
World Wide Web anti-scam

Sabine Jemeljanova Sabine Jemeljanova
Themen: 21
Beiträge: 84
Seiten Seiten: [1] 2 
Betreff / Begonnen von Antworten Gelesen Letzter Beitrag Sortieren (Z-A)
Normales Thema
Oksana <>
Hello! The summer days are ending, and it's time for a change. Do You mind if I take up some of Your time? You won't regret it, I promise! Are You ready for us to get acquainted? I might be d...

Gestartet 27. August 2024 um 11:03 von Bommo
5 445 Letzter Beitrag 13. Oktober 2024 um 20:15
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Anastasia <>
How are you doing?
How is the political situation in connection with what is happening in Ukraine?
My name is Anastasia. I am 35 years old and I live in Kazakhstan in a city call...

Gestartet 01. Juni 2023 um 06:02 von Webmaster
0 245 Letzter Beitrag 01. Juni 2023 um 06:02
Von: Webmaster
Normales Thema
Anastasia <>
How are you doing?
How is the political situation in connection with what is happening in Ukraine?
My name is Anastasia. I am 35 years old and I live in Kazakhstan in a city call...

Gestartet 08. April 2023 um 10:53 von Kotelett
2 601 Letzter Beitrag 31. Mai 2023 um 08:34
Von: Webmaster
Normales Thema
Anastasia <>
I am very interested did you pay your attention to my photos or to what I wrote to you?
I wouldn't mind getting to know you, but I want to tell you right away that I live in Kazakhs...

Gestartet 26. April 2023 um 09:22 von Webmaster
1 379 Letzter Beitrag 26. April 2023 um 23:48
Von: Stiray
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Anna <>
Wie geht es dir? Erinnere dich an mich? Sie gerade in Deutschland? Ich hoffe, Sie moechten sich immer noch treffen und Zeit miteinander verbringen. Warum schreibe ich das alles fuer dich? Der Grund is...

Gestartet 10. Juni 2022 um 17:09 von Velic
12 1537 Letzter Beitrag 01. Juli 2022 um 19:27
Von: Razor Buzz
Normales Thema
Iryna <>
I'm  glad  that  we  can  continue  our  communication  here,  it will
undoubtedly  be  more convenient for us. So why are you here? What are
you  looking for? As for me, I would...

Gestartet 21. Januar 2021 um 21:03 von ManRS
2 932 Letzter Beitrag 25. Januar 2021 um 20:51
Von: ManRS
Normales Thema
Anya <> <>
Hello xxx.  I wasn't sure if you would answer me when I wrote you my first letter, but now my uncertainty is gone. I apologize for writing to you from a different email address, but this is my persona...

Gestartet 30. November 2020 um 11:07 von Bommo
5 1446 Letzter Beitrag 04. Dezember 2020 um 15:57
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Annushka <>
Hi. How is your mood? How about a new acquaintance. I decided to write to you and take the first step, and I think this is a good idea.
In our time women have become more likely to take the first...

Gestartet 22. November 2020 um 16:56 von Kotelett
5 1032 Letzter Beitrag 27. November 2020 um 00:18
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Anna <>
Hello. I think that you didn't expect me to write you first. Probably, you think why I write to you to you?
I don't know, probably because I can find the strength to make the first step.

Gestartet 30. Mai 2020 um 12:55 von Kotelett
3 1390 Letzter Beitrag 01. Juni 2020 um 12:44
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Anya <>
Hello. I am sure that you didn't expect me to write you a letter first. Probably, you have a question why I write the letter exactly to you? I don't know, probably because want to make the first step....

Gestartet 26. April 2020 um 13:37 von Velic
1 1123 Letzter Beitrag 27. April 2020 um 21:52
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Anna <>
Hello. I am sure that you didn't expect me to write you a letter first. Probably, you have a question why I write the letter exactly to you?
I don't know, probably because want to make the first ...

Gestartet 23. Februar 2020 um 17:07 von Kotelett
1 1104 Letzter Beitrag 23. Februar 2020 um 17:13
Von: vierauge
Normales Thema
Oksana <>
We met on a  dating-site with you, hope you still rememmber me.
But after my first letter to you here I did not get your response.
I am sure such a man like you gets letters from...

Gestartet 19. Februar 2020 um 09:58 von JustaMan (Ex-Mitglied)
1 956 Letzter Beitrag 19. Februar 2020 um 18:41
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Anna <>
Hello. I am sure that you were very surprised when you received my letter to your e-mail, but I ask you to read my letter to the end, maybe we can become friends and our life will change.
I will ...

Gestartet 18. Februar 2020 um 17:20 von Kotelett
1 919 Letzter Beitrag 18. Februar 2020 um 17:26
Von: vierauge
Normales Thema
Anna <>
Hi. I think that you didn't expect me to write you first. Probably, you think why I write to you to you? I don't know, probably because I can find the strength to make the first step.
What do you...

Gestartet 04. Februar 2020 um 16:13 von Kotelett
2 1507 Letzter Beitrag 08. Februar 2020 um 13:39
Von: Kotelett
Normales Thema
Anna <>
Hello. I am sure that you were very surprised when you received my letter to your e-mail, but I ask you to read my letter to the end, maybe we can become friends and our life will change.
I will ...

Gestartet 30. Januar 2020 um 21:05 von Kotelett
0 902 Letzter Beitrag 30. Januar 2020 um 21:05
Von: Kotelett
Normales Thema
Oksana <>
xxx , I am grateful that we are communticating here now.
I think it is better to know each others through longer letters..
So let's start?
I am 32-years old Oksana. I live in Stakhanov ...

Gestartet 02. Juli 2019 um 11:02 von olivier11
4 2454 Letzter Beitrag 28. Januar 2020 um 15:08
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Anna <>
Were you surprised get my message? I want to tell you that I'm here not for play and I'm not interested in virtual sex correspondence. I'm sure that with the help of letters, you can understand the in...

Gestartet 28. Januar 2020 um 14:07 von Stiray
1 1464 Letzter Beitrag 28. Januar 2020 um 15:07
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Vika <>
Hello my dear friend XXXXX!! The man that I'm very interested in!
I'm a sweet brunette girl from Ukraine and I'm very lonely. I'm
looking for a serious relationships here because I'm alrea...

Gestartet 15. August 2013 um 17:47 von Junior67
3 5964 Letzter Beitrag 08. September 2016 um 19:42
Von: Chris3165
Normales Thema
Katya <>
My dear new friend,xxx
Finding each other in this cruel world, with all cheating people
around, with all these people, who don't deserve our attention, with
all these people, who try to...

Gestartet 12. Oktober 2015 um 19:35 von seiko
9 8957 Letzter Beitrag 22. Oktober 2015 um 17:49
Von: seiko
Normales Thema
Elena / Lena <>
Portalnachricht 1: Kam mit IP
Hi, I live in Ukraine, I am a new user of this site looking for my soul mate,
I do not when  there was abroad
Portalnachricht 2: Kam mit IP
Hey, if you do ...

Gestartet 28. März 2015 um 13:34 von Adept (Ex-Mitglied)
4 2458 Letzter Beitrag 03. April 2015 um 19:20
Von: Adept - Ex-Mitglied
Seiten Seiten: [1] 2 
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