xxx I am glad to receive your letter. I have very much become bored
already. I hoped what today to receive your message and I to receive it.
My mum are very glad, that I have met you, she think that you very good person,
it is very difficult to find such person as you!!! And she are happy because I am happy.
I think that my mum well concern to you because I already the adult person
and my mum very much trusts you!
I think that my mum can allow to travel to me to you because I already the adult
person and my mum very much trusts you!
I wish to learn from you as we shall spend our first evening and night
together. You will tell to me? As you imagine the very first night. Me
it is very interesting. I at all do not know as it can be, but will be
perfectly assured that it.
xxx I think that all over again we shall be in embraces of one
another, we shall enjoy our embraces and kisses. We can take pleasure
in our passion and tenderness. Then we to make to me together an easy
supper, or we descend, where that to attempt. And then we shall be at
home. Also there will be a good music. I shall dress very beautiful
dress. I am assured, that it is pleasant to you. I to dress it only
once. To the girlfriend per day a birth. It was pleasant to all, xxx
as you think, it is pleasant to you, if I shall be in an easy dress,
blue color. Which densely fits me. And it not long, hardly below a
knee and big to cut out on a breast. You will embrace me, we shall
dance, and to move aside bedrooms. xxx at you in city to sell
a petal a rose? We to cover with them a bed, to light candles, we to
pass in a bedroom and we will have a fine and long night of love.
How you think? xxx you would like that for it so?
And how you imagine it? Tell to me. I ask you.
I send you a photo, it is pleasant to you? I hope what yes, you would
like to be about me on it?
I send you the most gentle and sweet kisses, and I hope, that they to
xxx you, your heart and to give you new forces.
xxx I very much wish to kiss you on the present. I am assured, that
you are fine to kiss.
I wait for your answer, and your desire about our the first evening and night.
Your loving and gentle Tanya