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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Tatyana <> (Gelesen: 14153 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Tatyana <>
14. April 2018 um 17:23
Good day xxx! Thank you for your reply. I am so happy that you have
an interest and thank you once again for taking the time to respond to
my email. My friend, you asked me about where I to take yours E-mail.
I contacted the local service acquaintance. It's called "Svakha". They
gave me your e-mail and informed that you seek a Russian woman for a
serious relationship. There I helped to send you my first letter. I'm
sorry if this is a bug, and you don't look for anyone. But if you
replied to me, I think we need to start Dating?? Age?? I'm looking for
a man who is older than me, so I like the age difference between us. I
believe that you are reliable, wise, you are able to respect and
appreciate women, and that only comes with age. Men my age don't
interest me. It is time to tell you more about myself. I am thinking
what to begin with. You know, I did not realize that it would be so
difficult. However, I want you know more about how I live. I really do
not know how to begin, it is so hard. It seems I had so many thoughts
and ideas just a minute ago, but now I am speechless)) May be because
I am excited?) I need to calm down and begin… Let me start with a
short story about me. I guess you want to know me more. As I told you
before, my name is Tatyana. I am 28 and live in Syktyvkar, Russia. My
height is 167 cm. My weight is 53 kg. I have never been married. I
have no children. I think you ask yourself why a Russian girl writes
you, don’t you? I am sure you do. Let me try to answer this question
honestly and outspokenly. Please be sure that I take it serious. I
will write you faithfully, without cheating. Each word in this email
is like a part of me. Each word comes from my heart. In each email I
will open you my soul. May be I should not do this, who knows. But I
feel I should be honest to you. This way you will see my inner world,
my thoughts. I hope you will also write me honestly and from your
heart. Opening our souls we will understand each other better. How I
look, you’ll see at pictures. You’ll see my appearance. Reading my
email I want you see my inner world. This is very important to me. Ohh
my God! I promised to answer the question and did forget. Can you
imagine how many thoughts come to my mind? It seems a million. ))) I
want to tell you about everything in one email. However, let me to
answer why I did write you. I had a man, but our relationship run out
badly. I gave all my feelings, my soul and heart to him and expected
the same. I wanted our feelings were mutual. I wanted he cared about
me. I wanted he just respected me. I really thought we would be
together for the rest of our lives and I even made plans for our
future. The future where we are happy just because we are together.
But he cheated on me with another woman. And that was the end. His
cheating opened my eyes. Now I understand how blind I was, now I know
I lived in an illusion. He used me and it hurts. I was so busy with
home stuff that I noticed nothing and of course I trusted him. I did
everything for him. I made a breakfast for us every morning, then
hurried up to my work. My lunch break I spent at home cleaning our
apartment and cooking. Then came back to work. I was so tired of it,
but I wanted he felt my love and care. I’m writing you this now and
remember. And this makes me cry. I don’t want to remember it. Never! I
don’t want to write you about bad things that happened in my life. Now
I am OK and I feel I am ready to start a new life, I am ready for new
relationship. But, please, don’t hurt me. I hope you understand me.
Another reason why I wrote you is the mentality of Russian men. Most
of them don’t look at the future. They live today and don’t make any
plans to change their lives to the better. They don’t goals and
aspirations in life. Most of men are drinking a lot. It is rather
difficult to describe you all the reasons in one email. But I think
you understand what I am talking about. I am looking for a man who is
thinking about the future, who has goals. I am looking for an
optimistic man who doesn’t stop and moves forward to his dreams. When
I watch foreign films, I see you have a different way of life. You
just think and live in a different way. This is also one of the
reasons why I wrote you. So I love watching movies. I live alone in my
own apartment. Sometimes I feel lonely and my evenings I spend
watching movies. You know I love the film “The Great Gatsby” I watched
it several times. And what is your favorite film? I am also curious to
know how you imagine a single girl evening. Tell me. I am very curious
to know. I also love reading if I have leisure time. My favorite book
is “Anna Karenina” that was written by the great Russian writer Lev
Nikolaevich Tolstoy. I also love to go out and breathe fresh air. I
like to walk in the park, near the river, just through the streets of
our beautiful city. If you’d like I’ll tell you more about my city in
my next email and send you some pictures of it. In my free time I also
go to the gym or go to a cafe with my friends. Weekends I often spend
with my parents. They live out of the city. I will be more than happy
to tell you more about how I spend my free time. I just respect your
time. It seems my email is too long. I don’t want to waste your time.
I am looking forward to your reply. Please tell me more about you, how
you live, how you spend your free time. I am very interested to know
you better. Please don’t forget to answer my questions. Have a nice
day! Tatyana.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. März 2023 um 17:02 von Webmaster »  
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Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #1 - 15. April 2018 um 21:20
Mail über Russland

