Hab auch mal wieder ne Mail bekommen. Das gleiche wie Feindflieger, nur auf Englisch.
Ist schon schlimm, was uns alles entgeht. Hello my friend xxx!!!
I was very glad to get your reply. I live in Russia in city Cheboksary
in a profile at me there is a city of Moscow because very few people
knows about my city and our capital know all.
I liked very much what I have seen and decided to write you. So if it is
interesting for you, I believe I should tell you now more about
myself. Well, my name is Tatyana, I am 28 years old. I have brown eyes
and fair hair. But I try to change my image often as I always like to
be different. I live in Russia, the city of Cheboksary. It is not big
but very green and cosy. Here you will find an ensemble of different
architecture here. The e are also theatres, cinemas, cafes and many
other cute places. I work as a the nurse in hospital. I have finished
the Kazan medical institute by a trade the doctor the pediatrist.
Though I have a higher education, I cannot find job on my profession
that is why I work there to be more independent. By a trade those work
at which there are acquaintances and only the arrange on good posts on
acquaintance it is Russia and at us it so. And now I would like to ask
you some questions. Tell me more about yourself, please, everything
you want me to know. Where do you live, what place do you work in?
Tell me about your parents. Everything you write me will be
interesting for me. Unfortunately, I do not have computer that is why
I use the service of the Internet cafe that is why sometimes there
could be delays in my replies. Hope you understand me.
Waiting for your reply.