
World Wide Web anti-scam

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Normales Thema Yuliya <> (Gelesen: 376 mal)
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Anti-Scam ist wichtig!

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Mitglied seit: 13. Juli 2010
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Yuliya <>
21. August 2023 um 17:43
Good Day Dear, How are you? How is the weather in your land? I am emailing you looking for a decent and strong gentelman.As for me, this is not the premiere attempt to get to know somebody online. The go was shocking, as males wanted sex act, nu photos, or even money. I only need a profound relationship, so I never wrote back. Even worse I met a married male who had a goal to meet good-looking mistress. It is ill that males in secret from their beloved have a desire to do this..(( I am IULIIA. My country is KAZAKHSTAN. I am along 37y.o, I appreciate that it is too late, my years arepenetrating. In case there is some free time, I like to go to the fitness center.I would be pleased in case you texte me and share with me some info about your character, your place and your state. I I want to meet a male in another country because I don t plan to stay in my country. In this email I attach you my picture. I have a spark of hope that you would appreciate this photogragh Waiting your letter back.

Interested? Please answer ONLY to my regular e-mail:

Yours, Iuliia.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Re: Yuliya <>
Antwort #1 - 21. August 2023 um 21:05
« Zuletzt geändert: 04. April 2024 um 19:09 von Webmaster »  
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