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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Oksana <> <> (Gelesen: 17801 mal)
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 7
Standort: Samana
Mitglied seit: 26. April 2010
Re: Oksana <> <>
Antwort #15 - 06. Mai 2010 um 17:14
Hello my sweetheart xxx,
I'm so glad to sit here and read your letter, everytime 
I'm so happy to hear more and more from you.
Delight, sorry for my long silence, don't worry I'm ok in health 
condition..sure I still have my low blood pressure, but while I 
don't have time to treat it, because I'm in problem with my work. 
At first I thought that it's better to keep silence and just disappear.. 
but my heart is crying about's hard to live without you 
I really can't do it. 
David, I think we are really two half of one. It's so strange you are there
and I'm here, but I feel so close to you. You know even this 
distance which exists between us doesn't bother me. I know you are 
on miles, but you are everytime in my heart and mind. I can do 
nothing with it. You have won my heart.. 
I'm very happy that I've found you, I feel you're my soul mate. 
Only you can bright my days during this routine life. 
My angel I know I don't have right for it, to ask you about 
something or something like it. Just know I like you very 
much and I don't want to lose you. You know that my english is 
very poor and to communicate with you I have to use the help of 
translator. Don't think in bad way, but now I get in such situation, 
not very pleasant I have a little problem at work, maybe I even 
would lose it, as a result I have a problem to pay for translation 
of our correspondence. I can't afford it. That's why I have to keep 
silence. I don't know when I'll be able to write you or read your 
letter again. But I do want it so much. I need you and I need to 
hear from you often..I feel blue about this situation, because I really 
don't want to lose you. 
I don't push you to anything just.. may be you will be able to help in 
this situation and to pay for translation of our correspondence. I don't 
ask too much, all that I want to be with you and to develop our relationship. 
Probably you also will be not able to help me, but anyway if you can, and 
if you still have desire to communicate with me and if you need as much as 
I need you, please me to pay..I'm sorry that I ask you about it. 
But I even don't know to whom I can address in this situation to ask about 
help and support, 
In love with you.. 

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Return-Path: <>
Received: from LAPTOP ([])
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        Thu, 06 May 2010 07:51:37 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 17:51:06 +0300

     Subject:      me
     Date:      6 May 2010 10:51:06 GMT-04:00

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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 7
Standort: Samana
Mitglied seit: 26. April 2010
Re: Oksana <> <>
Antwort #16 - 14. Mai 2010 um 14:50
Hello my sweetheart David,
so glad to sit here and read your letter, everytime 
I'm so happy to hear more and more from you. 
David, sorry I have any pet names, all people call me Oksana, but
if you want you can devise something;)
Delight, sorry for my long silence, don't worry I'm ok in health 
condition..sure I still have my low blood pressure, but while I 
don't have time to treat it, because I'm in problem with my work. 
At first I thought that it's better to keep silence and just disappear.. 
but my heart is crying about's hard to live without you 
I really can't do it. 
David I think we are really two half of one. It's so strange you are there
and I'm here, but I feel so close to you. You know even this 
distance which exists between us doesn't bother me. I know you are 
on miles, but you are everytime in my heart and mind. I can do 
nothing with it. You have won my heart.. 
I'm very happy that I've found you, I feel you're my soul mate. 
Only you can bright my days during this routine life. 
My angel I know I don't have right for it, to ask you about 
something or something like it. Just know I like you very 
much and I don't want to lose you. You know that my english is 
very poor and to communicate with you I have to use the help of 
translator. Don't think in bad way, but now I get in such situation, 
not very pleasant I have a little problem at work, maybe I even 
would lose it, as a result I have a problem to pay for translation 
of our correspondence. I can't afford it. That's why I have to keep 
silence. I don't know when I'll be able to write you or read your 
letter again. But I do want it so much. I need you and I need to 
hear from you often..I feel blue about this situation, because I really 
don't want to lose you. 
I don't push you to anything just.. may be you will be able to help in 
this situation and to pay for translation of our correspondence. I don't 
ask too much, all that I want to be with you and to develop our relationship. 
Probably you also will be not able to help me, but anyway if you can, and 
if you still have desire to communicate with me and if you need as much as 
I need you, please me to pay..I'm sorry that I ask you about it. 
But I even don't know to whom I can address in this situation to ask about 
help and support, 
In love with you.. 
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. Mai 2023 um 18:18 von Webmaster »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 7
Standort: Samana
Mitglied seit: 26. April 2010
Re: Oksana <> <>
Antwort #17 - 19. Mai 2010 um 00:30
Daron sorry, that I put you at his situation. 
But I just don't want to lose you and that's why 
I ask about your help..cause I do want to 
stay in touch with you, I believe that together we 
can build something strong and special..
David, I'm also very sorry for my long silence, but I needed
time to find money for translation.
I miss you so much..It's really hard for me to stay without
hearing from you..without our communication..I really need you
David, I understand that it can be expensive even for you,
but if you can, please help us to not lose each other. 
Angel, for translation of each letter I pay $6, for scanning 
or printing photo $3. Also, translating firm provide 
unlimited services it costs $240, it means that whole 
month we can exchange unlimited amount of letters and photos. 
David, but everything depends on you, you can help me to
pay per each letter or for example for unlimited services. 
I understand that it can be expensive for you and thus 
you have to decide yourself, which way is more convent for you. 
Davidl, I have spoken with manager here and she told that
if you want you can pay directly to them or you can transfer 
money to me and I will pay them. It's also up to you. 
wait to hear from you, my love, yours Oksana

