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Anastasiia <>
29. Juni 2024 um 12:39
Hello xxx,

Dear xxx, thanks you for your letter. I am glad to that you
have written to me. I shall hope that in the future, we shall be very
good friends, and can and more. I do not know what to tell in my first
letter because I never got acquainted through the Internet before. It
- something new and unusual to me. But I shall try, write good letters
to you. Please not be too strict to My mistakes in words, the English
language - not my native language. But I Assume, that I know it well.

Well, my name - Anastasiia, as you to know. You can name me as you
like. I shall not be disappointed. To me of 35 years. My birthday - on
28 -th of May 1988. My height - 169 see. My weight 52 kg. You can see
my photo, it is pleasant to you? I live in city Pavlodar. Pavlodar
known city of Kazakhstan. Pavlodar - very much beutive city. I have
finished medical university. My formation will consist of 3 levels:
school, college, university. You know something about this city? It is
a small city, here lives almost 160000. Approximately 450 kilometres
from capital of Kazakhstan. You know the city of Nur-Sultan? Tell to
me what your full name? Where you were born and in what city live?
When your birthday? Who you on a zodiac sign? I studied within 18
years. All 18 years I have studied the English language also. I have
finished university in age 25. How to me gave with a medal for
excellent results during my studying. Than I worked as the second
surgeon in small clinic within 4 years. It was very much intresting
and in the same Time responsable. I was happy to give health of
people, to help them. Many things depend on me during actions. I think
in The future I will be capable the surgeon to become independent. You
think, what it - good dream? Probably that I’m Doctor, I shall work in
Clinic, as the children's therapist. I treat children.

You can see my photo, it is pleasant to you? I have no man now, and I
am completely lonely and free for relations. In searches on the
Internet I was resulted by that I was disappointed in men of our city.
Here a little good people, all of them rigid also are not able to
love. I have the small house with a small garden. I live one for this
reason I am not capable to Work in a garden it is constant. But
however my garden is very beautiful and pleasant. I like to raise
flowers because they the most beautiful which have been created by the
nature. I live one, I have no neither children, nor the boyfriend.
Sometimes I feel like very lonely in my house. Perhaps, for this
reason I have decided to get acquainted with you. To me already 30,
also I take a life philosophically. I have the house, work, friends,
but I cannot tell that I am happy. I have was not present many who I
can my best half. I have written to you all over again, it means, that
I can divide my ideas and feelings with you. I hope, that you will not
be laughter. And we shall write many letters to each other. I am very
pleased and grateful, that you have answered my letter, because I
Decided to try to get acquainted through the Internet only once. I
never get acquainted before in such a way. I cannot Understand
completely as it works because I have no computer. I only beginner in
work of the Internet. But I hope, that I shall be capable to write to
you constantly. I hope, that you are interested in our dialogue, as I.
You can tell to me about all of you, that you want. I shall be pleased
to know all about your life. It only female curiosity. I understand
that tastes differ, but I hope, that my image will be pleasant for
you. But I should tell that I cannot receive the big files. I shall
have trouble. As I use a computer on work. I hope, that your letters
will not be Will be more than 5,5 mbytes, at us very expensive
Internet. If not I shall understand and I shall not be angry. I will
wait your letters with your photos. Necessarily send to me some the
photos, I wish to have a little that it is better to present you. I
hope, that you will write to me soon. I thank you Beforehand. With the
best regards.

P.S. As I will wait your photos! I very much wish to see you on a
photo because I consider it to see important each other on a photo!


Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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« Zuletzt geändert: 05. Juli 2024 um 15:01 von Stiray »  

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Re: Anastasiia <>
Antwort #1 - 05. Juli 2024 um 15:02
Die Bilder wurden bei Model und Miss Workout 2012 Dariya Ulanova / Дарья Уланова aus Dnipropetrowsk geklaut.

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