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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Nina <> (Gelesen: 5744 mal)

Nina <>
29. Dezember 2008 um 23:51
hello! my name is Nina!
i just want to give my 
love to someone i can trust and who loves me. Someone i can share
everything with. Someone i can hold close to me. 
Maybe its you? lets try to know maybe i am your second half.
Write me at:

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Re: Nina <>
Antwort #1 - 02. Januar 2009 um 15:29
hello, xxx!

Nice to meet you, dear, but where are your photos;0?

All  I  can  tell  you that I have a sincere intention and this entire
long  distance  thing is new to me. So, in the matter of heart I don't
like  to  rationalize, I believe in chance, and I also believe that in
this  world  there  is  a man that was made for me and I for him, it's
only a matter of searching in the right place and to be patient.

I  am  romantic if I enjoy the company of the person that I am with. I
just  can't  help  it, if the person is the one and I have feeling for
him,  the  mood  will follow. I used to like a romantic movie, but not
anymore  because  I  think  it's  sad to watch them if you're not in a
relationship, so I stick with action or comedy movies.

I  guess  everybody  in general is looking for the same thing in their
partners,  so  why  is it hard to find. I think there are some kind of
chemistry  that had to exist between two people, some people are lucky
and fall in love early in their lives and stays together, and for some
people it takes time to happen to them.
For  me,  I  am  looking  for someone who has comment sense and a good
heart,  has his own mind and very honest. Everything else is a plus. I
want  someone who loves me and have lust for life, funny and positive.
I  won't  lie to you, outside appearance is important, by that I don't
mean  breathless  beauty,  but  who takes care of his looks... I think
these are simple and realistic qualities.

I  better  stop  my letter now, I can keep on writing but I don't want
you  to  be  bored, feel free to reply whenever you have time. Tell me
more  about  you  and your family, about your past relations, have you
ever been in love??

Hope to hear from you soon,
Yours, Nina.

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Re: Nina <>
Antwort #2 - 05. Januar 2009 um 14:16
Hello, xxxxx!

It's a pity you do not want to send me your photos...

How  are  you, my sweetie? Hope everything is fine with you. Thank you
for  your  most  romantic letter. Wow. You really a romantic man but I
love that. I hope you do all those things to me when I see you someday
soon.  Please  spoil  me. I like that. Of course, I feel very much the
2nd  part of you. I want to hold you and feel your warmth just as much
as  you.  How  I  wish,  like you, that you were right here with me. I
would  always  hold  you and never let you go. You're so nice, dear. I
would always be looking at you.

Thank  you  so  much  for  your reply. Reading your letter has made my
start  to  the day a perfect one, the only thing that can better it is
to wake up and see you there beside me...

I  believe  we  will  build something special together, we already have
built  a special relationship. I have a deep desire to be with you for
ever,  i  am sincere in what i say to you, I'm yours, xxxx, for

I  like what you wrote about you massaging me and we make love as one,
it  will  come  true,  doing  it  every  night, taking it in turns you
massage   me   one   day   then   i   do   it   the  next,  It  sounds
great, xxxx, you are really a truly romantic MAN, I wish i
could  be  with you now, my heart is beating faster than before i read
this  letter  of  yours, it made me feel warm inside knowing your love
for  me, i look forward to the day when i can express my love for you.
You will be my king and i will be your queen...

With love, 
« Zuletzt geändert: 20. Mai 2023 um 16:19 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Nina <>
Antwort #3 - 08. Januar 2009 um 23:41
Hello, xxx!

I  like  a  good  laugh  and have a warm humor. I like to be happy, to
spoil my man, to share life's moments and wonders. I am very romantic,
and  love  cooking with candle light dinners - I do not like exercise,
but   prefer   active  sports  like  swimming,shaping,  step-aerobics,
gardening  (I  have what people call - green fingers...) I like nature
and  its  wilderness  (but  prefer  there  is  a  hut  with  water and
electricity  close  at  hand  for staying overnight. I can loose my
temper,  it  is  very  rarely  -  and  only  if  I  have  been  pushed
sufficiently, otherwise I am like the Bull Ferdinand sitting under the
tree smelling to the flower......

For me it is very very important that I and my partner are faithful to
each other - why fooling around, when decided to live together...

