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Normales Thema Angelina <> (Gelesen: 1016 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

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Angelina <>
26. September 2021 um 16:36
Mein Name ist Angelina. Und ich hoffe, ich habe dich nicht gestört. Hier ist mein Foto, damit Sie eine Vorstellung davon haben, wie ich aussehe. Und wie heißt du?
Ahh, damit du mehr verstehst. Ihre E-Mail wurde mir von der Heiratsagentur gegeben, als ich sie kontaktierte.
Wenn Sie Lust haben, mit mir zu kommunizieren, dann erzählen Sie mir ein wenig über Sie und senden Sie Ihr Foto. Okay?
Aber auch wenn Sie kein Interesse an mir haben, dann erzählen Sie mir davon, damit ich nicht umsonst auf Ihre Antwort warte.

PS. Welche Sprachen kennst du?

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From: Angelina M <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 20:04:59 +0300
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Subject: HALLO!!
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From: Angelina M <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 20:04:59 +0300
« Zuletzt geändert: 28. September 2021 um 15:02 von Stiray » 
Grund: Themenbeschreibung 

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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 5777
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
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Re: Angelina <>
Antwort #1 - 28. September 2021 um 14:53
Im glad you answered me. But why didn't you send your photo? Send me your new selfie, so I can get an idea of ​​what you look like. Ok?
Okay, I tell you a little more about me.
You already know my name is Angelina. But you can also call me Lina. This way, I can get you a little closer to me. Im just a little shy in communication, so I should feel confident in the interlocutor. Ahhh, this is all the imprint of my military profession.
And so, I am a military officer and I serve in the communications battalion. My military rank is "lieutenant".
I was born in Russia, namely in the city of Tolyatti! But now I am on the territory of a military unit. It is a few kilometers from Tolyatti. I think it's not hard to guess that I live in a barracks.
And where you live? You say, that you know russian. What nationality are you?
Ahhhh, I also want to know what kind of relationship are you looking for? xxx, maybe you have children? I have no children. But I really love children. And in the future I want to have my own children.
I'm looking for a serious relationship. I am 32 years old and I am looking for a civilian man who is not affiliated with the army. Ahhhh, my military profession makes it difficult for me to find a civilian man. But I hope that the Internet will help me and I will find the very man with whom I will be happy. Maybe even something will work out between us. 
How old are you? When is your birthday? I was born on July 25th.
I will send my photo in military uniform. I will wait for your answer and photo.

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Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 15:34:35 +0300
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Subject: Re: HALLO!!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 28. September 2021 um 15:54 von Stiray »  

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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Angelina <>
Antwort #2 - 28. September 2021 um 15:01
Verschleiert Einlieferung

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from [] ([]) with ESMTPSA; Mon, 27 Sep 2021 05:35:07 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 15:34:35 +0300
« Zuletzt geändert: 28. September 2021 um 15:09 von Stiray »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Angelina <>
Antwort #3 - 28. September 2021 um 15:53
My military rank is "lieutenant".

Soweit sind wir noch nicht. Mal sehen ob es ein reiner Military Scam wird oder ob wir noch Zivil werden.

« Zuletzt geändert: 29. September 2021 um 12:22 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 5777
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Angelina <>
Antwort #4 - 28. September 2021 um 20:23
I am even more glad to see your letter. But I didn't see your photos. You probably forgot to send a photo, so I am waiting in the next letter.
Yes, I am interested to know about you, so I want your reciprocity.
Okay, I realized, that you are 34 years old. Wow, your birthday is March 8th. he-he.
I understand correctly, that you are also interested in a serious relationship?
Are you a swiss? Where you live now?
Tell me, you really speak russian?
Mm, tell me how you spend your weekdays? What is your job?
Bernd, I will also tell you about my work so that you do not have any questions in the future.
Now I am taking this opportunity to write you a letter because my commander has left the barracks. But if my commander sees that I am communicating with someone by email. And even more so with a foreign man, then I may have problems. I will not go into details of the punishment. But we must try to avoid this. Just know that if I don’t write to you for a long time, then I’m following a combat order. But don't you lose me. I will write to you as soon as possible. Ok?
Ahhhh, although it's new to me to communicate with a foreign man. I have never had such connections before. But now I would like to know more about you. I said that I should feel confident in the interlocutor.
Bernd, how you spend your free time besides reading books and going to the cinema? Although I already guess that our life is different from each other. Your life is probably much brighter. I already miss the ordinary and peaceful life a little. I am so out of the habit that I cannot imagine myself in a dress and heels. 
But before military service under the contract, I managed to work a little as a teacher of the Russian language and literature. But then I decided to change my field of activity, and I chose military service.
By the way, in the summer of 2020, I was in Syria. I think you have heard about this country. I had a military trip and spent about 6 months in fear and horror. Ahhhh, I faced blood and I saw people die. But I don't want to talk a lot about it. Bernd, but when I returned from Syria, I decided to change my life. I started thinking about a serious relationship with a man. Moreover, I am already 32 years old, and I think I need to start building my personal life. After all, I am a woman, I am a future mother, and sometimes these feelings take over. I also want love and affection. In the army, I really miss this. But I hope that I will meet the very man with whom I will be happy.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 29. September 2021 um 01:24 von Stiray »  

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Re: Angelina <>
Antwort #5 - 02. Oktober 2021 um 20:10
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