
World Wide Web anti-scam

Waren- und Scheckbetrug, Fakebanken, Lotteriescam, sonstige Geldgeschäfte Waren- und Scheckbetrug, Fakebanken, Lotteriescam, sonstige Geldgeschäfte
Alles was nichts mit Bride-Scam zu tun hat.
Themen: 3789
Beiträge: 13367
** Teile keinem Scammer mit, was du herausgefunden hast und daß sie hier gelistet sind. Die, die es tun, erhalten sofort Verbannung. **
** Poste immer vollständig (Mail´s, eMail-Headers und Bilder) **
** Poste alle Infos, die du besitzt, in chronologischer Reihenfolge**
** Mache deine eigene eMail-Adresse unkenntlich **
** Schreibe Namen und eMail-Adresse oder ID des SCAMMERS in den Betreff **
** Ein SCAMMER pro Thema. Keine Anhäufungen **
** Wird der SCAMMER hier bereits besprochen, wird dein Beitrag dorthin verschoben **
** Schreibe niemals Moderatoren oder Administratoren wegen eines vermeindlichen SCAM´S an. Poste alles ins Board **
** Das Personal behält sich das Recht vor, die Mitgliedschaft eines jeden zu beenden, der diese Richtlinien mehrfach mißachtet **
** Lese die allgemeinen Boardregeln **
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Normales Thema
Al Malik <>
Dear Sir,
I trust this email finds you well.
We would like to develop a business relationship with you by establishing a trust agreement whereby you shall hold, manage, invest and distribute...

Gestartet gestern um 17:23 von Bommo
0 15 Letzter Beitrag Gestern um 17:23
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Gregory <>
Greetings, I am xxxy Wilbur, and I am reaching out on behalf of the
FBI. I want to discuss about your overdue payment
Kindly respond to this message to continue the conversation.

Gestartet gestern um 17:07 von Bommo
0 13 Letzter Beitrag Gestern um 17:07
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Peter <>
xxx  .
*Dear Sir,*
*This is to officially inform and notify you of the deposit of $500
000,000.00 (Five Hundred Million United States dollars only with us in your<br /...

Gestartet 23. Juli 2024 um 16:45 von Bommo
2 45 Letzter Beitrag Gestern um 16:38
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Dickson <>
Attn:xxx xxx,
In which United Nations for Human rights  and International Monetary Fund
(IMF) European Corporate Office have received all the overdue outstanding
payment owed to the fol...

Gestartet 23. Juli 2024 um 16:38 von Bommo
0 24 Letzter Beitrag 23. Juli 2024 um 16:38
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Camilla <>
Hi, my name is Camilla, I represent Turkishunitybank, I am a senior specialist in high-net-worth client relations. We partner with Turkish Winner, and they have already transferred your win to our acc...

Gestartet 22. Juli 2024 um 17:45 von Bommo
1 48 Letzter Beitrag 22. Juli 2024 um 17:46
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Brenda <>
?Dear Winner,
I'm Brenda Phillips from the Email Lotto Network, before I go any further,I would like to ask you if a representative from our office has informed
you of your win?

Gestartet 14. April 2024 um 07:55 von Bommo
1 116 Letzter Beitrag 21. Juli 2024 um 10:51
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Ben <>
You have just received a payment of €520,000 from the Moneygram
service. Reply to have it enabled for your name to be picked up
Reply to
DR,<br /...

Gestartet 20. Juli 2024 um 09:03 von Bommo
0 42 Letzter Beitrag 20. Juli 2024 um 09:03
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Martin Wilk <>
I am Dr. Martin Wilk, a South African working in a UK international finance house . We have some charity deposited funds totaling the sum of £25 Million pounds and the depositor died in a  crash recen...

Gestartet 19. Juli 2024 um 18:04 von oxygenboy
1 41 Letzter Beitrag 19. Juli 2024 um 22:24
Von: oxygenboy
Normales Thema
Cathy <>
Hi Edzimmi,
Just wanted to check if you’ve submitted your tax refund claim yet?
SETC and ERC are federal government programs designed to give businesses tax refunds for the difficult times d...