So,  what  is  negative  about  me.....  I  like  to sleep long in the
morning  I  am not a very good talker, and tend to keep things in my

« Zuletzt geändert: 28. April 2023 um 16:31 von Stiray »  
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Re: Nina <>
Antwort #4 - 13. Januar 2009 um 19:07
Hello, xxx!

I have got a problem, my dear.

So  I  don't know what I am to do now, when I do not have money now to
pay  for the correspondence with you as I do really like you and would
like  to  try a fortune with you as you seem to be great!!! It took me
much  time  to  collect  the needed sum of money in order to start the
search  and it seems to me that I don't need to continue searching for
somebody  as  I  like  you and I would like to stay in touch only with

I  just wish I had some more money to write you in order to discuss the

Ok,  I  will  close my letter for the moment and hope to hear from you
soon.  I  wish  you  all  the  best and want you to remember that I do
really like you and that I really need your help!


« Zuletzt geändert: 28. April 2023 um 16:31 von Stiray »  

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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6376
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: begeistert
Re: Nina <>
Antwort #5 - 20. Februar 2009 um 11:57
Thank you so much for the interest in me, my dear! I have to tell you
that I find you a very handsome man but I am sure you have heard it
a lot from other women

Why  am I alone? After having some relations I understood that I don't
want to have anything common with these rude alcoholics or just stupid
guys  here,  in Ukraine. The thing is that one of the main problems of
our  youth  is  alcohol-too  many young people start drinking and then
can't  stop.  Also our men are rather rude in the relation to women as
they  afford  themselves  too  much.  So  I decided to try the fortune
abroad  and  I think that i have won!!! I have found you, my dear

I like animals a lot.

I admit that it can be
difficult  to  find that one special person that touches your soul and
makes  your  life  complete  but  I  believe that true love does still
exist.  When you find it, you will feel it in your heart and will know
that it is real. It is easy to lose hope and faith in this crazy world
that  we live in. So many people today seem to have lost sight of what
is  really  important  in  life.  

Your Nina.

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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6376
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: begeistert
Re: Nina <>
Antwort #6 - 21. Februar 2009 um 16:10
Hello, my dear xxx!

Thank you so much for the letter and for the photo, my dear! I loved
both of them! I am so lucky to meet such an interesting person in
the Internet!

I    like    a    man   to   be   strong,   affectionate,   sensitive,
understanding,honest,faithful   ,   able   to  adapt  himself  to  new
situations, to handle family problems,to be mature in his reaction and
to count until 10 before acting or saying something that he may regret
later  (  To  be  tactful). I like respectful and well dressed up men,
those  who cares for their appearances but not that much. I like a man
when he is sexy but not vulgar. I like when a man is able to take care
of  his  wife  and children. However, I dislike very talkative , rude,
impolite  and  vulgar men. I dislike a man who is selfish and does not
take  care  of his family. I hate childish men who just think of going
out somewhere with their friends and parties.

I am very happy that we are in
contact  with  each  other.  I  am very glad that you like that we are
getting closer to each other, as i am enjoying this very much as well.
It  is  very  nice to have this opportunity to get to know a wonderful
person as you are. I am too very excited about where this relationship
is heading.

You  sound  sincere  and  honest  and  that  is something that gets my
attention!!  It's  sad  that  so  many people in the world are sad and
lonely...  I  think  that  people  are  just  restless  and need a new
distraction  most  of  the  time.  I don't think people appreciate how
lucky  they  are when they find someone that truly loves them?? I wait
for the day when I feel this feeling. I want someone that will love me
forever and follow me to the ends of the earth. I must admit that I am
very  skeptical  and  very  guarded when it comes to my feeling and my

I go for things with 100% positive attitude and hope it works as well.
Of  course, there is disappointment if it doesn't, but if we don't try
then we don't live, it seems to me.

Warmest regards, 

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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6376
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: begeistert
Re: Nina <>
Antwort #7 - 23. Februar 2009 um 12:09
Hello, my dear xx!

Did I tell you, my dear, how much i like receiving your letters and photos;)?

Thanks for the information about yourself.

