Hey! I will make an effort to connect with you again, as you may not recognize me, given that you have received only one letter from me, or perhaps none. Apparently my first try to strike up a conversation between us was not fruitful since I have not heard back from you. I'm eager in getting to know you better and discovering where this interaction might go. With any chance, we can communicate and discover more about each other. I anticipate to receiving a response from you. Tina It's my hope I'm not bothering you, but I sent you a message expressing my interest in getting to know you better, yet I haven't receive a response back so far. I realize that things can become hectic, so should you have a moment, I'd appreciate you could respond. I have been pondering on our earlier conversations and felt the urge to get in touch again. I have not heard back from you since my last email and I am interested in your thoughts, especially about the photo I shared. So, if you're still curious, I'd be overjoyed to hear your thoughts and proceed with our talk. Tina Hello! I am starting to question if you are obtaining my emails? It looks that my emails are not getting through to you. Email filters sometimes get too absorbed in sifting through incoming messages. When you have a moment, would you mind looking in your junk mail folder? Just to verify none of my emails landed there by mistake. Tina Hello xxx! I have saved a spot for our next conversation. Hope you are in! Tina Hi xxx! How are things going? I hope you are doing well? Would be great to get a chat going again! Just waving a little hello... Tina