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	3271752761
ASN:	44812
ISP:	IT Expert LLC
Organization:	IT Expert LLC
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Russia
State/Region:	Moscow
City:	Moscow 

from [] ([]) by with ESMTPSA; Thu, 12 Apr 2018 08:25:35 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 18:25:24 +0400
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #2 - 15. April 2018 um 22:55


Geschlecht: weiblich 
Alter 25 Jahre 
Sternzeichen: Krebs 
Standort: Polen, Niederschlesien, Jelenia Gora

Externe Outings:



« Zuletzt geändert: 18. März 2023 um 17:16 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #3 - 15. April 2018 um 22:56
Die Bilder wurden bei Anastasia Kovalyeva / Анастасия Ковалёва aus Sankt Petersburg geklaut.

Anastasiya Kovaleva ist mit Vlad Drozdov verheiratet.
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. März 2023 um 15:27 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #4 - 17. April 2018 um 17:25
Hello xxx! When I see your email, I become happier. You know I am
smiling now. Thanks a lot for your reply. It is so nice that you find
time to read my emails and write me back. My friend, unfortunately,
you don't send me your photo in your letter. Please, do it. So will be
interesting talk , right ?? To be honest I was thinking a lot about my
previous email that I wrote you. May be it was too early to open my
soul. I worried what you thought about me after that email. I was
afraid that you would not answer. I tried not to think about this and
started reading a book. But I could not concentrate on the book, all
my thoughts were about our communication and acquaintance. When I woke
up, I realized that I didn’t remember what the book was about. )) I
was still thinking whether you reply or not. All the bad thoughts
seemed to have disappeared from my mind.. Now I see your email and
this makes me happy and makes me smile. Thank you once again for your
email. xxx, today I want to tell you about my job. I want you know
me better and how I live here in Kazan. What to begin with? So, right
now I am at work. I just have a break. Therefore, I decided to answer
you. By the way, all my emails I write you from my work because only
here I have an opportunity to use the Internet. I work as a sales
consultant in a women's clothing store. I'm a teacher by education,
but I had to find a job in another sphere. The paradox is that it is
rather difficult to find a job by education and teachers job is
low-paid. This is very sad but a true. I would love to be a teacher. I
hope that one day this job will be in demand and well paid. So that my
dream comes true. However, may be not in Russia. I really want to
teach young people. I want to share my experience with them, instill
in them the right moral values: honesty, justice, sincerity. I want to
teach young people to appreciate the main qualities in life like love,
care, and goodness. Unfortunately, in the modern world people forget
about these simple things. xxx, let’s turn back to my job. I am a
sales consultant in the clothing store. Our store name is «Reserved»
This is the chain stores. We have stores all around the country. My
working day is long. I start at 9 am and finish at 9 pm. I have a
1-hour lunch break. But this is only if we have not many customers.
Sometimes we have so many customers that I even don’t have an
opportunity to eat on time. But I like my job, it is very interesting.
I love to talk to people and to help them find clothes that suit them.
Our store is far from my home. I go to work by trolleybus. After work
I go home on foot, you remember I’ve told you that I love to walk. At
morning it takes 30 minutes to get to work. It takes me 50 minutes to
walk home but I love my way home. After a busy day, the walk makes me
relax. The fresh air makes my thoughts bright and clean. I also enjoy
our city. It is very beautiful. With my next email I will sure send
you some pictures of my city and tell you more about it. If you’d like
of course. Just let me know. When I walk, I’m looking at people who
hurry up and do not notice the beauty around them. They are too busy.
They are in the hectic of their everyday life. As for me, there is no
need to hurry home, I have time to admire, relax and enjoy my time.
Nobody waits me at home. But I truly believe that everything will
change soon. I believe that love and happy future finally come to me.
I believe that I will find a man whom I can give my love, care and
tenderness. xxx, do you find my emails interesting? I hope so. I
close my eyes and imagine how you read them. You have a kind smile,
and you read my emails carefully. Sometimes reread them. Am I right?
)) Let’s turn back to my daily routine. After work and on the weekend
I go to the gym. I am convinced that a girl should be slim and
beautiful. I love yoga. Practicing yoga gives me peace of mind and
good thoughts. I will tell you just some more things about me and
return to work. In my spare time I meet with friends. We can go to
cafes, cinema or theater. In summer we go to the lake. In winter we
skate. I try to diversify my life as much as possible so that it will
not be boring. Ohh, I forgot to mention that I love horses. If I have
a chance, I go to a stable, which is not far from the city. I take
care of the horses there and ride. I love this so much! I want to meet
a man who I can have fun with. The man I can spend the time
interesting. That would be wonderful! I forgot to write that on
weekends I visit my parents. They live in a village far from the city.
I will write about them in my next email. Please don’t hesitate to
write me about everything happened with you. I'm curious to know
everything about your life. xxx look, my email is too long again. I
passionately wanted to tell you about everything so that time just got
away)) But it's time to work. I will wait for your next email. Take
care! Tatyana

