Dear XXX, thanks you for your letter.I am glad to that you have written
to me. I shall hope that in the future, we shall be very good friends,
and can and more. I do not know what to tell in my first letter
because I never got acquainted through the Internet before. It -
something new and unusual to me. But I shall try, write good letters
to you. Please not be too strict to my mistakes in words, the English
language - not my native language. But I Assume, that I know it well.
So, my name - Zalina, as you to know. You can name me as you like.
I shall not be disappointed. To me of 32 years. My birthday on October, 10th.
My height 5,6. My weight 56 kg. I live in city Surguth. Surguth known
city of Russia. Surguth - very much beautiful city but it is so cold.
I have finished Surgut State Pedagogical University. My formation
consist of 3 levels: school, college, university. I studied within 17
years. All 17 years I have studied the English language also. I have
finished university in age 24. How to me gave with a medal for
excellent results during my studying. First three years after
institute I worked as the teacher of Russian and the literature in an
elementary school. It was very much interesting and in the same time
responsible. I was happy to give education and support to small
children. Many things depend on me during training. I live one, I have
no neither children, nor the boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like very
lonely in my house. Perhaps, for this reason I have decided to get
acquainted with you. I have the house, work, friends, but I cannot
tell that I am happy. Do you have any relatives? What is your family?
Do you have many friends? I hope, that we shall write many letters to
each other. I am very pleased and grateful, that you have answered my
letter, because I resolute to try to get acquainted through the
Internet only once. I never get acquainted before in such a way. I
cannot understand completely as it works because I have no computer. I
only beginner in work of the internet. I hope that you are interested
in our dialogue, as I. You can tell to me about all of you that you
want. I shall be pleased to know all about your life. I understand
that tastes differ, but I hope, that my image will be pleasant for
you. I hope, that you will write to me soon. I thank you Beforehand.
Have a nice day..
Hoping for an early response Zalina..
PS. I will wait your photo in the following letter.
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Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 19:13:58 +0300
From: Zalina <ZALINA_GABAEVA@outlook.com>
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Subject: Hello dear XXX
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