You probably have a lot of troubles on the eve of Christmas and still
have the weekend ahead...I know that tomorrow will be Christmas! This
is a great holiday, it seems to me that a miracle should happen on the
night from December 24 to December 25! Namely, the fulfillment of
wishes...I have an idea of how Christmas is celebrated in your
country, but I would like you to tell me what your plans for Christmas
will be! How will you celebrate Christmas? It is very interesting to
me! Unfortunately, in Russia this is the main holiday of the New Year,
they usually set the table and prepare various delicacies and open the
champagne exactly at midnight... This is how they celebrate the New
Year in Russia. And Christmas is only on xxxuary 7th, I’m sorry, this
is an Orthodox holiday and it is celebrated very modestly...
Unfortunately, we have different cultures, but this does not interfere
with us in any way, am I right? I hope I'm right! In fact, we have a
lot in common! Well...Tomorrow I will specially arrive at the Internet
cafe and I will write my separate letter with my congratulations and
my wishes, okay? But I will only be able to answer your letter on
Monday, so I wish you a great weekend! I will write you a Christmas
letter tomorrow! And on Monday I will answer your letter...Kristina
The weekend and Christmas are ahead, I hope you will write me your