Your letter makes me happy again! Thank you very much for your attention and care. I hope this means that I have interested you? I really hope so. I wonder why you don’t send me your photos? I hope you will please me with them in your next letter.
In the mornings, after waking up, I go outside and jog a little. After that, I come home, take a cool shower, have breakfast and go to work.
I am not involved in charity, but if a person needs help, I cannot pass by.
I want to tell you about one important part of my life - how I grew up and what my childhood was like. I do not want there to be secrets between us, and I want our acquaintance to be open and honest. I hope you share this opinion.
When my mother was pregnant with me, my father decided to leave. I still do not understand why he did this. Unfortunately, my mother died when I was only two years old, and I do not remember her. After her death, I was left without any relatives, which made my childhood quite difficult. I grew up in a boarding school, where I was lucky to meet a wonderful teacher - Azhargul. She taught me a lot and became a real support for me. Now I visit her on weekends, and she lives in a village near the city, only thirty minutes away by bus.
I shared these details with you because I am interested in you as a man, and I want our communication to be as sincere as possible.
I really enjoy communicating with you, and I look forward to your reply. Please write to me.
Warmly, Anastasiia