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #5 - 24. April 2018 um 16:53
Hello xxx! I just have a free minute, so I am writing you. I’ve
woke up I immediately thought about you. I hurried up to my work,
because I was eager to find your email. When I see your email, my day
becomes happier. ))) xxx, thank you for your reply. Thank you for
the time you spend reading my emails and writing back to me. I enjoy
reading your emails. Please tell me what you feel while you’re reading
my emails. I am very interested to know. Your emails makes me feel not
so lonely, to tell the truth your emails make my day. It's always put
a smile on my face. Your emails help me to know you more and more. It
is so nice that we’ve known each other. I am happy that we continue
being in touch!!! xxx, as I promised, today I would like to tell
you about my family. So, I keep my word! First of all, I want to say
that I am the only one child. I was named after my grandmother. I also
have a short name Tanya. So you can call me Tatyana or Tanya as you
like)). I live alone in my own apartment, because my parents live in
the village that is 90 km far from the city. As I told you before, I
try to visit them from time to time. Not so often as I want to. The
thing is that it is too long to go by bus and then about 3 km by foot.
But if I have a chance, I go to my mom and dad with pleasure. They are
the most important people for me in the world. They are my native
people so I use very chance to visit them. My dad’s name is Denis. He
is 64. He is retired. But he worked as a mechanic in the agricultural
organization of our village. He is a pensioner, but he has an active
lifestyle. I think I like my parents. I also prefer the active
lifestyle and I am very goal-oriented. I think my life is quite
interesting and active. I believe a person always should be
goal-oriented and active in life. Otherwise, the laziness will prevail
and then life will become boring and uninteresting. What do you think?
Do you agree with me? Mostly this applies to men. Because a man should
be a leader and like we say here in Russia a man should be like a
stone wall, so that a woman can feel safe. A real man sets goals and
always achieves them. Women will follow the man like this and will do
everything to make him happy. Me also)) I want to meet a man like this
and spend with him the rest of my life. I will take care of him as
much as possible. I will give him my love, tenderness, affection and
care. I will do my best to make my man feel happy! xxx, sorry, I
again changed the topic. It's my fault. It seems O tell you everything
that comes to my mind right now. It would be nice to meet you in real
one day and talk face to face. We could talk in more detail about
everything. Real communication gives an opportunity to feel each
other, to see emotions and feelings. I’ve even imagined us. But it is
just a dream. Let me get my head out of the clouds and continue
telling about my family. My mom’s name is Nadezhda. She is 62. She is
retired as well. When she was young, she was working as a seamstress.
She is very smart, interesting and positive woman. My parents are an
example of a loving and happy family for me. They’re still loving and
respecting each other. Despite their age. They have lived a long,
happy but not an easy life. They had hard periods of life. But despite
everything they are still together and support each other. They never
betrayed each other. My dad always worked hard. I remember that he
always woke up early and came back home very late. He even worked on
weekends. But if he had days off, he always spend his time with us. My
mom is ideal, she is my role model. She also worked hard, but always
found the time to take care of me and my dad. So, now they are retired
and live in their own house. They have their own farm. They spend time
together. In summer, they pick up mushrooms and berries. In winter
they love to ski. Can you imagine they still can ski? They are very
athletic! My parents always said to me that respect is the important
quality in relationships! Respect in the family is one of the main
qualities that makes a life happy. Do you agree with me? I hope you
do. When I am reading your emails, I get a picture of you. It seems to
me that we are very similar and we look at life in the same way. I
thought you and I are kindred spirits. I hope you think the same. I
changed the topic again. I am smiling right now, because I am telling
you about my family but the same time thinking about us. xxx, I am
afraid I have to go and finish my email. I should work. Will see you
in my next email))) Please feel free to write me more about you and
your life. I will not be tired to repeat that I want to know you
better. Always looking forward to your reply. Have a fantastic day and
take care! Tatyana

