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Normales Thema Yulia <> (Gelesen: 1439 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

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Yulia <>
27. Dezember 2020 um 21:38
Hello! My name is Yuliashka I live in Russia.
I am thirty five years old and I am alone now.
I respect truth and honesty and I mostly unlike the lie!
I'm looking for a serious relationship and I want to meet in real life and create a beautiful and long love.
If you are not afraid about our distance write me.
I am ready to begin our acquaintance and dialogue in order to be for each other more than friends in the future and build our love and strong pair together.
Waiting for your letter. Yuliashka.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Subject: I'm glad when you answer me quickly.
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 20:26:19 +0300
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Re: Yulia <>
Antwort #1 - 27. Dezember 2020 um 22:20
Die Bilder wurden bei Aleksandra Ekimova / Александра Екимова aus Yoshkar Ola geklaut.

Aleksandra ist mit Maksim Ekimov / Maksim Wladimirowitsch Ekimov/ Максим Екимов verheiratet. Profil wird gewerblich genutzt
Facebook Александра Екимова

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« Zuletzt geändert: 03. April 2023 um 14:09 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

Beiträge: 67447
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Yulia <>
Antwort #2 - 28. Dezember 2020 um 18:17
Greetings! I'm Yulka I live in Russia.
I'm 35 years old and I am alone now.
I very respect honesty, the truth and I do not like lie maybe mostly in my life!
I'm looking for a serious relationship and I want in future to meet in real life and create a precious love which will last for all life.
If you are not afraid about our distance respond me.
I am willing to start dialog in order to become more than friends to each other in future and have our love and a strong relationship together.
Waiting for your answer. Yulka.

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From: Yulka <>
Subject: Answer! Tell me, my dear.
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 20:20:25 +0300
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6093
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Yulia <>
Antwort #3 - 31. Dezember 2020 um 14:14
Merry Christmas! On this magical day, I want to wish you that all your dreams and desires will soon come true!
I wish you good health! This is the most important thing right now. I sent you my photos and a short video message about my search for love. I hope you like it?
Let me tell you about myself and write you an informative letter? I want to tell you about myself.
My name is Yulia, I am 35 years old, I live in Russia in the city which named is Tula. I work the accountant in a small private firm. I am engaged
in documents of this firm. I like my work and I do it with pleasure. I never was married and not to have children. I made a short video of myself
and my photos for you. I am looking for a serious relationship, true mutual love and I hope to learn more about you.
Tell me about yourself. how old are you? where do you work? Which city do you live in? what are your interests and how to
relate to life. I want to know more about you. I'm looking for love and serious relationship. I want to tell you about my former relations.
My the former man drank alcohol much, did not respect me and could offend, strike. I have left from these relations.
Now I'm in a current of 3 years one. I to be tired there will be an honesty, trust and love. I do not love a deceit and lie.
In relations the man and the woman should never deceive and always to be fair. If honesty is present with most has got relations
that he will construct trust between the woman and the man.

I am ready to learn you better, to become friends and is possible it is more. I hope you it is ready for fair, mutual relations?
We can continue our relations, to be friends and try our relations. I am looking for a man who desires to live for and for love.
those find the treasure who seek for it. I want him to be strong, caring and attentive. I want to feel that strong shoulder. I wish to feel me as a real
woman beside him. I do not believe in divorce. I search a man who will
consider me as usual female, as the wife. My man has to respect a woman, take care of her and understand that she was created
especially for him. I am looking for my special life in this beautiful life! I shall be glad to answer your questions,
if you are interested in me. I with impatience following letter. I hope you like my photos and we will become friends.
I also look forward to your photos and want to know more about you.
Sincerely yours new girlfriend Yulia

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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6093
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Yulia <>
Antwort #4 - 13. Januar 2021 um 21:40
Hello again xxx! I`m very glad to see your letter.
I real also search for serious relations. In my a city it is a lot of men but I do not want the man here.
They love alcohol and do not respect women. I promised my to mother that I will not marry
on russian man never as I saw as my mother suffered and suffered from men here. I want to find a man who will love me,
appreciate, respect. I want to feel love and to be mutual. for me the main thing is sincerity, honesty to each other,
and then it is possible to create a strong relationship and bright, pure love. these qualities are more important to me
than the age difference and I think it will not be a problem if I feel your concern, love and give you as reciprocity.

