It is very sweet to read a new letter from you my dearest XXXXX!
I am thankful for your letter!I would like to see more photos of
yours.Will you send me them with your next letter?
I am glad we have started our communication.
So nice to get an answer from you.I'll tell you my secret,I waited for it;)
And the more I'm happy that you told me so many interesting fact about
yourself)Now I just feel obliged to tell you about me;)I'm glad to write
to you this letter, my next letter to you. I think everything will be
wonderful between us:)
I won't tell you about my height or weight as from my profile and
photos this will be clear enough.
I was born December 25th, 1985 in Lugansk - that is a Ukrainian city
closest to Russian border.
I have graduated with a degree in English and Russian literature, too
bad I am no longer reading as much as I used to.
For my life, my heart can be in the hands of only one...the one who is
strong yet gentle, intelligent and spoken, beautiful yet not vain, my partner and my lover. For this all, all you need is look
inside your heart...for if in there you find the same with me from you,
then you already hold what you ask of; all you need do is make it your
own and claim it as yours.
I await you feelings, more of your life and the telling of your
I was thinking last time about virtual relations...
Internet is for me as a big city with many streets. You have a
walk on these streets. You see men and women who go past. We found
each other in such a street and we are now watching each other! What
you will see, is the things up till now I have written to you. You
will see a woman who is honest and expects honesty. You will see a
woman who can give you love and expects love from you. You will see
a woman who is far away from you, who wants to see you and ask you
"am I the one, you expected? Am I the one, you want be with for rest
of your life? Am I the one, you want to be happy with and if you want
to make her happy?" I would like, that you look me in my eyes and tell
me "yes, you are the right one. I would like, that you see me, and have
really the feeling, I am the right woman for you. What do you think
about all this my dear?
I hope we will be able to create something beautiful, you and me....
And what are things you like ?
My dream has been always to visit Rome. I like history of the Ancient
times and I want to visit the places from which everything had
started. But for me it is still a dream though I am an optimist and
hope that one day i will be there and I hope now that I will meet you
It would be great to meet you. I think that we will decide on this.
Hope to hear from you soon.