Hello my dear friend xxx!!!
I am pleased once again to receive your letter!
Hope you are interested to know about me, what do you like the development of our communication with you!
Today I have a sad mood, because I broke my iPhone (((((
I dropped it and it does not work anymore, how will I be without a phone now? (((
There were a lot of photos in the phone.
Now to write you an email, I'm using an old stationary computer to keep in touch with you.
Tomorrow I'm going to the warranty department, hoping to get my iPhone fixed.
My daughter Eva is five years old. I love my daughter very much, trying to make her life better. I had a man, and when he found out I was pregnant, he left me, he was afraid of responsibility. Maybe later I'll tell you this story.
How is your mood?! I'm a little sad about the phone.
Today I want to ask you some questions! But before I ask you my questions,
Do you like young girls? I think a grown man dreams of a young girl elastic body. Age is just a figure, it does not define a person's mind and his views on life. I believe that a man should be older and more experienced than a girl. What do you think?
I want to tell you a little about me! I want to tell you about my Hobbies.
I like to swim, to dance, and generally to do sports. Unfortunately, now I do not often manage to visit a sports hall,
because the majority of my time is working! But still, I find time to visit a sports hall!
Almost all of my time is working, I have to work because I have to provide for themselves.
I have to work to provide for me and my daughter.
But when my mom comes to town, she stays overnight in our apartment, and I can go out with friends.
Sometimes I like to stay home and watch TV or read a book or magazine.
I like a quiet home atmosphere, unlike my friends who love to spend their free time at the disco or other noisy place.
How do you like to spend your free time!? Also I like nature walks.
I like nature! Especially I like to walk summer day, when the sun shines, or in the Sunny frosty day,
when the snow crunches under your feet. Most of all I like summer because in the summer the whole of nature comes to life,
you can spend a wonderful day at the water's edge on a picnic. Also I like winter because I love to ski and ice skating.
I remember that in my childhood we waited until winter freeze the lake, to go skating!
In childhood, almost all of the holiday I spend my grandmother in the village!
What is your favorite time of year!? I also love to travel, I was in Turkey and Spain. But for 6 years I have not traveled.
What countries have you been to?
I want to tell about my tastes in movies and music.
Music I can listen to different. Foreign performers I like Michael Jackson, Ledi Gaga, Madona, Jasper Forks.
Russian performers I like to listen Artik и Asti, Timati, Laboda it all depends on my mood.
Movies I also like different ( fantasy, Comedy, drama)
What kind of music you like to listen to!?
What movies do you like to watch?! What is your favorite color?!
I love the green color because it is similar to the green leaves on the trees, green grass, green calms me down.
I also like the color blue, which is the color of the sea wave.
I hope that my letter not you found boring, and that in my letter not so many questions!
Finish my letter, I say goodbye to you! Waiting for your quick response!