I would love tell you more about myself. I was born in April, 22nd, 1985. I am 170 centimeters or 5`7 feets.
My weight 58 kg I was born in a small town and I live in here my whole life. I also love country life and every weekend
I visit my grandmother in the village where I help her work in the garden, growing vegetables and berries. I also help raise Pets,
such as chickens, goats and ducks. I have been used to working since childhood and for me working
in the open air in the village is a great pleasure. And in this life I didn`t see many thing,
but I learned about this world by the books, news and another things, I live as any people in this and have simple life.
I`m very romantic woman. I seldom have bad mood and with optimism concern to the life. I like keeping my house clean and tidy,
I like to stay at home when it's clean, light and cozy. So I feel calm and I always keep the house in order and clean. I do not drink alcohol,
I can rarely drink wine at a table on a holiday with friends and relatives. I do not smoke and I negatively relate to drugs, as well as to people
who use drugs. I do not have tattoos on my body. I have never been married and have no children. I am negative about this. I very much inquisitive, in life I wish to see
and try everything, in fact the life is given only once. Except for music my passion is the cookery.
I am delivers great pleasure to do various dishes. I like to communicate with interesting people.
In men I appreciate such qualities as honesty and fidelity to the beloved. Fleeting novels it not for me. I am ready to give completely myself
only to that person whom I will really love. I want to ask you xxxx. Tell me please, you dream to see what woman every day near yourselves?
For the sake of what woman you are capable to make everything, that to take hold of her heart and always to be together with her?
Excuse me xxx, probably to me still early to discuss with you such frank things.
But it is very interesting to me to know, what girls draw your attention. xxx I short written to you my prospects on my future. If for you it
interestingly then we can discuss these themes in more detail. I send you my photos.
I will wait your email. Yours faithfully Yulia

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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6093
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Yulia <>
Antwort #5 - 14. Januar 2021 um 17:52
Hello again my friend xxx!
I`m very glad your letter. xxx when I have seen its that I smile. I do not represent the day now without your letter.
I celebrated my new year with my mom at home by having a festive table.
You became very interesting to me, and dialogue with you gives me sense in a life, in each day.
I do not know precisely about that that you suspect the account of it. I hope that you think precisely also.
I want to learn you it is better, and I will speak more about myself in the letter.
If you will have questions be not afraid to set them to me, I will answer them with pleasure.

I want to briefly describe my hobby. I like to cook various dishes, keep the house clean and tidy,
play sports in my free time, and also like to work in my grandmother's garden in the village growing berries and vegetables.
xxx, I would like to tell to you about my parents and friends. I live together with my mum, her name is Dariya.
She is works in the school as teacher. My mother and I live together, and when I was a little girl,
my father went to another woman and left my mother and me alone. I don't want to talk about it because
it hurts me and my mother always managed and took care of me herself. When I told she about
you she saw me that understand why I smile now. My grandmother live in village, her name is Elena.
I`m one child in the family but I have 2 cousins and 3 cousin sisters who live in other cities.
The older from brothers call Vlad, younger - Pavel. My sisters call Dasha, Tanya and Anastasiya.
Also I have many girlfriends, my best girlfriend is called Yuliya. We with it are friends already
since the childhood, and never quarreled. We studied at one school, then in one college it as teacher, and I as the tutor.
xxx it would be very interesting to me to learn about your family and about your friends.
Also it was very interesting to me to learn about you even more, and I ask if you will have time answer some my questions.
I work six days in a five except for Sunday. And if you cannot receive my letters, I mean has left to the
grandmother in village. But I will try to write to you every day if I can not to you I will write to warn of it you in advance.
xxx, I wish to be with the person who will give me tenderness, love and passion with which we will meet every day our life together.
And we will enjoy love every day and to bring each other happiness and good mood. All this depends on mutual understanding people,
the man and the woman should understand each other at first sight, and from half of word.
Trust - the most important source of creation of attitudes between the man and the woman. And if people wish to create good
relations to not break off them up to the end of a life, It is necessary that everyone trusted each other, and lie never.
I dream of finding in this world of the only thing the man for love and marriage, to be together with it and to be true to it.
The main thing to be favourite and still will arrive to us. I think so. You agree with me xxx?
xxx, I like you and your letters very pleasant to me. I send my home photos because I like to cook,
I like to keep the house clean, do laundry, do cleaning and in my free time I do sports.
On it I`m finish the letter, I hope that I receive your letter it soon. With best wishes Yulia

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