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John Pamler
Last Active: Online now!
Profile Views: 2625 times
Profile Skin: Default
Tagline: I am Looking for serious relationship
Member Since: Oct 15, 2007
Gender: Male
Location: Madison Square Sta, NY
Age: 47
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Serious Relationship
Languages: English
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Religion: Christian
Orientation: Straight
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Inboxmail Zitat:From:John Pamler
Date:Jul 19, 2009 11:06 AM
Subject:Hello Dear, Well I will...
Hello Dear, Well I will like to say somethings about my self. Firstly I am a one woman man, I am 48 years old residing in the U.S. I work offshore as a Production/Chemical Engineer. I am in an Oil rig 400 nautical miles into the Atlantic ocean off the coast of England. I am working with SHELL an oil exploration company in the UK....I will be back in the States/home in three weeks time that's when my off starts I have been in this job for about 6yrs now and am quitting this time cos I want to get settle down again that is why am here searching,i have being widowed for 3yrs now. I enjoyed being a married man but didn't have much time to enjoy my marriage before my wife had a car accident some years later when she went to visit her parents in Africa..I have a daughter she is Amanda by name and she is in Africa with my late wife's mom while I am working. I like been honest and down to earth, I just love the outdoors. I believe the woman in my life deserve my love and trust, I like making people happy and be there for them whenever they need my attention especially that special lady in my life. I hate to see my lady sad and blue, I always try to give her the best of everything that can put her in a happy mood. I am a man that is passionate about treating my lady like a queen. I dont see distance as any problem because I know I can travel any mile for love, and I would love to have frequent chat with you and I would like you to add me to your messenger and please email me through my email below. Email : j.p a m l e r 1 9 6 1 @ y a h o Hope to hear from you back and have a nice day. Regards, John
Zitat:Hi there! Good Morning ,Wow you are dem pretty and nice looking woman..
Thanks for your responses, you sound very interesting, I'm a gentle man with big heart and beautiful personality! I'm the caretaker type. When you are on the side of the road with a flat, I'm the guy who stops. When you are coming through the door, I'm the guy who holds it for you and gives you a humble smile and a soft hello. I work hard with my mind and my hands and I am more "in tune" with life than most people. With me you get depth, joy, love, fun and excitement, great conversation, hysterical points of view and a breath of fresh air. Not always in that order, of course.
I lived in New York , White plains but i am in UK working right now with Shell Oil and Gas Company and my little gierl Amanda is in Nigeria with her grandma as soon as i am done working in some few weeks time , I will do go get her back with me and i am willing to go any miles to meet the right one of my life ...
In life I feel we need to be forgiving and accepting both of ourselves and of others. We are all unique and special in God's eyes and if we focus on doing good things for others we receive good things from life in ways we may not even know. Ooo, good topic of convoy.
What I'm looking for: a women who wants to live life to the fullest. A caring, loving individual. Someone who is looking for a soul mate. I would hope that we would both be interested in creating an inviting place that would be hard to leave. Our home would reflect our interests and personal style that we would develop together.. A home filled with love, joy and music in a peaceful setting.
I like people who need people who find solace in sharing themselves and their gifts and talents. Many who read this will never write to me because they don't understand where I'm coming from. I am patient. Someone does, somewhere. I tend to stay away from those who always have an ax to grind and who are quick to anger. These people are everywhere. I try never to give myself license to get angry at anything or anyone. I admire women who still find value in the virtues of yesterday, not so much the new age mentality of today. Little touches speak volumes to me. I like to be close, but not stifling. I usually look with humble humor at things. I like to playact on the fly for fun and humor. I'm a "kidder" and a kid at heart, like to laugh with you and do things for you. Sometimes, I like to just pull you close and gaze into your eyes without saying a word? Other times, I will bring you a beautiful flower just because I want to say hi in a special way.
I will be glad if you can add me to your yahoo messenger so we can chat and get to know more about our self, I am presently online and can't wait to get to know more about you,
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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