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Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #6 - 24. April 2018 um 18:49
Mail über Russland

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Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2018 20:04:04 +0400
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #7 - 28. April 2018 um 14:12
Hello xxx! Thank you for your reply. I am reading your email and
smiling. You always make my day. Getting your emails is starting to
become a habit. I'm going to tell you the secret. The first thing I
think about when I wake up is whether you write me today or not. This
is so nice to come to work and find your email. To tell the truth you,
our emails to each other can't get out of my head. I am constantly
thinking about you wherever I am, at work, on my way home, at home,
when I go to bed, when I wake up. I just try to imagine what you’re
doing at the same moment, what your mood today is. When I cook, I am
asking myself whether you’re hungry or not. I am just really
interested to know how you live. I like to be in touch with you!
xxx, I hope you too, do you? xxx, your emails give me an
opportunity to know you better. Each email makes us closer. And there
is no matter the we so far away from each other. I am grateful that we
met each other! xxx, in my previous email I told you about my
family, What do you think about us? I hope you read my email carefully
and with the interest. Today let me tell you more about my daily
routine from my childhood and till now. You know it is quite difficult
to tell everything in details by emails. I can not show you my
emotions. Emails just cannot capture emotions. I would be more than
happy if I see you in real and can talk you face to face. This way we
can talk non-stop, in more detail I mean. We can feel each other. One
meeting in real replaces dozens of emails. xxx, I really don’t know
why I always change the topic)) May be coz I am dreaming… So, I
promised to tell you more about my childhood. I am not sure that would
be interesting for you to read about kindergarten, so let me tell you
about the period when I was a pupil. I was seven; went to school. By
the way I was born and studied in the village that my parents live
now. I left school at 17. So, these 10 years were very interesting and
funny. This time will be fondly remembered.We They left home early
morning study all the day and came home late. After classes, we
attended different kind of additional classes. I liked to play
volleyball, basketball. I was also fond of drawing and singing. I
participated in different school concerts and competitions. I studied
well, so I often took part in different Olympiads. The olympiads took
place in the city. Thanks to olympiads, I felt in love with Syktyvkar.
I will tell you more about this beautiful city later. Hope in my next
email. When I was a child I dreamed to move to Syktyvkar. As you can
see, my dream has come true! xxx, what do you dream about? If you
want your dream comes true, you should work hard and concentrate on
it. That’s why I studied well and worked on myself. To move to
Syktyvkar I had to enter the University. It was the only one chance to
leave the village. I entered the Pedagogical Uni when I was 17. So, at
17 I started a new live in the city. I spent 5 years in the
University. I lived in a dormitory. I studied and worked at the same
time. Yep, I started to work at 17, can you imagine, xxx? The
reason was simple. The life in the city is rather expensive than life
in the village. Of course my parents helped me a lot, but that was not
enough. I understood then what the adult life means. I enjoyed my
study at Uni. I also played volleyball. Like in school I took part in
different competitions. I graduated at 22. I had to find a new job by
my education and find where to live. I was lucky and was offered to
work at school and rent an apartment. That time I met that man I told
you before, I don’t want to remember him anymore. It was very bad
experience. I worked as a teacher not very long time, because this job
is very low-paid. Especially for life in the big city. So when we
broke up, I decided to start with a clean slate. I started to work as
a sales manager. My mom and dad helped me to buy a small apartment. We
got a mortgage. Now everything is all right. ))) I met you and it
changed my life. Like a happy end)) This is a short story about me. It
is hard to tell about everything in one email. But I think we will
have time to talk. You remember my dreams come true)) I have to return
to my work. I will also go to the gym after work. So need to work hard
now not to be late. When I am doing sports, I forget about everything
am my mind becomes clean))) xxx, I wish you wonderful day. Wait for
your email! Tatyana.

