Hi my xxx,
Now I'm writing to your letter and I'm happy. It's very pleasant that
I have such the close person as you are. It's a pity that you are far
from me. But I will hope that we will meet one day. I think we will be
glad to see each other when we know each other better. Marina ask me
about you every day. I say to her that I'm constantly thinking about
Earlier I didn't manage to find the carpenter. But today I have seen
him in the morning and I asked him to repair the door in the Nina
house. In the afternoon he came and said that he had done everything
and changed the lock. I thanked him but he said: "Never mind" becouse
he is always ready to help old people. My neighour came a little bit
later and told me about the carpenter. It turned out that he refused
to take money for his work. Nina tried to give him some money but he
said that he would be offended if she didn't stop doing it. Nina said:
"He has gone with nothing". By the way he and his college will repair
my water pipes in the house. You know many people in Russia help other
people and don't take money for it, if they know that the people have
to money. I think it's the only good feature of character of the
Russian people which roots go to the old far USSR.
It's a pity that many Russian men became alcoholics. I remember that
many-many years ago my mum and I had to make a fence around our house.
But what could we do? mum and I? When my mother came to a shop to buy
nails, three men asked her what for she needed nails. She told them
and they began laughing, when learnt that a young lady and her little
daughter wanted to do. They came to our house together with my mom and
everything was ready in the evening. They repesed to teke money. The
only thing we could do for them just to feed them with pancakes after
their work. By the way since that time it is my favorite food. One of
the man asked if the had something to paint the fence. My mum answered
that she would buy paint a little bit leter. Bu the very next day in
the morning the 2 men came and they brought their own paint and paited
the fence. We wanted to pay them for it some money, but they refused.
They said that the paint was left after the painting of their fence.
Yesterday in the evening I was thinking of my about career and
increase on a post in the clinic. I'm happy that I can get my favorite
job In any country. I should not study, because I have the diploma of
doctor, medical business of the European standard. I don't know how to
spend this month, I don't want to waste my time uselessy. I must think
it over. Of course I will write letters to you. But it will take only
the part of my day. What to do in the rest? I must find a decision. I
hope, you are not sick and tired of my letter.But I want to tell you
much. I think you are not against of it, because I suppose you are my
closest the man of my heart . Don't forget to write letters to me.
Your Valentina
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Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2021 19:38:50 +0300
From: Valentina <Valyshacutie@outlook.com>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: I'm happy to receive your answer again
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