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Mitglied seit: 26. Mai 2019
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Darya <>
27. Mai 2019 um 23:38
Hi my darling Andrew
I am happy to receive your letter.
Reading your letter I understand that you trust me and will help me with money for tickets.  
I live, and I represented every day our meeting.
When I arrived in Moscow, I also thought that I arrive to a meeting to our happiness...
Every day I fell asleep and thought of you. I woke up and again thought of you.
I think of our meeting much recently. I look forward day when we are able to meet.
I want to look in your face, I want to see your feelings to me.
It is heavy to express all in letters of feelings which between us.
At our meeting, we will look in each other face, and we will be able to speak about our feelings.
You are my one and only. By the way, today in Moscow good weather.
And I very much lack you, I only also represent as we have supper by candlelight together.
Very much I hope that my dreams will come true soon. But now your help on purchase air tickets is necessary for me.
Unfortunately without your help I will not be able to buy air tickets.
Will you be able to use with MoneyGram? I hope at you it will turn out.
The bank told that it quickly and safely.
If you need my bank account, then here information:

Beneficiary Bank:
VTB 24 (PJSC), Moscow, Russia

Intermediary Bank:
Citibank N.A., New York, NY
Correspondent account in Intermediary Bank:

Beneficiary Customer:
Account number: 40817840324574002947.
We are very close to our meeting. And we will be together! Darling, I will be able to arrive to you on May 18.
Today I wrote you the small letter I hope that you do not become angry about me.
I will look forward to your answer. Yours forever Darya

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« Zuletzt geändert: 30. März 2021 um 20:51 von Webmaster »  

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General Counsel

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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #1 - 28. Mai 2019 um 11:23
Zum gefälschten Pass HB7276831 von Darya Osipova:

Formal ist der Pass zunächst korrekt. Doch dummerweise gab es 2006 eine neue Variante des Passes, der in diesem Muster keine Berücksichtigung fand.
Als Passfoto wäre das Foto nicht durchgegangen.

Bei der Person auf dem Foto handelt es sich um Дарья Клюкина (Darya Klukina), der Gewinnerin der 6. Staffel der Serie "Дарья Клюкина"
« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Mai 2019 um 11:40 von Uli »  
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Re: Darya <>
Antwort #2 - 28. Mai 2019 um 14:32
« Zuletzt geändert: 15. Juni 2019 um 17:45 von Webmaster »  

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