Spoiler für Quelltext wie Startbeitrag:
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #8 - 02. Mai 2018 um 17:54
Hello xxx! Thank you for your email. Thank you that you always make
my day. Your emails make me happier I mean. When I see your email, I
forget about bad things and smile. How is your day? What’s new? I hope
you’re doing well. I want my emails make you happier as well as your
make my day. Honey, I don't think you're crazy. I believe you're all
right with the mind. ) xxx, I am so grateful that we know each
other! And I am happy that we are still in touch. This is a real
pleasure to talk to you. You so far away from me, thousands of
kilometers I guess, but you give emotions. And these emotions make me
feel like a woman. I haven’t been feeling this for a long time. I hope
you understand what I am talking about. Not every man can make a woman
to feel like a woman, even being near. But you do and it doesn’t even
matter that you’re so far away from me. You deserve to be a happy man
with a happy woman near! You deserve love, respect and care! Yesterday
evening when I came home from the gym, I was cooking and thinking
about you. I imagined that I was cooking not for me alone but for you
as well. I hope my thoughts come true one day. At least just for one
evening… The evening when I can cook for you and thank you for the
emotions you give me. Dear xxx, I am dreaming a lot! May be you
think that I am too innocent, do you? Perhaps you do, but dreams
really come true. So, it is not too bad if I dream a little bit. I am
constantly thinking about you and our communication. I imagine how it
will be wonderful to talk in real. Yesterday when I was in the gym, I
tried not to think, try to clear my mind. But can you imagine that
during 1,5 hours I was thinking about you and that was very positive
thoughts so that time passed quickly. Today when I woke up, I felt
good and understood that yesterday training was successful. Have you
ever felt the same after gyming? I hurried up to my work today because
I was eager to find and read your email. It seems I even didn’t
breakfast well. And now I am writing you instead of eating. )))
xxx, as you remember I promised to tell you about he city I live
in. I hope you remember that it is Syktyvkar . Syktyvkar is the
capital and administrative center of the Republic of Komi. The
population of our city is about 250 000 people. It not a big, but
picturesque city. In the city there are theaters, parks, cinemas. Lots
of beautiful streets and buildings. Syktyvkar can not be called a
modern and high-tech city. But here is a good nature and kind people.
This is important, do you agree ?? Our city is located on the shores
of the river Vychegda. In summer hot days my friends and I like to
spend time on the river shore. The city is not big, so there are so
many places for active and positive holidays.Dear xxx, have you
ever heard about Syktyvkar? About this big city where I live in a
small apartment….A lonely, but airy-fairy girl. I feel like I need to
open up my heart. I often feel lonely and boring. Do you feel the
same? It's very sad to go home and know that nobody expects you. I
think you feel this too. I feel very sad spending evenings alone. I
want to have a man who I can take care of. I want to be with an honest
and decent man, to whom I can give my love and tenderness. I want to
fall asleep and wake up in a strong embrace. I think I'm going to cry
now. I do not know why I'm writing this to you. I just need to share
with you my secret thoughts. Thoughts that I can share with my mom
only. But I feel you will understand me so I decided to be honest.
Why? I think you're experiencing the same thing too. I think we are
simlar. I think that may be fate gave a chance to meet each other. We
met each other and thousands of kilometers don’t play a role. Now I do
not feel sad and lonely as before. You know, all my thoughts are now
about you and our communication))! Thank you for saving me from being
alone and thank you that you always make me happy! xxx, please tell
me more about what you feel and what you think and dream about. I
really need it. For example can you imagine we meet one day in real? I
am interested in everything! Thank you for taking the time to write an
answer. I'm looking forward to your next email. Now I have to work and
I will think about you all the day I am sure)). Please take care and
have a nice day! Tatyana

