
World Wide Web anti-scam

Zhanna Tuyakbaeva Zhanna Tuyakbaeva
Themen: 10
Beiträge: 45
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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Angepinntes Thema
Anel <> <>
Hey, there! Hopefully you guys could allocate a while towards examine this particular note from me.
I am just forwarding this particular message your way, hoping for you'll take a look a thorough...

---> Petropavl
Gestartet 06. April 2024 um 13:03 von Jimbo01
3 247 Letzter Beitrag 13. April 2024 um 22:17
Von: Jimbo01
Angepinntes Thema
Violetta <> <>
I request you to read my letter to the end because I wasn't able to make up my mind for a long time to write a note to u. It is not my style to send notes to men first.
My first name'...

---> Petropavl
Gestartet 24. November 2023 um 10:14 von Bommo
7 706 Letzter Beitrag 05. Januar 2024 um 15:13
Von: Bommo
Angepinntes Thema
Anel <>
Hi there!
I request u to read this e-mail thoroughly cause I wasn't able to make up my mind 4 a long period of time to write a message to you.
It is not my style to write emails to the men f...

Gestartet 27. Dezember 2023 um 14:29 von Bommo
1 574 Letzter Beitrag 27. Dezember 2023 um 16:40
Von: Stiray
Angepinntes Thema
Anel <>
I beg you to read this e-mail thoroughly as I couldn't make up my mind 4 a long time to write a e-mail to you.
It isn't my style to send e-mails to the men 1st.
My first name's A...

Gestartet 27. Dezember 2023 um 14:25 von Bommo
1 435 Letzter Beitrag 27. Dezember 2023 um 16:40
Von: Stiray
Angepinntes Thema
Violetta <> <>
Good day!
I am making a request u to read my note up to the end as I couldn't make up my mind for a long time to send a message to you.
It is not in my nature to send messages to the men 1st...

Gestartet 19. Oktober 2023 um 21:03 von Bommo
8 930 Letzter Beitrag 01. November 2023 um 11:51
Von: Bommo
Angepinntes Thema
Violetta <>
Good day there!
I request you to read this letter to the end because I wasn't able to make up my mind 4 a long period of time to write a mail to you.
It's not in my nature to send notes to t...

Gestartet 18. Oktober 2023 um 21:39 von Bommo
1 475 Letzter Beitrag 18. Oktober 2023 um 23:21
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Anel <>
Hello! I ask u to read the message thoroughly cause I was not able to make up my mind for a long period of time to write a e-mail to you. It is not my style to write letters to the menfolks 1st. I am ...

Gestartet 08. Mai 2024 um 23:11 von Trond
5 315 Letzter Beitrag 29. Mai 2024 um 07:48
Von: Webmaster
Normales Thema
Anel <>
Hi there! I beg u to read the mail thoroughly as I couldn't make up my mind for a long period of time to write a letter to u. It's not my style to send notes to the menfolks 1st. I am Anelechka. I am ...

Gestartet 09. Mai 2024 um 08:10 von Bommo
3 345 Letzter Beitrag 11. Mai 2024 um 08:50
Von: dllser
Normales Thema
Anel <>
Good day there!
I  beg u to read my mail to the end
because for the cause that wasn't able to make up my mind for long time write message
It is not my style send mails to the men 1st<br...

Gestartet 14. April 2024 um 16:17 von Webmaster
2 144 Letzter Beitrag 09. Mai 2024 um 01:55
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Anel <> <>
I ask you to read my message to the end
because for cause was not able to make up my mind for long time send message
It is not in my nature write notes to the men 1st
My fir...

Gestartet 22. März 2024 um 20:33 von Bommo
4 200 Letzter Beitrag 15. April 2024 um 22:28
Von: Bommo
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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