Hello my dear !)
I am glad that we support communication. How are you? I warn you in
advance that you did not ask me for nude photos and did not offer me
money. I am an independent girl, despite the difficulties that exist
in my life. I pursue communication or further serious relationship. If
you agree with me, we can continue communication. I work almost
without days off this month. My colleague got sick and now I work 5
days a week. I m very tired, but there s nothing to be done and I have
to work a lot. There is no time to miss me at work. This has its
advantages, the more hours I work, the greater the bonus. Yesterday I
found a little kitten on the street. He was alone and mewled
mournfully, was very cold! Probably he was lost or cruel people threw
him on the street! I took him to my place, fed him and he fell asleep
on my knees. This is a very cute animal. Do you have any pets? If so,
tell me about them. You probably wonder why I m lonely. I had a
boyfriend almost a year ago. We broke up with him in February. He did
very badly to me, left me alone. We met in the summer of 2015. We
began to communicate, then he offered me a serious relationship.
Everything was good, we went on a picnic together. He introduced me to
his friends. We were happy. Then, last fall, our relationship began to
deteriorate. I stopped recognizing him, he began to give me less time.
Later he began to linger at work, became rude and began to drink. I
supported him as best I could, but he did not need my support. Then I
found out that he started talking to his ex-girlfriend. It hurt me, we
began to swear. He first raised his hand to me. I was hurt and hurt. I
cried and only my friend supported me ... One day, he came home drunk
late and we started to swear. He hit me and threw a vase at me that
broke. It hurts me to remember all this, but it all sits firmly in my
memory. I had nowhere to go, I lived in his apartment. With the work I
did not succeed at that time. This went on for some time. Then my
friend rented me this room in which I live. I started working in a
hospital as a nurse. Where I work to this day. Gradually, thanks to my
friend, I got to my feet. I feel better. I became involved in fitness.
You know, training is very uplifting. After only 1 hour of class, you
leave in high spirits. After a workout, you can take a shower or go to
relax in the sauna. I like to relax body and soul. I hope you are a
good, kind and reliable man. I do not want to experience negative
emotions anymore. In Russia we rarely meet a good man. Most here do
not want to work and support their family, abandon their children. On
weekends, many people drink alcohol at noisy parties. Most women
tolerate a bad attitude of men. I am not like this. If they treat me
badly, I leave. You know, now I sit with a cup of cocoa and look
outside .. We have snow falling, very beautiful and magical. It is a
pity that we are far from each other. Could walk together, holding
hands.Time will tell where our communication will lead. In the summer
I plan to fly to visit you) I want to see your country. I have time to
save my money on vacation. I got used to not depend on anyone, I don’t
know if this is good or bad. Sometimes I want understanding, support
and just being close to a strong man. Age, as I said, does not matter.
Well, if only I am not interested in guys younger than me. I hope that
you and I will continue our warm communication. I m sure you read my
letters carefully. I am waiting for a new letter from you. I want to
apologize in advance for not responding immediately to your letter. I
do not always have access to the Internet. At the first opportunity I
will write to you.
All the best to you, your Maria.
Wechsel der Mailadresse. Vorgängerthread ist hier:
Maria <mariachetverikovo@gmail.com>