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #9 - 06. Mai 2018 um 13:41
Hello xxx! Hope you’re fine. Your email as usual makes my day. I am
so glad you have time to write me emails. I enjoy reading all of them.
I am doing well. Hope you too. I even forgot the day when I’ve been
sad. Can you imagine why? I guess this is because of you, because of
your emails. It seems I just don’t have time to think about bad
things, because I am always think about you and our communication. You
make me dream! My days became more positive and happier! xxx, thank
you for all what you do. I would like you feel more positive and happy
as well when you read my emails. I hope your life has been changed a
little bit)) The first thing I think about when I wake up every
morning is you. The only one reason why I hurry up to my work is your
email. I do not feel lonely any more. The only one thing we don’t have
is the real talk. Just one talk when we can al least hear each other.
That’s why I dream about our meeting, Thought is material. I believe
in my dream. If this is definitely true how long I should dream and
imagine our meeting so that it comes true))! xxx, if you follow me,
if you dream about our meeting like me, I think we can double the
effect and make our meeting closer! But now let’s talk about the
reality!!!)) xxx, I have a coffee break now, so I can write you an
email. Today I have much to do, but can not leave you without an
answer. I have a very busy schedule. I am working almost every day.
The thing is that two of my colleagues are on sick leave. So I should
work for them. We’re very united team. We always help each other. And
of course if there is a need to replace a colleague, everyone will be
ready to help. That’s why I love to work here and like my colleagues.
I always know that everyone helps me if I ask. There are many
customers in our store. Always)) We have a good range of women's
clothing, so the store is very popular among ladys. Dear xxx, my
parents always say that it feels like a silver lining there. My
parents raised me right. They always say that first of all I should to
look at a probem from the other hand, who knows may I am not right. Do
you agree with them? You know I am a little bit happy that I have to
work every day. I hope you understand why)), because I can write you))
We can email each other every day. This is very important to me. I
mean to find your email every day. We know each other more and more,
we become closer despite the thousands of kilometers between us. I got
so much energy. I am ready to work non-stop, without days off. No
surprise where my powers came from. It is you, my dear, xxx You are
a wizard! You have awakened the feelings that I once hid deep in my
soul. If you could see me now, you would see that I am shining with
happiness ... You would probably smile too. Even my colleagues noticed
that I’ve begun to look happier. But I don’t tell anyone about us. It
is still just my secret. Happiness loves silence. Do you agree with
me? Of course the day when I tell them comes. Have you told anyone
about our communication? The only one reason to take a day off is my
parents. Unfortunately, I haven’t been visiting them for about two
weeks. I really miss them! They are my native. I feel calm and good
near them. I am going to take a day off and visit them. They also miss
me very much. Every time I come, they ask me to visit them more often.
I do understand them and use every chance to visit my mom and dad. It
is a pity that I can do it on rare occasion. ((xxx, I think I will
not be able to resist. I want to tell my mom about you.) I hope you
don’t mind. I really want to share my happiness with my mother)) She
is the closest and most loved person who I can talk on any topic with.
She is always with me and I feel her support. If necessary, she always
gives me an advice. I hope you do not mind))! Daddy does not like
conversations like this. He calls this “girls’ talk.” He prefers
kindly keep out of the conversation between me and mom. He always says
that man should work hard, talk less. I completely agree with him. You
can say a thousand words, talk about strong love, but don’t do
anything real for your woman. I think there are many men like this.
Unfortunately I also had a bitter experience. xxx, I consider that
you're a real man. You're a man of action! You make me happy even
thousands of miles away from me! You make my life more joyful! It's so
nice! Dear xxx, thank you for everything! I wish you be happy too.
You deserve it. I will do my best to make you happy!!! xxx,
unfortunately I have to go to work. I finish writing. Looking forward
to your reply! Have a nice day! Tatyana

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Date: Wed, 2 May 2018 20:11:16 +0400
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To: xxx
Subject: Re: Good day xxx!
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #10 - 06. Mai 2018 um 13:43
Dear xxx, because of the fuss at work, I did forget to send you my
pictures. I’ve just remembered)) So, please find my photos attached. I
hope you like them! Every time I send you my photos, I'm feel shy a
little bit))! I would like my photos and emails give you joy and make
you smile. I imagine how you look at my photos and smile. xxx, have
a nice day! I will think about you the rest of the day! Do you
remember that we need to think and imagine our meeting together, so
that it comes true one day)) Do not forget about it, please. I will
wait for your reply. Tatyana

