Hello xxx!!!!!
Today I have a letter from you) It's very good! I think that Now we
are familiar! I'm glad that we can continue our communication
Say me, in what city do you live? What do you do for life? I would very
much wanted to know about you this information. You could write to me
a longer letter and tell me more about your life. I'm sure I will be
very interested. It is a great pity that you did not do this for me!
Why did not you send me a photo? Do you doubt your beauty? For me, the
main inner beauty of man, and not his appearance. I really hope to
receive a picture from you in the next letter. I want to receive more
of your photos. You understand? It is very important for me!!!
Today I will write to you a little about my family. I think that you
should know about it. I have been given birth also grown in
Divnogorsk. Now I live here. I do not remember my father because he
did not live with us. I was grown only by my mother. We were the best
friends, we were very much the friend close to the friend. But my mum
had a cancer of a stomach, and she has died when I was absolutely the
little girl. It was awful and incredible. I could not understand it
for long time. I was empty. Even now I remember my mum very much
frequently. You know, that I had very happy childhood. My mum and I
went in park together. We play together various games. We spoke much.
Only through several years I started to understand last, that she felt
because I had no father with me. But I have received news from other
people, that it was no mistake of my mother. My father (I cannot name
his "daddy") never loved my mum. Me has left her lonely when he has
learnt, that my mum was the pregnant woman. It was very difficult for
her to bring up me. We lived only her tiny earnings. But we never
complained of our life we have solved all problems together. But we
were happy. My mum always spoke me, that I should marry the person
which I shall love. After death of my mum I feel very much alone
because I have no neither sisters, nor brothers. To be more exact, I
no any relatives.
But I have close friends. I'm some of them from school. And they are
the closest people to me. I'm absolutely sure of my friends that they
will always help and help me out of any situation. I also have a
hobby. I am engaged in fitness, I like to go by a bicycle, I like to
float. I very active person also love an active way of life. I hope
you enjoy the photos I send you. I hope you will also send photos to
me as often as possible. I hope that you will respond my letter. I
also hope that you are interested in our communication. Best regards,