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Normales Thema Elena <> (Gelesen: 1530 mal)
† Django Hurtig †
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Aufdeckung berichten

Beiträge: 1232
Mitglied seit: 06. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Elena <>
29. September 2018 um 10:03
Woha my new friend My name is Elena. I would like to meet with a man. I don't know how to begin this message. I'm 32 years old. I have green eyes. I'm joyful and sociable girl, but I'm lonesome. I was given your e mail in my town's dating agency. I'm looking for a true relationship only. I wish to meet a genuine man, who knows what it's like to be the one. I will email you my picture and you will decide if you like me. If you are inclined to conversation, respond me. I hope we will become friends. I live in Russian Federation. I think this is not a problem in twenty one century. We can meet in future. If this is problem just ignore my message. Wish you a awesome day and the best spirits. I'll be waiting for your reply with your photo enclosed. This is my email, write me here. Sincerely, Elenushuska!

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Subject:  Good Day Sweetheart,
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Mail über Saudi Arabien Smiley

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ASN:	25019
ISP:	SaudiNet
Organization:	SaudiNet
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Asia
Country:	Saudi Arabia
State/Region:	Makkah Province
City:	Mecca 

from localhost (unknown []) [..] Sat, 29 Sep 2018 11:02:50 +0900 (JST)
From:  Elenok Elenushusya <>
Reply-To:  Elenok Elenushusya <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2018 04:02:50 +0200
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. April 2021 um 11:15 von Webmaster »  

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Forum Administrator

Ich tu nix. Ich will nur

Beiträge: 11824
Standort: Toronto
Mitglied seit: 28. März 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #1 - 29. September 2018 um 12:08

Und dann über Japan und Saudi-Arabien verschleiert.
« Zuletzt geändert: 19. April 2019 um 15:29 von Stiray »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

Beiträge: 67462
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #2 - 29. September 2018 um 14:04
Die Bilder wurden bei Ksenia Kovaleva / Ксения Ковалева aus Moskau geklaut.

Externe Outings:


« Zuletzt geändert: 19. April 2019 um 15:31 von Stiray »  
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† Django Hurtig †
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Aufdeckung berichten

Beiträge: 1232
Mitglied seit: 06. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #3 - 15. Oktober 2018 um 10:19
Hello xxx! I am grateful you has written me. I'm hoping you will get the time
to write me more, so we can study each other better. Thank you for your picture.
You are a very attractive man! Sorry for my delay! I am writing to you from
work. I don't have a computer at home. the last few days at work we had problems
with access to the internet. but now everything is fine! I promise I will try to
write to you every day. I may not be able to write 7 days a week. but I will try
to write every day. About thirty days earlier I registered to the online dating
service plan "New Hope". I paid these people 500 rubles and they gave me your
email. Rubles is our money. 500 rubles is around 10 US dollars. I did not write
to you for almost a month. I was in a doubt whether I was ready to get a lover
for a connection. But right now I made the decision to write to u and discover
more info regarding u. I wanted to get more facts about you in this dating
service, however they have actually been shut down for pretty much two weeks.
Yet Im glad that they gave me a proper email of yours. They could've trick me
and give me a wrong address. These people didn't state on which web site they
got your email. I expect that this isn't an issue. As well as I don't care about
10 dollars, since it is a small cost for a new friendship or anything more. That
online dating website offered me 2 more e-mails aside from yours. I written to
them last week also. But all they wanted was my undressed pics. So I didn't
respond to their email messages and actually deleted their contact information.
I'm hoping you are not like them and we can start a good friendship. To me this
is the very first experience of dating on the internet. I don't know exactly
where to get started. Im Elena. I am 32 yrs . old. My bday is on May 12, 1986. I
live in Russia. I live in area known as Borovichi. It is a peaceful small town
in the region called Novgorod oblast. Just ask and I will inform you about my
city more. Tell me about your own town please. The distance in our time doesn't
actually matter. You could get anywhere on the globe by aircraft in just a few
hrs. I'm single and never been married. My very last relationship was over last
year. I do not have kids, but I really like them. I do not have a position in
which I should have kids in the future anyways! I agree to provide delivery to 1
or 2 kids, if my upcoming spouse wishes it. I will be a great mom. Yet we can as
well stay cheerfully with each other without having any kids, if he will not
desire kids. My dad and mom reside in the very same town in twenty mins of walk
from me. I do not have cousins or sisters. I will tell you in relation to my
friends and family later. I work in a makeup shop. I am sorry if I will not
respond quickly. It is due to the fact that I don't have a laptop or computer at
home, I write to you from job. Now i'm preserving income for a pc and definitely
will purchase it in the month. And then I can write a lot more frequently!
Regarding man I am seeking. My dear must be easygoing, interesting, and comfy
with himself, tolerable, intellectual, and confident. A person who enjoys to
laugh and is entertaining!! Somebody to be a best friend, lover, and above all,
in between us must be mutual respect, and mutual support. We would be
like-minded and truly feel extremely secure together. I really don't know what
more to talk about. Write me more about yourself. Exactly what are you usually
do casually? What are you doing in your freetime? Perhaps little regarding your
job. I actually wish this is the starting of a good friendship and much more!
All romantic relationships start with friendship. I wish that you are really
serious regarding the starting of this a friendly relationship. I do not want to
be an alternate option, etcetera. I don't have precious time to play around. Do
not spend my and your precious time if you don't want to have a truly serious
partnership in the near potential future. I send out you my images. I wish you
are going to enjoy these. I will wait for your letter. Have a fantastic time.

                        Your friend Elena.

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Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2018 18:32:47 +0400
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Mail über USA Smiley

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1151914124
ASN:	19318
ISP:	Interserver
Organization:	Interserver
Services:	None detected
Type:	Corporate
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	North America
Country:	United States
State/Region:	New Jersey
City:	Secaucus 

from [] ([]) [..] Fri, 12 Oct 2018 08:47:45 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2018 18:32:47 +0400
From: Elena <>
Reply-To: Elena <>

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