say more - your letter made me happy and today I lifted the mood for the day.
So thank you for your letter!
Now, about our meeting. Last time, in a letter I wrote to you was that,
I would like to meet with you in your city.
This is no joke and I really had planned to come to you in your country for a meeting.
I have not decided specifically what day I come to your country,
but I think it will be the end of this month, it all depends on my work,
because on Monday I am going on a business trip in Russia.
So he plans to meet me in your city around the end of this month.
Xxxx unfortunately I can come to you only for one week.
Of course I would be very happy to stay in your city for a longer period,
but because of my work, I can not stay for a longer period.
But I think that in one week, we will be able to spend time together.
Xxxx I would now like to ask you sincerely.
I know that it was too early to think about it, because we have just started our communication
but maybe you can give me an honest answer.
I ask you to answer me honestly.
The first question that worries me - that is the purpose of our meeting!
What do you expect from our meeting? You want to meet me just to
then to be friends or do you expect something more serious?
For example a serious relationship for a family?
This is a very important issue for me, so I ask you to answer me this question is extremely honest.
Second question. I come to you for one week.
You would like me to come to you in your house or you would prefer that I lived in a hotel?
No, I have no problem booking a hotel in your city.
But if you want me to stay with you, I promise to think about it.
Now the last question for you. What do you think about sex?
Would you like to do sex with me during this one week?
I know that this is not culturally ask such questions directly,
but I want to be honest with you, and so important to me your answer on this topic.
On a personal note, I can say that I am not against sex,
but only if we will bind more serious relationship, and not friendly.
I hope you understand me, that for me is very important to know your opinion about my issues.
So I ask you to try to answer me extremely fairly.
Hopefully after these questions you will not think badly of me.
So, I'll stop now. I need to work again.
I must now finish the job with the documents to be ready for the trip to Russia on Monday of one week and then
I immediately plan to come to you if you do not mind, but I still would like to know before the trip.
Yes, I still would like to order you wrote me your correct phone number so I could call you at any time, okay?
Just want to know in what airport you would be able to meet me?
I am in my next letter will try as much as possible to write about his life.
With great impatience shall wait for a response from you.
Sincerely Darya.

Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:00 AM

Subject: hi

Hello! Now only quick message for you, because I now have very little free time.
I have a lot of work in the morning and I've just wanted to tell you that I received your letter.
Frankly, I'm very very happy to see again your answer.
Thank you for what you so quickly responded to me and of course a special thank you for the picture that you sent me!
Well, I now need to work.
Today I have a lot of work, now is a collection, but I try to get rid of before-and write you a letter later.
I hope you are not upset for the delay in my reply.
Thanks again for your response and wish you a wonderful day!
Your friend Darya.

Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 7:32 AM
Subject: hi

Hello Xxxx. It's your name? Very beautiful name - I like it.
Forgive me for what I have for a long time did not respond to your reply.
I was on a business trip for work and therefore I could not immediately reply to you.
Here are just a few days ago I came today I saw your letter.
So, you wrote to me and honestly admit that your answer is very happy to me.
Thank you for what you do not have ignored and looked responded to my message.
Tell me honestly that you are interested in me anymore.
My appearance or meeting with me in a cafe?
Give me your answer, honestly!
Of course it would be very interesting to meet with you in a cafe and a cup of
coffee to learn more about each other, but you do not think we could meet with you right now?
Please do not think that I now refuse his invitation.
No, of course I agreed to meet with you, but I think that first we need to know
each other a little through letters and only then think about the meeting.
Do you agree with me? Personally, I think it would be correct.
Well, this is my first intro letter and I think I need more to write you about myself.
As you already know, my name is Darya, or for friends Darina. You can call me Darina, unless of course you both prefer.
I am 29 years old, was born 04 October 1980. I am not married and have no children.
By nationality I Latvian. I was born in the beautiful resort city of Jurmala, Latvia.
Approximately 3 years ago my parents died in a car accident and after their death, I moved to live and work in Germany.
Now I live in the beautiful city of Stralsund, which is located on the Baltic coast.
About my family I probably will not write you a lot, because there is nothing to write.
I was the only daughter of my parents and now, after death, I was left alone.
So my family - it is only me alone.
In Stralsund I work a sales representative in the company SUKOTEC GmbH & Co. KG.
Maybe you heard about this company?
My company is engaged in the device, the sale of radio and television goods,
sound recording or reproducing apparatus, accessories, etc.
If you would be interested, I can write you more about my work, but only later in another letter.
About my nature. By nature I am calm and not aggressive woman.
My friends would say about me that I am interesting, sociable, friendly woman.
From myself I can just tell you that I'm hardworking.
I work hard and love my job. I hope this is not a minus for you?
Just some men do not like women who work hard and so important for me is a fact.
So what are your thoughts on this? Do you like women hardworking?
I refer to you so many questions, but I do not know where to start.
So maybe if you do write me about yourself without any issues?
It is important that a person could tell about myself, and correspondence,
questions and answers "is not very interesting. You will agree with me?
So I will wait from you your resume on your life and your kind!
So, I dwell on this.
Once again, thank you for what you told me and I hope that
I will soon get the same response to this letter.
I wish you a pleasant day and a kiss for you in check.
Yours Darya.

Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:33 PM
Subject: Hej

> Hej, lat oss kommunicera min e-postadress:
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. Mai 2010 um 23:49 von Webmaster »  
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† Rais †
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #8 - 25. April 2010 um 18:45
Fotoalbum Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 25. April 2010 um 18:45 von † Rais † »  
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #9 - 25. April 2010 um 20:33
@ Rais

Alter und Geburtstag stimmen sogar, aber es gibt auch Fotos mit Kind und Mann.....
Und als Wohnort kann man England und Nordirland lesen, wenn man nach unten geht
und bei Kontakt vialin schaut.

« Zuletzt geändert: 25. April 2010 um 20:40 von LeChuck »  
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† Rais †
General Counsel

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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #10 - 26. April 2010 um 18:35
LeChuck schrieb on 25. April 2010 um 20:33:
aber es gibt auch Fotos mit Kind und Mann.....

Da bin ich ja mal gespannt. Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #11 - 02. Mai 2010 um 23:19
Hello Ken and Marc645,

I recieved exactly the same letters, although translated to Dutch, from 'my Darya / Darina' from Stralsund etc., (with the same pictures as send to Ken), from See the new topic

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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 3
Standort: Ljusdal
Mitglied seit: 06. Mai 2010
Re: Darya <>
Antwort #12 - 06. Mai 2010 um 17:11
hi, one of my friends has also received messages from 
they look exactly the same as above, apart from it being translated into swedish. very poor swedish.
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 3
Standort: Ljusdal
Mitglied seit: 06. Mai 2010
Re: Darya <>
Antwort #13 - 06. Mai 2010 um 18:07
has anyone acctually spoken to this woman? in one email, she wanted the phonenumber, for some or another reason. don't quite understand what she wants.
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 05. April 2010
Re: Darya <>
Antwort #14 - 07. Mai 2010 um 00:48
Hi I have never spoken to this woman Darya/Darina.. 

When she asked for my financial assistance after she was robbed in St Petersburg she gave me the name and address of the hotel where she stayed: Hotel «Luxa Atlas», Nevsky Prospect, 95. I managed to phone the hotel and I got the impression that the receptionist was part of the scam.

Then I decided to call the company Sukotec in Stralsund Germany where Darina claimed to work as sales representative. The receptionist of the company informed me that I was not the first one who asked for this woman. She never worked for Sukotec - they don't know her.

She is a clear scam don't waste any further time in this crap!
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