
World Wide Web anti-scam

Marya Pavlovskaya Marya Pavlovskaya
Themen: 23
Beiträge: 141
Seiten Seiten: [1] 2 
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Normales Thema
Liana <>
Hello. you know. Which is why my letter. Might sound strange. For this reason, I would like to ask you. Read me carefully. Why I write? I have a simple goal. I want to meet you. I am an interesting wo...

Gestartet 27. März 2022 um 15:03 von seiko
1 526 Letzter Beitrag 27. März 2022 um 18:06
Von: Stiray
Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten)
Elena <> <>
Guten Tag! Wie geht es Ihnen?
Ich bin - Elena! Ich lebe in Russland.
Ich brauche nur eine Mann, die mein Leben mit mir teilt! Mochtest du?
Du kannst ja entscheiden ob du es mit mir vers...

Gestartet 28. Oktober 2019 um 16:52 von seiko
« Seiten 1 2 »
29 5202 Letzter Beitrag 06. Januar 2020 um 15:16
Von: Razor Buzz
Normales Thema
Elena <> <>
Hello! It's  Elena )))
To me given yours e-mail in Dating agency of my city.
To me have told that you are lonely, I have decided to write to you, I hope
you not against to have new frie...

Gestartet 08. September 2012 um 11:46 von Dietmar
5 2510 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:23
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Elena <> <>
Hello! It is Elena write you. I am really interested in acquaintance
with you very much and decided to write to you. My name is Elena. I am
29 years old. I had many difficulties in life. But...

Gestartet 30. November 2011 um 13:09 von Dietmar
2 1975 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:22
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Elena <> <>
Hello! It is Elena write you. I saw your profile and I am really very much interested in acquaintance with you. I am 29
years old. I had many difficulties in life. But I always trusted that

Gestartet 23. November 2011 um 13:40 von your hunter
2 1418 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:20
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Elena <> <>
Hello! It is Elena write you. I saw your profile and I am really very much interested in acquaintance with you. I am 29
years old. I had many difficulties in life. But I always trusted that

Gestartet 22. November 2011 um 21:53 von Abfangjäger
3 1701 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:20
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Katya <>
Hello! My name Katya, me of 28 years, I live in Russia! I single,
I no have children. I search for long-term and serious relations which
us can lead to marriage and creation of family. I sen...

Gestartet 11. Oktober 2011 um 17:48 von scambuster
1 1182 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:19
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Elena <> <>
Hello! It is Elena write you. I am really interested in acquaintance
with you very much and decided to write to you. My name is Elena. I am
29 years old. I had many difficulties in life. But...

Gestartet 09. Dezember 2011 um 11:00 von lemansue
2 1636 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:16
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Olga <> <>
I was in agency in my town. They gave me your e-mail address, they
told me that you lonely like me, so I decided to write to you. I am
not going to write a long story here now, I just want t...

Gestartet 20. Juni 2012 um 21:31 von Sigor1904
2 2156 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:15
Von: Stiray
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Olga <> <> <> <>
Hello! It is Olga write you. I am really interested in acquaintance
with you very much and decided to write to you. My name is Olga. I am
28 years old. I had many difficulties in life. But I...

Gestartet 09. Januar 2011 um 08:28 von Telly
10 6704 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:13
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Larica <> <> <>
Yours e-mail address I have received in agency in my city, to me have
told that you lonely as I and decided to write to you. I am not going
to write a long story here now, I just want to you...

Gestartet 07. Juni 2011 um 20:08 von your hunter
3 3309 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:09
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Elena <>
Hello dear AliBaba.
Thank you very much for the letter and nice photos, you can not even
imagine how much I am glad to get the letter from you. It is not so
much time has gone while we...

Gestartet 01. April 2012 um 22:13 von hermes95
5 3807 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:04
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Katya <>
Hello! My name Katya, me of 28 years, I live in Russia! I single,
I no have children. I search for long-term and serious relations which
us can lead to marriage and creation of family. I sen...

Gestartet 06. Oktober 2011 um 22:05 von lemansue
1 2405 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:01
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Katya <>
My name is Katya. You don't know me. But I would like will get
acquainted with you. I think you ask a question where I picked up your
email. I came to the dating agency in my cit...

Gestartet 01. September 2011 um 13:33 von your hunter
4 3393 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 18:00
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Yulia <> <>
I was in agency in my town. They gave me your e-mail address, they
told me that you lonely like me, so I decided to write to you. I am
not going to write a long story here now, I just want t...

Gestartet 02. April 2011 um 00:37 von kingmicky
2 2787 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 17:58
Von: Stiray
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Svetlana <>
I was in agency in my town. They gave me your e-mail address, they
told me that you lonely like me, so I decided to write to you. I am
not going to write a long story here now, I just want t...

Gestartet 15. Oktober 2011 um 13:13 von your hunter
« Seiten 1 2 »
18 1511 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2019 um 00:01
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Irina <> <>
Good day.
My name is Irina, I am 28 years old. Me gave your e-mail to,
and now I am able to write to you! I live in Russia! I am looking for
a man with whom I will be able to ...

Gestartet 23. Juni 2013 um 13:37 von Roter Platz
2 2123 Letzter Beitrag 15. Dezember 2019 um 23:51
Von: Stiray
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Olya / Olga <> <>
Hello! My name is Olga. I am 28 years old. I am from Russia. I am very
much interested in acquaintance with you and decided to write to you.
I am not a married but I believe that everything ...

Gestartet 07. März 2014 um 20:49 von meinjottwalter
13 5128 Letzter Beitrag 15. Dezember 2019 um 23:48
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Evgenia <>
Hi! Mein Name ist,Eugene
Vor einiger Zeit Ich habe mich auf der Dating-Site registriert
doch erfolglos Ich erinnere mich nicht, ich habe dir schon früher geschrieben oder nicht. Aber auf jed...

Gestartet 30. Dezember 2018 um 18:10 von Hotdog
4 1391 Letzter Beitrag 15. Dezember 2019 um 23:42
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Evgenia <>
Hallo, wie geht's? Mein Name ist,Evgeniya
Seit langem Ich habe mich auf der Dating-Site registriert
jedoch habe nichts für mich gefunden Ich erinnere mich nicht, ich habe dir schon früher ge...

Gestartet 23. Januar 2019 um 20:17 von Velic
6 1581 Letzter Beitrag 15. Dezember 2019 um 23:41
Von: Stiray
Seiten Seiten: [1] 2 
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