Gestartet 19. Juli 2024 um 20:17 von Bommo
Dieses Thema enthält 2 Dateianhänge
0 62 Letzter Beitrag 19. Juli 2024 um 20:17
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Matthew <>
Sehr geehrter Herr xxx ,
Ich vertrete einen ehemaligen Energieminister in Asien, der eine Partnerschaftsinvestition in Deutschland sucht. Sobald ich Ihre Antwort erhalte, werde ich es Ihnen genau...

Gestartet 19. Juli 2024 um 19:36 von Bommo
0 37 Letzter Beitrag 19. Juli 2024 um 19:36
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Walter <>
Humanitarian Request & Investment Inquiry.
I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart due to the ongoing crisis in
Sudan, which has tragically claimed the lives of numerous individua...

Gestartet 15. Juli 2024 um 19:47 von Bommo
1 43 Letzter Beitrag 19. Juli 2024 um 18:24
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Felix <>
Hello There,
I am Barrister Appelbe xxx a solicitor and probate expert. I and my client are looking for a reliable investment partner abroad(Your Country) for investment of (Thirty Five Million, ...

Gestartet 15. Juli 2024 um 19:49 von Bommo
1 45 Letzter Beitrag 17. Juli 2024 um 18:14
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Richard <>
Dear Sir / Madam,
Good Day
I work as the accountant and auditor manager in a Bank here in South Africa; I have a very confidential Business Proposition for you. There is a HUGE AMOUNT OF MON...

Gestartet 16. Juli 2024 um 15:28 von Bommo
0 16 Letzter Beitrag 16. Juli 2024 um 15:28
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Ben <>
You have just received a payment of €520,000 from the Moneygram
service. Reply to have it enabled for your name to be picked up
Reply to

Gestartet 15. Juli 2024 um 19:40 von Bommo
0 30 Letzter Beitrag 15. Juli 2024 um 19:40
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Steven <>
Dear Lucky Winner
This is to inform you that you have won prize money from the LinkedIn
Award 2024.
Reference number: AA-ME3520.
You are requested to contact our fiduciary agent M...

Gestartet 11. Juli 2024 um 21:20 von Bommo
1 42 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juli 2024 um 09:31
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Maria <>
I want to share with you a very profitable offer for making money on cryptocurrency and coin races. I am selling cryptocurrency and actively making money on changes in rates, and now there...

Gestartet 11. Juli 2024 um 21:37 von Bommo
0 24 Letzter Beitrag 11. Juli 2024 um 21:37
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Ada <>
We Received Instructions From The IMF/United Nation To Credit Your Account With The Sum Of GBP6.5 Million Only) As Part Of Your On-Hold Compe...

Gestartet 09. Juli 2024 um 21:42 von Bommo
0 33 Letzter Beitrag 09. Juli 2024 um 21:42
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Derico Thomson <>
I am contacting you from the office of the EU Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Europe. Our policy aims to promote employment, improve living and working conditions, p...

Gestartet 08. Juli 2024 um 09:48 von Velic
0 25 Letzter Beitrag 08. Juli 2024 um 09:48
Von: Velic
Normales Thema
Anthony <>
Interex is an international company with a history dating back to 2022. The company assists in building international financial logistics: fast, reliable and legal!

Gestartet 07. Juli 2024 um 09:21 von Bommo
0 39 Letzter Beitrag 07. Juli 2024 um 09:21
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Silva <>
Do you need financing for your business? Has the bank refused to 
grant you financing? OR are you looking for a reputable financial 
institution to get Business / Project Finance...

Gestartet 06. Juli 2024 um 16:43 von Bommo
0 46 Letzter Beitrag 06. Juli 2024 um 16:43
Von: Bommo
Seiten Seiten: [1] 2 3 ... 190
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