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Aber laut Profil auf Tagged von Birmingham, United Kingdom ist.
Zitat:George F
Last Active: 5 hours ago
Profile Views: 149 times
Profile Skin: Default
Tagline: Its nice to be important...But it is more important to be nice!
Member Since: Jul 10, 2009
Gender: Male
Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Age: 40
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Friends, Dating, Serious Relationship, Networking
Languages: English, French
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Religion: Catholic
Orientation: Straight
About Me
* Music:R n B,Soft rock,Gospel,Pop etc...
* Movies:I love comedies and Action Movies..
* TV:Scrubs,The beauty and the Geek,Grey"s Anatomy,American Idol and Lost.
* Books:Rich dad poor Dad.Autobiography of Nelson Mandela,The Audacity of Hope....and lots more!
* Sports:Lawn Tennis,Basketball,American football,Soccer.
* Interests:Beautiful things of
* Dreams:Let's just say I don't remember any of my dreams because I'm in such a deep sleep....hahaha
* Best Features:I always get complimented on my eyes, lips, and "cute" little nose...
* About Me:To live a good life, find true love, and make sure my son is on a path to the best person he can be...
Inboxmail From:George F
Date:Jul 13, 2009 11:03 PM
Subject:Hi I am George,a contract...
Hi I am George,a contract Engineer based in the UK.I am new to heard they have great people here.Hence,i joined in the hopes of finding the right partner for me.What about you?
Inboxmail From:George F
Date:Jul 25, 2009 8:31 PM
Subject:Re: Hi I am George,a contract...
Thanks for the mail. Where have you been? I kinda missed you..What has been happening to you.I thought you have forgotten about me.I will love to see pics of you.And telling me what has been happening in your life.Your work and everything.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
creamy tots,
Email: Hi Love..
I just want you to know that i missed you very much! [/quote]
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