
World Wide Web anti-scam

Maria Vintonyak Maria Vintonyak
Themen: 6
Beiträge: 23
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Angepinntes Thema
Tanya <>
Ich vermute zu fast 100% Scam. Kennengelernt auf Ich habe die Bilder auch schon durch Google laufen lassen. Nichts gefunden.
Hello xxx!
I am glad to hear from you tod...

Gestartet 26. Oktober 2019 um 13:38 von StyleX
3 385 Letzter Beitrag 26. Oktober 2019 um 17:04
Von: Stiray
Angepinntes Thema
Tatyana <>
Hello xxx! How are you today? I hope everything is great
It is Tanya (Tatyana is my official name) and as promised I am writing to you in private. I do not feel comfortable and safe to share my i...

---> Merefa
Gestartet 06. Juni 2019 um 21:43 von Noldor
2 407 Letzter Beitrag 06. Juni 2019 um 22:01
Von: Wesermann
Angepinntes Thema
Tanya <>
It is nice that you have written back. While being new on the site I have no idea how quick and intense the communication should be and how easy it is to find out a person with whom it would be intere...

Gestartet 22. März 2019 um 21:58 von John007 (Ex-Mitglied)
1 308 Letzter Beitrag 22. März 2019 um 22:10
Von: Stiray
Angepinntes Thema
Marina <>
Hello to you,xx ! How are you doing today? I hope that everything is great 
It is my first letter to you in private. I am not so fond to stay on the site and chat with multiple profiles without e...

Gestartet 29. September 2018 um 22:00 von MrPay (Ex-Mitglied)
5 855 Letzter Beitrag 21. Februar 2019 um 11:41
Von: Uli
Angepinntes Thema
Marina <>
Hello XXX! Nice to talk to you again We did not talk too much on the site as I prefer communicating outside such public place Smiley Hope you agree with me.
I am Marina (I do not know if you remember...

Gestartet 20. Februar 2018 um 17:11 von NordicTribe (Ex-Mitglied)
4 695 Letzter Beitrag 20. Februar 2018 um 17:39
Von: Stiray
Angepinntes Thema
Marina <>
Hello  xxx!!!  I  am  very glad you wrote to me back. While being unexperienced in this dating I never know what I should do expect though I stay positive I promise to tell you more about myself and I...

Gestartet 26. Januar 2018 um 10:35 von pranou
2 1304 Letzter Beitrag 28. Januar 2018 um 15:50
Von: pranou
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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