Hello my dearest xxx!
Visa limited only to those of the Russian government. Today in the
morning I have come to travel agency where to me informed good news.
Now it is necessary for me to buy the ticket to you and to go in
Moscow behind the visa and to wait day of my start. I'm immensely
happy. I will be able to see you in person!!! Dear I it is very good
to speak in English you to not worry for us. I addressed the company
which sells tickets for plans. I asked them how, as to me have
explained to me it is necessary to have the ticket to you I would be
able to go to Schwechat on the 7 August, and how much it would cost.
They said that the ticket would cost 850 EUR. I asked them to find a
cheaper ticket, because the price is too high for me. But as it turned
out I would not be able to have a cheaper ticket so quickly, the date
is too early. Tickets must be reserved long beforehand. I asked them
to offer me other variants of the flight. We found the most suitable
one. The flight, is on the 9 August. The ticket costs 780 EUR. I asked
the to reserve the ticket for me. But they refused to do it having
said that they had a lot of clients. They cannot reserve my ticket
without advanced money. I was imploring them. But it did not work.
They said that they would help me with great pleasure but they
couldn't. The rules are so. I was in a panic, I was so disappointed.
Then I asked the mif I could give just a part of the money. But they
did not agree again. I asked them for a long time saying that my
fiance xxx is waiting for me. If I asked them a little bit longer I
would burst out of crying. Maybe God heard my prayers, and the service
worked agreed to reserve the ticket on my conditions. But I have too
little time to pay, for the ticket. They said if I did not day the
rest of the ticket price, I would loose the money I'd already given to
them. I was angry, but they explained that it would be very difficult
to sell the ticket for the plane which is flying. They would have to
lower the price. I agreed. They told me to pay 368 EUR. But it was too
much for me, because I had only 240. I asked to wait for me during 11
hours. I went out of the room. Masha met me at the door. I told her
everything. She understood everything and advised me to pawn our
treasures to a pawnshop. xxx, it was very difficult for me to agree
to do it. I did not want to burden Masha. But at the same time I want
to meet you, xxx very much. We pawned the treasures, I got 128 EUR
and I paid the part of the ticket price $368 EUR. It was my last
money, it was for the plane by which I'm going to come to you. It was
very difficult for me to tell you this story. I have done all what I
could. I have paid for the visa. I have paid for the part of the
ticket. But this was not enough. The money was not enough. I did not
want to burden you. I wanted to come to you with nobody's help. I
thought my money would be enough. But I failed. Now I feel guilty
muself. I did not manage to do all myself for our meeting. I thought
nothing would prevent me from meeting you. But I must pay the rest of
the money for the ticket It's just 412 EUR. I must pay it till the 1
August . Otherwise I will loose the money I have paid and i will loose
the chace to see you. And our treasures will be sold by the pawnshop.
Now I feel guilty that I could not do what i promised to come to you
with my own money. I always do what I promise. I feel at ease now, I'm
ashamed of asking you to help me. Unfortunately the clinic did not pay
me the money I'd earned. I really hoped to get this money. It would
solve all the pianlems. But I'll get the money from the clinic in a
month or two. Because it's very typical for Russia to hold up the
payments of salary. I asked the clinic to give me my money earlier,
but thay refused to do it. Now the clinic does not have the money
necessary for me. Our clinic depends on the budget, it did not get
money for a long time. I think it's because of the financial crisis
and terrorist acts in in Northern Ossetia. Pianably I must say to you
that I will not be able to meet you because I will not be able to pay
the whole sum of money myself. Of course I realize that I should not
ask you to give me the money. But at the time I cannot just that I
will not come to you. I have done too much to organize our meeting. If
I refuse to meet you it will mean that everything was in voun. It's
terrible for me to refuse to come to you, I have done all what I
could. Now I want you to help me and I think there is nothing horable
if I ask you to help me. Of course I realize that be you have no
feelings to me and be you're not interested in our meeting. I
understand that the sum of money is too big. I know itand that's why
it's more difficult for me to ask it from you. But at the same time
any person can find himself in my conditions. And now there is only
one thing which I can do. I just must say that I will never come to
you. But I do not want to say so, because I want to meet you. That's
why I must be honest, I need your help. Of course I understand that I
must not do it. But I'm an honest person. I'm ashamed of asking you to
help me, but life is a difficult thing, everything can happen. Of
course it's up to you to decide if you want to help me or not. It's
bad, but not fatal. I will loose my money. It's bad but not mortal
either. 360 EUR which I have paid for the visa, for consular gathering
131 EUR and for State Taxes 90 EUR, for the ticket to Moscow and back
220 EUR, for hotel in the city of Moscow 110 EUR, and 368 EUR for
which I have paid for the ticket are too much for me. But I'm not
sorry for what I have done for our meeting. In fact money is just
paper, our treasures are just metal details. That's why I was the
first who decided to meet each other. But I do not want all my efforts
to be spent in vain. If you really want to meet me, if you can help me
to organize our meeting please send me the money till the morning of
the 7 August. Please forgive me my words. I say so because I'm in
despair. Now when just one step can connect us, I'm afraid. I need
you, I want to be with you, I need you help, believe me, I'm honest
with you. I did not manage to estimate my forces. And all my efforts
spent in vain. I understand that the sum of money is too big for you.
I did not want to ask you. I can do everything myself. My loneliness
made me strong. I had always been living with my own efforts I always
relied on myself. I asked somebody to help me very cellcom, but now I
ask you to help me. I will give you all the money back as soon as I'm
able. Maybe I made you offended. But I need you. I do not know if my
letter satisfaction you or disappointed. But I have written you an
honest letter. I'm looking forward to you answer. I hope for you. I
ask you to not worry. I send data of my flight.
20:00 SVO Sheremetyevo Aug 9, Fri
21:55 VIE Schwechat Aug 9, Fri
Flight SU-2354
With love yours Yuliya.