Good afternoon my new friend.
How are you?
Is it okay with the weather in your state?
I am texting you with the hope of finding a noble and strong gentelman.
Well, Frankly speaking, it s not the first effort to get to know someone online.
The attempt was shocking, as men were trying to get sex, nu photos, or even money.
The one thing that interests me is a honest relationship, so I did not continue to write to any one of them.
I also once came across a espoused man who had a goal to meet pretty concubine.
This is cruel that men concealing it from their beloved have a desire to do this..((
My name is iulyia.
My country is KAZAKHSTAN.
I m already 37 years old, I realize that it is too much, my years arepassing.
If I have some free time, I like to go to the gym.
I would be happy in case you texte me and share with me some info about your personality, your city and your country.
I am trying to find a man in different country as I have no desire to stay in the country I am living now.
With this letter I attach you my photo.
There is a hope in my heart that you would enjoy my photo)))
Looking forward to your email back.
Yours, IULIIA.
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