Thanks that has answered me xxx.
I very much would like to read about you more, write please the big letters.
I am am heated by your letters, but sometimes I so want,
that you have appeared nearby and we have simply taken a walk with you.
We could have dinner, could cook dinner for us. I showed you my city. I think it was great.
xxx Yesterday I have told to you to mum.
It is very glad, that I could find understanding friend from such wonderful country.
She certainly approves our correspondences and asks you, not to offend me)
But I to it have told, what you kind, lovely and charming. It is very glad for me.
My mum transferred to you "Hello"
To me it would be pleasant, to learn your opinion concerning our relations.
Now I will write you my phone number: +380 97249562 I want to hear your voice, please call me,
knowing my English will not pose any problems when communicating.
Today I had an interesting situation. I woke up and prepared the usual breakfast, I cooked rice porridge in milk.
I prepared breakfast and absolutely unexpectedly thought of you! Yes, about you !!! I remembered you.
But not only did I remember, I asked me: "I wonder how that breakfast does xxx!?!"
I became interested to know about your morning. How do you spend the morning !?
Even without a letter. I just suddenly thought of you xxx! Absolutely unexpected.
I even smiled. It was nice to reflect on you and your breakfast to me.
I want to know as much as possible about your life. I'm interested in learning new things about you.
My religion is Christian. You probably noticed that I wear a cross on my chest which is a birthday present
from my mother when I turned 18. My mom and I go to church once a month.
I love my mom, sister and brother, I love my life. I try to get the most out of my life.
we live once and I want to live my life happily. I think that's a division of many people.
xxx, it seems to me that you are the man I want to be with.
You are beautiful, smart, I'm interested in you, we have some common interests, and most importantly,
you and I have the same goals, and it will be easier for you and me together to make our dreams come true.
xxx do you agree with me?
The beginning of our relationship. In the morning, when a person wakes up, he gets emotions for the whole day.
Pleasure or sorrow. Excitement or calmness. My morning emotions are thoughts of you.
But I think we will find the right way of communication!
And I hope that we have already found the right way of communication!
Could you come to Ukraine?
I think I might have a trip in for our first meeting.
I want to say that there should be no problems in travel, I can buy tickets at a low price,
as I work in the tourism industry.
In the past I have traveled to Usa (los angeles california) as well as New york.
also was in Italy (Vatican), in France in Paris.
xxx and when at you holiday and whether you plan to have a rest in the winter?
Whether there is in your work vacation? xxx, when can you have time to meet me?
The moments that we spend together will be remembered by you and me for a lifetime. I'm sure about it.
I trust you and I am ready to come to you for our first meeting.
Do you agree with me? I like to communicate with you very much !! Your Tetiana