
World Wide Web anti-scam

Moldavische Scammer Moldavische Scammer
Scam aus Moldavien, versuchter & erfolgreicher Scam
Bride-Scam only
Themen: 48
Beiträge: 260
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** Mache deine eigene eMail-Adresse unkenntlich **
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** Schreibe niemals Moderatoren oder Administratoren wegen eines vermeindlichen SCAM´S an. Poste alles ins Board **
** Das Personal behält sich das Recht vor, die Mitgliedschaft eines jeden zu beenden, der diese Richtlinien mehrfach mißachtet **
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Normales Thema
Alexandra <> <>
Good day,
My mom and dad named me Alexandra.
My entire life has underwent big alterations because of the awful conflict in Ukraine.
The property in the urban center of Bucha was ruined,...

---> Chisinau
Gestartet 06. Juli 2024 um 15:50 von Bommo
5 162 Letzter Beitrag 19. Juli 2024 um 19:43
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Alexandra <>
Hello there, My name is Alexandra.
My entire life has undergone big changes a result of the awful war in Ukraine. The house in the area of Bucha was ruined, and my partner and papa, who went to t...

---> Chisinau
Gestartet 01. Mai 2024 um 07:31 von Bommo
4 186 Letzter Beitrag 11. Juli 2024 um 23:19
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Alexandra <>
I am Alexandra. My entire life has undergone major changes due to the awful conflict in Ukraine. My house in the urban center of Bucha was demolished, and my partner and father, that went to ...

---> Chisinau
Gestartet 06. Juli 2024 um 15:52 von Bommo
3 99 Letzter Beitrag 08. Juli 2024 um 19:52
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Valentina <>
Wow, hi!
I'm glad to write to you! Looks like this day is no longer gloomy 
We corresponded with each other for a long time... But then our connection disappeared. Now I am glad to write to ...

---> Chisinau
Gestartet 26. Juni 2024 um 13:08 von Velic
3 129 Letzter Beitrag 02. Juli 2024 um 18:42
Von: Velic
Normales Thema
Alexandra <>
Hello how are you doing?
We exchanged a few letters and you stopped writing to me.
Are you all right??? 
I have written to you twice but I have not received your reply!
If you forg...

Gestartet 08. Mai 2024 um 19:12 von Bommo
3 243 Letzter Beitrag 17. Mai 2024 um 20:23
Von: Bommo
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Angelia <>
Good Day Dear! my name isAngelia.The reason I'm writing to you now. I want to meet a man from another countryI am looking for a man to communicate with the continuation. In the future for relationshi...

Gestartet 20. Januar 2024 um 13:43 von Bommo
11 640 Letzter Beitrag 16. Mai 2024 um 19:20
Von: Bommo
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Angelica <>
Hey hey my dear pen-friend my name isAngelika!The reason I'm writing to you now. I want to meet a man from another countryI am looking for a man to communicate with the continuation. In the future fo...

Gestartet 20. Januar 2024 um 11:08 von Bommo
« Seiten 1 2 »
15 905 Letzter Beitrag 16. Mai 2024 um 19:19
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Angelica <>
Greetings, I am Angelika. I am looking to meet a man from another nation who is authentic about seeking a relationship filled with love. If you have similar interests with me, I urge you to respond. H...

Gestartet 29. März 2024 um 19:27 von Bommo
7 310 Letzter Beitrag 16. Mai 2024 um 19:18
Von: Bommo
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Alexandra <>
My mother and father named me Alexandra.
My well being has undergone major changes due to the awful conflict in Ukraine.
My house in the urban center of Bucha was destroyed, and ...

---> Chisinau
Gestartet 29. März 2024 um 08:44 von dllser
11 683 Letzter Beitrag 13. Mai 2024 um 19:39
Von: Bommo
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Alexandra <>
Good day there,
My mom and dad named me Alexandra. My life has experienced significant alterations a result of the awful conflict in Ukraine.
The house in the area of Bucha was destroyed, an...

---> Chisinau
Gestartet 29. März 2024 um 08:26 von Jimbo01
11 600 Letzter Beitrag 13. Mai 2024 um 19:38
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Maria <>
My name is Maria. I was born and live in the Republic of Moldova. I am 50 years, my height 171 cm, weight 62 kg.
I was born on July 17, 1973. I will be 51 years this year
My husb...

Gestartet 09. Mai 2024 um 09:13 von Bommo
1 118 Letzter Beitrag 10. Mai 2024 um 03:51
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Alexandra <>
I'm Alexandra.
My life has gone through significant changes as a result of awful conflict in Ukraine. The property in the urban center of Bucha was demolished, and my partner and dad, th...

Gestartet 01. Mai 2024 um 07:51 von Bommo
2 117 Letzter Beitrag 10. Mai 2024 um 02:37
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Alexandra <>
Hi there, My mother and father named me Alexandra. My entire life has underwent significant alterations because of the awful war in Ukraine. My household in the town of Bucha was ruined, and my husban...

Gestartet 01. Mai 2024 um 08:02 von Bommo
2 116 Letzter Beitrag 10. Mai 2024 um 02:34
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Angelika <>
Hi you can call me by my first nameAngelika!The reason I'm writing to you now. I want to meet a man from another countryI am looking for a man to communicate with the continuation. In the future for r...

Gestartet 14. Februar 2024 um 19:17 von Bommo
3 193 Letzter Beitrag 09. Mai 2024 um 10:27
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Maria <>
I'm  very  glad  if  you're  reading this! My name is Maria. I am from
Moldova. I am 34 years old, my height is 165 cm, and my weight is 55 kg.
I was born on June 17, 1989.

Gestartet 03. Mai 2024 um 22:29 von Bommo
1 107 Letzter Beitrag 06. Mai 2024 um 00:45
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Maria <>
I'm very glad if you're reading this! My name is Maria. I am from Moldova. I am 35 years old, my height is 165 cm, and my weight is 55 kg. 
I was born on July 17, 1989.
I'm very ...

Gestartet 28. April 2024 um 11:08 von Bommo
2 97 Letzter Beitrag 04. Mai 2024 um 19:57
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Angelika <>
Hello, I am Angelika. I am looking to connect with a man from overseas who is authentic about seeking a relationship filled with love. If you share similar interests with me, I invite you to respond. ...

Gestartet 14. April 2024 um 17:00 von Velic
1 104 Letzter Beitrag 14. April 2024 um 17:15
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Angelika <>
How r things going on?
My 1st name is Angeli!.
I'm actually 35 yrs.
I am originally and live in country Russia.!
I’d like to meet u better.,
Where you come from?<...

Gestartet 11. Dezember 2023 um 19:16 von Bommo
5 266 Letzter Beitrag 14. April 2024 um 17:12
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Maria <>
I'm very glad if you're reading this! My name is Maria. I am from Moldova. I am 35 years old, my height is 168 cm, and my weight is 52 kg.
I was born on July 12, 1989.
I'm very g...

Gestartet 14. April 2024 um 13:41 von Velic
1 87 Letzter Beitrag 14. April 2024 um 16:07
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Angelica <>
Hey there my dear friend, you can call me by my first nameAngelica.The reason I'm writing to you now. I want to meet a man from another countryI am looking for a man to communicate with the continuati...

Gestartet 20. Januar 2024 um 11:09 von Bommo
1 138 Letzter Beitrag 07. April 2024 um 08:41
Von: Stiray
Seiten Seiten: [1] 2 3 
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