Hello my dear xxx.
I have a big request to you. I ask you to read my xxx letter to the
last minute. It is very important!!! If you do not read carefully,
then most likely you can not understand the essence of the whole
problem, which I'm going to describe to you. The problem is that I
Today I was in a travel agency to buy tickets for 31 October . But,
the travel agent provided too expensive a ticket that I can not
afford. "The full cost of my travel is 650 eur. "I asked the travel
agent, so that he could find a cheaper ticket. Full cost of my trip is
500 eur, the flight will be 5 November in cost so Also includes travel
agency services, my health insurance, return flight + bus trip to
Moscow airport. I I thought it was the right one for me, so I asked
tourist agent to reserve this ticket. But, tourist the agency
declined. The reason was that there were a lot of people customers who
want to buy this ticket. For the fact that this ticket to reserve for
me. I definitely need to make prepayment of 30 of the ticket price, at
best, redeem entirely present ticket. I asked the travel agent to give
me day, so I brought money to pay for the tickets. After this I
immediately went to the accounts department to get my salary. Because
a couple of days ago, that is 24 October clinic should was fully paid
my salary. Upon arrival in the accounting department, I asked for a
salary. But the following problem arose, since in country crisis, the
salary of all who work is delayed. We have such a The clinic often
happens, but after I was told to wait for a whole month. I was
completely disappointed and confused. I I tried to explain the
situation to them. I even had to turn to the head of the clinic, but I
could not achieve any results. I told them that I do not want to work
in a place where they can not on time to give out the earned money,
but it also did not bring results. In this moment, I did not delay and
tried to borrow his girlfriend Masha. Masha could not help me in this
situation, because she had to pay taxes, a loan for a mortgage + to
everything leave money for living. But, Masha advised me to lay
jewels. These jewelry remains from my late mother and decided to try
fate. On this after we with my friend Masha, went to the pawnshop. In
this moment, again failed, because the jewelry is old. The owner of
the pawnshop, valued the jewelry in 172 eur. I was counting on another
cost, but I did not have choice. Because my time is running out. I had
to lay my mother's jewels. After that, I again came to the tourist
agency to make a prepayment for the ticket. I made a prepayment in
amounting to 172 eur. My dear xxx, I signed a contract with my
tourist agent. Now I will pay the full cost of my travel to 2 November
. The cost of payment is 328 eur. Here is information about my flight
to your country:
20:35 − 21:40 3h 05m
SVO Sheremetyevo International Airport→VIE Vienna International Airport
00:10 − 04:50 2h 40m
VIE Vienna International Airport→SVO Sheremetyevo International Airport
My love xxx, I did not want to address you to the very end for help.
But, now I have no choice. I remember my words before, when I started
my organization, that "I have money travel is your country. "Yes, I
wrote to you this way, because very much expected the clinic to pay my
salary up to 24 October . But because of problems in our country, I
did not receive my salary in the due dates. I had to lay my mother's
jewels, but these the jewelry has not paid back the full ticket to
your country. I understand , that hurried and made not the right
choice. But how did you act on my place ?? Tell me! I almost did
everything to come to you. But fate has turned away from me. Now, I
simply do not have a choice, I was forced to ask you for help. I
really wanna be with you near xxx. Feel your hand in mine, smell your
body. In my dreams it's every day. I do not want my and your dreams
were broken because I do not have enough money to buy tickets. I ask
you to help me xxx! Now our future depends only from you. My dear
xxx, I hope that you have read this letter before end. Most likely, I
will see a lot of criticism in my direction, but I ready to listen to
you all your thoughts. I will be waiting for your letter . Your love
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From: Bezrukova Marina <marinochkabezz@hotmail.com>
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