
World Wide Web anti-scam

Irina Popova Irina Popova
Themen: 11
Beiträge: 151
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Elena <>
Hey my new friend! For the first time in my life I try to write letter to someone. In my life you are the only man to whom I decided to write messages. This is very unusual to me. This is a pleasant s...

Gestartet 17. Juni 2018 um 14:46 von seiko
10 2237 Letzter Beitrag 16. Juli 2018 um 18:09
Von: seiko
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Elena <>
Hey my new friend! For the first time in my life I try to write messages to someone. In my life you are the only man to whom I decided to write messages. This is very unusual to me. This is a pleasant...

Gestartet 17. Juni 2018 um 13:50 von seiko
12 3346 Letzter Beitrag 16. Juli 2018 um 17:44
Von: seiko
Normales Thema
Elena <>
Schonen Tag Hope you have a good mood, when you read this. My name is Elenochka, I am a mature, lonely woman, do not have any bad habits, with sense of humor and tender nature. I beg your pardon if I'...

Gestartet 14. Juni 2018 um 17:39 von seiko
2 987 Letzter Beitrag 14. Juni 2018 um 18:49
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Elena <>
Herzlicher Grub! Hope you be in a good mood, when you read this. I'm Elena, I am a young, single girl, no bad habits, with sense of humor & soft nature. I apologize in advance if I'm somewhere made an...

Gestartet 13. Juni 2018 um 16:49 von bigbear
2 1050 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juni 2018 um 17:16
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Elena <>
Salut sehr geehrter freund, Hope you have a good mood, when you find my message. You can call me Lenochka, I am a mature, lonely girl, without bad habits, with sense of humor & gentle temper. I apolog...

Gestartet 12. Juni 2018 um 19:24 von seiko
4 1642 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juni 2018 um 13:53
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Teona <>
Hello! How are you? Mayby you suprised by my email? I live in a country called Georgia, in the city called Tbilisi, maybe you've heard about this ??? My name is Teona, Im 34 years. I picked up your em...

Gestartet 20. Juni 2016 um 00:44 von Amirul (Ex-Mitglied)
3 1892 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juni 2018 um 05:00
Von: Stiray
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Teona <>
Hello my name is Teona. I am 34 years old, I'm from Tbilisi, which is located in Georgia. If you are interested in communication with a single woman who wants a simple female happiness, then I think y...

Gestartet 15. Juni 2016 um 13:01 von Almöhi
14 5014 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juni 2018 um 04:59
Von: Stiray
Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten)
Olga <>
Hello my new dear friend. How are you doing? To tell the truth, I am trying to be acquainted trough Internet first time in my life so I don't really know what I should write but I will try.

Gestartet 25. Oktober 2017 um 17:58 von seiko
« Seiten 1 2 3 4 5 »
64 16104 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juni 2018 um 04:58
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Olga <>
Hello my new dear friend!!! How are you doing?
To tell the truth, I am trying to be acquainted trough Internet first time in my life so I don't really know what I should write but I will try.<br ...

Gestartet 18. Oktober 2017 um 17:18 von seiko
2 1548 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juni 2018 um 04:57
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Elena <>
Salutti meine freund, Hope you have a good day, when you read this. I'm Lena, I am a young, bachelor girl, do not have any bad habits, with sense of humor & tender character. I beg your pardon if I'm ...

Gestartet 12. Juni 2018 um 17:54 von seiko
6 1534 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juni 2018 um 04:42
Von: Stiray
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Sofia <> <>
Hello Dear! I am with big pleasure have seen your profile!
My name is Sofia, I am from Moscow, Russia.
I liked your information and pictures on the dating site.
A little about me, I am ...

Gestartet 25. Mai 2012 um 09:52 von trucker105
« Seiten 1 2 »
21 11523 Letzter Beitrag 03. Dezember 2014 um 16:36
Von: x5dr
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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