Neu Post von Olya, die üblichen 0815 Briefe, ohne auch nur eine Frage zu beantworten die ich gestellt hatte.
Hello dear XXX!
Thanks for the answer. I to wait it.
I to represent that you could write what to tell about yourself …
How your day today? How is the weather?
I have many questions for you! I wish to know about you more! I will ask it in my letters.
I hope, that you will be sincere with me!
I am glad, that you liked my photo.
What can I tell to you still? So it is difficult...
I thought, that it will be easier !
I - the kind and cheerful girl. I hope, that you will understand it!
Sometimes I like to dream. I think, that good line of quality. You agree?
My friends say, that I very counterbalanced person. I am very difficult for annoying.
I like to read books, to look films, to listen music.
I will write more in detail later.
I am pleasant like cleanliness and a cosiness in the house.
I like to listen music. Probably so each person who tells about itself can tell.
Many people say, that at me a mysterious sight.
If All of you still want that that to learn about me, set to me questions.
It will be very pleasant to answer for me them.
Write to me a little about itself, about your life, about work? It is very interesting to me …
On it I will finish the letter.
I with impatience will wait to receive news from you.