Hi my friend xxx.
I am glad to receive a letter from you again. I have a little today
time to write you a letter. Most likely tomorrow or after Tomorrow I
will tell you in more detail what I do at work. But Today I want to
tell you more about myself. You are interested to know about me, what
kind of music, movies i prefer. At the beginning of our Communication
I told you a little about myself. I think of this rather all this is
not enough. First of all, I'll start with music. At the beginning of
our communication, I wrote to you that I am a miloman (this is a
person who likes to listen to different music). I love listening to
music by mood. If my mood is sad, then I prefer listen to the
classical genre of music in it includes my favorite composers ( Hans
Zimmer, Johann Johannsson, Ludovico Einaudi and so on). Here is By the
way, not a big list of my favorite music "Nuvole Bianche - Ludovico
Einaudi, Hans Zimmer - Time, Max Richter - The Sun's Gone ". I
consider them great composers, and insist on listening to them
compositions. I wrote to you just not a big list of my favorite
classical music. Also, I prefer to listen while training , Metall,
Rock N Roll and beyond. Nirvana, AC / DC, Metallica, Rammstein. Here
are my favorite songs "Rammstein - Sonne", "Metallica - The unforgiven
"," AC / DC -back in black, Highway to Hell "," Nirvana - Smells Like
Teen Spirit ". My dear friend xxx, I could continue you this list
to infinity. I tried to write you only favorite music that I often
listen to in the MP3 pleer. I think on music can be finished. I think
it's time to tell you about my loved ones. films, actors and
directors. First of all, I love entertaining movies that don't make
your brain tense and Enjoy watching a movie. I hope you heard about
kinovelennoy "MARVEL" ??? I liked all the movies, but my favorites
films are "THOR 3 Ragnerok", "Doctor Strange", "Avengers", "Iron Man".
Now as for TV shows, I prefer to watch "Game of thrones". In my
opinion, this is the most unpredictable and interesting show. I also
prefer to watch dramm when I lonely My favorite films are "Hachiko: A
Dog's Story" - this film can make you cry, "Titanic", "Gladiator", "1
+ 1 Intouchables ". As for actors. In the category of my favorite
actors are: Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe, Tom Cruise, Leonardo Di Caprio.
I forgot to mention directors Ridley Scott, Steven Spielberg, James
Cameron. I have not written this list yet. But I I think that will be
enough. Now I want to write you how I am I spend my free time. In my
free time I do (it all depends on time of year). But in the summer I
prefer to go swimming at the lake or rivers, I love to swim - this is
a healthy lifestyle. Water helps relax and strengthen the immune
system. By the way I forgot to write that last year I traveled to
Sochi to the sea. + I have a little photos with which I can share in
the next letter. Summer I I like to play volleyball on the beach,
since childhood I have been fond of it sport I love to ride a bike, by
the way this is my the main transport in the summer, I ride my bike to
work, shops and so on .. That's how I spend my free time in the
summer. In winter - I like to ski, I tried a couple on a snowboard
once a ride, I did not succeed. By this I prefer ordinary skis and
mountain skis. + I love to skate. In winter i I prefer to go to the
fitness room because it is hot in summer. Here is a brief I wrote you
what I do after work. I can write about it, But to whom it will be
interesting. Me or you ???? I think rather all on this i will finish
my letter. Most likely I am not everything told you, but if you have
questions. THEN you must ask . I will answer your questions in the
next letter. I need continue to work. Until next time. Your friend
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