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Normales Thema Elena <> (Gelesen: 8710 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 5
Standort: Mannheim
Mitglied seit: 20. März 2010
Elena <>
20. März 2010 um 04:37
I ask you that now you have read my letter attentively.
I have faced a problem. I did not expect that all so can turn out. I hope, you will read my letter attentively and can understand me.

Today I went to travel agency. I spoke with the manager of travel agency. I managed to receive all particulars of travel to your country.

I have asked the manager of travel agency to make to my papers which be required to me for travel to your country. The manager of agency could not understand me. I have explained to the manager that I wish to travel in Germany. The manager of agency has told that they are ready to issue to me documents.
He has told to me to travel in Germany. I should have some documents.
Travel agency it is ready to prepare to me all documents and to be engaged in my travel to your country.

I have asked the manager to tell to me in detail everything that I will need to do.
The manager has explained me the following: to travel to your country to me it will be necessary to prepare documents - the passport for the tourist, the visa, an insurance policy, the medical document and other small documents.

The travel agency can prepare all these documents for me for 7 days. For 7 days all these documents will be ready. The manager of agency has told to me that the agency can prepare to me the visa very quickly. At agency there are direct communications in embassy Germany.

All was very pleasant and joyful for hearing it. But I have a problem. I did not expect. What is these services will cost expensive.

1) the passport for the tourist - 70 euro (the international passport)
2) the visa - 120 euro
3) an insurance policy - 60 euro
4) the medical document - 50 euro
5) other small documents - 50 euro
6) travel agency services - 100 euro

That to me to legalise papers in travel agency to me it will be necessary to pay in agency 450 euro.
I was in a shock when has heard about it. Dear, I do not have so much money. I cannot legalise papers. It is very expensive to me. 

My dear XXXXXXXXXX, I do not know that to me to do. To me to arrive in your country to me it will be necessary to pay in agency 450 euro. I do not have such money. 

Today all my dreams have failed, because at me a problem. To prepare documents to me many money is necessary. The manager of travel agency has told to me that it is the cheapest variant of preparation of documents. I found out, in other travel agencies all prices are identical. 

I found out the ticket Moscow - Frankfurt I can order in travel agency. The ticket price will make 300 euro. It is the cheapest ticket to Frankfurt. My dear, I can come to you as the tourist. I will need to have 2 tickets. I am very upset. I will need many money to travel to your country. 

Dear XXXXXXXXX, it is very a shame to me before you. I have no enough money. I do not know that to me to do. 

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #1 - 20. März 2010 um 06:20
Alles auswählen
% Information related to ' -'

inetnum: -
netname: MF-MGSM
descr: Povolzhe Branch of OJSC MegaFon, Pool 5
country: RU
address: 115035 30, Kadashevskaya emb.
address: Moscow, Russian Federation 

« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2023 um 13:36 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 5
Standort: Mannheim
Mitglied seit: 20. März 2010
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #2 - 20. März 2010 um 18:19
I very much worry. I cannot do anything. At me very bad mood.
Dear, probably my letter has very much upset you?
I tried to find possibility to meet you. At me it to turn out nothing.
I cannot find money to use agency. 
If I could, I would prepare for myself these documents. But it will be impossible for me.
Process of preparation of documents very difficult. It can make only agency.
That to me to meet you, it is necessary to use agency.
My dear what now to do?
Now at present to me not probably to ask the help from relatives. I have told to you all.
I hope that you can think up something. You the man and you know more.
I will try to find possibility to call to you. 
I can call to you today. You will not be at home.
You have written, you will not be at home. I can call only in the evening. You will not be houses in the evening. I am very sad.
My dear XXXXXXXXXX, I can call to you tomorrow evening. You can speak on the phone with me?
My surname - Volkova! Olga has told that my surname on English translit will be written so Volkova.
My name Elena.
« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2023 um 13:37 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 5
Standort: Mannheim
Mitglied seit: 20. März 2010
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #3 - 20. März 2010 um 18:21
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie sie auf Volkova kommt?????

Ist sie/er am Ende doch noch durcheinandergekommen? Ihr Nachname laut Pass sollte ja wohl Shestiperova sein Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2023 um 13:38 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28419
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #4 - 20. März 2010 um 18:24
ScamTheScammer schrieb on 20. März 2010 um 18:21:
Ist sie/er am Ende doch noch durcheinandergekommen?

Vlad wird wohl sein Hirn schon versoffen haben.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 5
Standort: Mannheim
Mitglied seit: 20. März 2010
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #5 - 21. März 2010 um 07:01
I have received your letter this morning.
I am very sad. You have serious intentions to come to my country? I heard many stories about bad people in my city. They treat badly foreigners. I thought much. It will be very dangerous to you to come to my city. If you really have serious intentions to meet me I can visit your country once. It will be the first ours with you a meeting. In your country for us it will be safe to meet. What do you think of it? It will be dangerous you is with me in my city. It will be dangerous to your life. In my country it is a lot of young men who do not love foreigners. I heard stories about murders of foreigners in my city. I will not risk your life. 
My dear XXXXXXX remember I spoke to you about my former guy Stas? I cannot risk you. It will be bad if he sees us with you. He will not allow to me to live easy never. Here what for I cannot meet you in Russia. My former guy Stas will not allow to us to meet easy in my country.
Tonight I will call to you.
Do not pass my call. Elena
« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2023 um 13:42 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 5
Standort: Mannheim
Mitglied seit: 20. März 2010
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #6 - 21. März 2010 um 20:37
Erstes Telefonat vor 3 Tagen mit
Rufnummer   007 4956600200

Heute Abend mit 
Rufnummer   007 9371178953

Könnt Ihr mir dazu was sagen?
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Razor Buzz
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Re: Elena <>
Antwort #7 - 21. März 2010 um 20:42
Die erste Nummer wird von Google dreimal im Bezug auf Scam gefunden.  Das ist eine Festnetznummer aus Moskau.

Die zweite Nummer ist eine russische Mobilfunknummer.
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Re: Elena <>
Antwort #8 - 01. Oktober 2014 um 17:45
Bilder geklaut von der verheirateten Olya Bastet geb. Kipkala aus Toronto.

olga olga2012

Congratulations to Olga Kipkala at VW Downtown Toronto on the birth of her baby girl!

Weitere Profile:

Olga Kipkala
Lady Bast (
Olga Kipkala

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