Spoiler für SPD Gribov:
Received: by with SMTP id c18mr7633921fat.48.1274168468772;
        Tue, 18 May 2010 00:41:08 -0700 (PDT)
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        Tue, 18 May 2010 00:41:07 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 10:40:17 +0300
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
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To: xxxxxxxxx
Subject: my missing heart
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. Mai 2023 um 18:20 von Webmaster »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 7
Standort: Samana
Mitglied seit: 26. April 2010
Re: Oksana <> <>
Antwort #18 - 25. Mai 2010 um 00:20
Hello my missing David,
I answer you as soon as possible, I do hope you
understand it. I miss you much, my angel..You know
the days are so boring when I don't hear from you.
David, I try to not give up about the situation
with work..I'm looking for new one without stops,
while without luck, but anyway I believe that luck
will smile to me.
David, please don't worry about my health. Doctor
told me that I need treatment, but I have promised
him, that I will start it as soon as I can afford it.
I promise it for you too;)
David, thank you very much for your desire to stay in
touch with me, you even can't imagine how much it
means for me. Because for me you are really very
dear and I do want to develop our communication
deeper and deeper..
David, look I have spoke with manager here, and she told
me that as I don't have any banks account then the quickest
and easiest way to make transfer here Western Union or
Money Gram System, but I just don't know is it ok for
you or not. Also, she told me that for it you will need
that you have to know my address and full name: Ukraine,
Poltava, Kamarova st.15, Oksana Kulaeva. Sorry, I don't
know much about it, cause I have never touched with such
situation before.
David, how are you? how was your weekend? You know here
days are hard, because it was raining whole days without
stops. Days seem very long and boring, but dreams about
you save me;)) David, my honey, I'm thinking about you
without stops really, you know it helps me to abstract
from problem and to concentrate on something positive,
thank you, my dear David.
yours Oksana
P.S. Sweetheart, please can you explain what means Snookiepooh,
because translator cannot find translation.

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Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 16:11:08 +0300

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Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
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Re: Oksana <> <>
Antwort #19 - 14. Mai 2023 um 18:15
In Antwort #14 war ein Screener von einem Pornofilm, 
allerdings in sehr schlechter Qualität, was eine Weiterverarbeitung nicht möglich machte.
Der Film kann hier gesehen werden:

Leider ist es mir nicht gelungen, diesen zu ziehen (bisher nicht)!
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