I  think now it's my turn to tell you some more things about myself. I
like  to communicate with people very much; I like to see happy smiles
on  the  faces  of my friends and my relatives. I love my parents very
much  and  I  never  forget  about them. I adore giving presents to my
dearest  people,  that's  why  everybody  considers me a very romantic

But at the same time I like new, some extraordinary things, I'm always
waiting  for  the best in  my  life. I like life itself very much. I
think,  it  is  amazing  when you get something you've never expected;
when  you  meet  someone,  who will become a very close person in your
life, and, of course, it happens unexpectedly. What's your attitude to
the changes in your life?

In  my opinion, nowadays it is very important to have tight and caring
relationship  in the family. What do you think about that? What is the
dream  of  your  life?  Do  you  have  the one? And in general, do you
believe  in  love from the first sight? And I wonder what kind of girl
you  are  looking  for?  Tell  me please some interesting things about
yourself  (of  course,  if  you  want  to continue our corresponding).
Perhaps you think that I'm the one for you am I too naive here?

I  also like animals very much. You know, once we even had rabbits!!!.
They are so nice! Just now I have a dog. Her name is Herda. She is almost
2  years  old.  And I also have got a cat. What about you? Do you like
pats  and do you have them? And my last question is the following: How
do you imagine our first date (of course, if you want to meet me)?

Looking forward to your answers,

« Zuletzt geändert: 28. April 2023 um 16:35 von Stiray » 
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6376
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: begeistert
Re: Nina <>
Antwort #8 - 24. Februar 2009 um 14:30
Hello, my dear xxx!

Your letters always bring me comfort and warm my heart. Each letter   
brings me closer to you. My dear, it is my dream to see your smile    
early in the morning. I would hold you tight and never let you go. It            
would be nice to drink coffee in bed with you and caress and cuddle. I    
can only dream about you for now. 

I have to tell you, my dear, that i do not want you to be surprised or
worried if one day there will be no answer from me. The matter is that
I  need money to pay for the correspondence with you, but also need to
pay for the flat rent, for the food to eat something, for the clothes,
so  if  I  do not write you, it will mean that I have run out of money
and I am not able to write you any more. But i will miss you very much

I  care  for  our  correspondence a lot, my dear! i will never want to
lose  you!  I need you very much, you are the best thing that happened
with me here, in the Internet and I am very serious about you!

« Zuletzt geändert: 28. April 2023 um 16:35 von Stiray »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6376
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: begeistert
Re: Nina <>
Antwort #9 - 25. Februar 2009 um 17:26
Hello, my dear xxx!

The matter is that I want to visit you first.                                          

Why do I want to come to you first? I have thought a lot over this and
came to the conclusion that in such case We will have some advantages.
First  off all from the pictures and your letters I see that you are a
good  man  and  you  won't hurt me, that’s why I am almost not afraid!
Secondly,  if  I  come  to  you I will see the style of your life, the
place  of your living, your environment, your habits and so on. This I
need in the case we decide to stay this case I will have
to leave my country and to come to live with you, am I right? And just
imagine  if you come to visit me first. That would be nice as well and
be  sure I will be happy to meet you here and to have you as my guest,
but...But  if  we  decide  to stay together, just imagine my state...I
will  have to leave for the unknown!!! That frightens me a little bit.
And the last reason, again in the case we decide to stay together, the
visa  in  my passport for your country will prove that we have already
met,  that  I have been to your country, at your place.... it seems to
me  that  in  this case it would be much more easier for us to arrange
documents for me. What do you think? Does it make sense?

It's  the  middle  of  the day and I was thinking about you, as usual.
Your  mail means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you for
a long time and I honestly can't imagine how it will be once we met. I
hope  that  there  will  be no looking back, no second thoughts and no
regrets.  Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you
totally  by  surprise and you surely have done that to me... All I can
say  is  you're  the  best  surprise  life  has given. I've truly been
blessed  by  finding you and I hope that all our realistic dreams will
come true.

Thinking of you,
« Zuletzt geändert: 28. April 2023 um 16:36 von Stiray » 
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28431
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Nina <>
Antwort #10 - 27. April 2023 um 20:13
Bilder sind geklaut bei Cara Wakelin, australische Filmschauspielerin und Playmate im November 1999

Ein paar nette züchtige Kinderbilder.


« Zuletzt geändert: 12. August 2023 um 17:15 von Stiray »  
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