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #11 - 11. Mai 2018 um 14:39
Hello xxx! How is your day going? Hope you’re fine! I cannot stop
thinking about you. I imagine how you spend your day, how you feel. I
want to take care of you so that you can feel joyful! I want to make
you the happiest man in the world. But I can do it only with the help
of emails. Every word in my emails comes from my heart so that you can
feel my care. Do you feel it by any chance? As usual, I am writing you
when I have a break. Thank you for your email. I am always happy to
see your email. Today people are too busy to take the time on someone
else. They work nonstop, they have their own troubles. But you no
matter what, find the time to shoot me a message. I really appreciate
your time. Thank you for that my dear. We continue our communication.
We became more open to each other than earlier. This is so sweet! Your
emails warm my soul. I can read them repeatedly. I think we have very
similar life goals, dreams and desires. My greatest desire now is to
meet you in real! Do you remember that we should think about this
together? Then it will come true)). As for me, I am constantly
thinking about it. It would be so wonderful to walk together in the
park and talk about everything that comes to our minds. If we believe
in this dream, it will definitely come true. I am sure and believe. I
hope you too. xxx, today I have a very busy day. Today morning our
boss informed us about a follow-up audit. That was a surprise for
everyone. We started to prepare immediately. I need to be ready for
this audit as well. But first of all I will write you))) At the
meeting I also asked my boss to give me a day off, so that I can visit
my parents. He agreed but only after the audit. When I was writing you
my previous email, I felt so sad that I have not seen them for a long
time. That’s why I decided to take a day off and visit them. They will
be very happy to see me. I am sure. I hope you remember that I want to
tell my parents about you. Because I am so happy. And I need to share
my feelings. I'm interested to see their reaction. I think they will
be pleasantly surprised. But I am not going to tell someone else about
you. Not now) My parents the only one who I can share my thoughts and
feelings. They are my native. I can talk with them on any topic. You
are the third person, who I can talk about everything with! I like to
tell you everything about my life and my thoughts. It's so great that
you understand and support me. Personally, I'm rather shy and humble.
I do not know if I could share everything with you, if we meet in
reality. I think no)). That’s why I am so glad that we met in Internet
and can talk via email. However, please do not think that in reality,
I will be silent and there will be nothing to talk about. This is not
the case. Just in emails it's easier for me to be completely open to
you. I do it with pleasure, because I know that you’re a real man! I'm
sure that you will not hurt me. You know how difficult it is to find
honesty and sincerity in a relationship, so I’m sure you appreciate
it. You deserve love and happiness. I'm sure you'll have it all! I
worry about you. I thank the fate because it brought you! xxx, I’m
crying. I am writing to you about this and tears are coming…tears of
happiness. Honestly, I'm happy that we know each other and continue to
communicate ... Dear xxx, I have to finish my email. The audit is
waiting for me(( I have much stuff to do. If I am not tired, I am
going to gym after work))) My evening I will spend reading a book and
thinking about you. I am looking forward to your reply. As usual. Have
a blessed day!! Yours Tatyana

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #12 - 17. Mai 2018 um 10:41
Hello xxx! How are you? Hope things are going well. As for me I am
very very busy because our boss suddenly informed us about today’s
audit, Of course we knew that it would happen one day but nobody
expected it today. But I always find the time to write you an email.
Thank you for your email too. You made my day again. I am always happy
to see and read your email. I became more joyful after reading them.
Thank you for all the words and your care. I also want to take care of
you so that you feel not lonely in this world. I want you remember
that you have me who think and worry about you. I am convinced that
this is very important for people. I mean to know that you are not
alone and you have a person who take care of you. In this case you
feel good and calm. But what is definitely great is to know that your
soul mate is awaiting for you at home. It is so cool that we found
each other in such a big world. I believe that the time will come when
you come home and find me waiting for you))) xxx, you deserve to be
happy. Do not let anyone make you forget that. I will do my best to
make you happy. Every day I understand more and more that I want to
take care of you. What did you do to me?))) How I lived without you? I
don't know who I am without you. I know that my life was not so fully
as now. I have my parents who helped me to get my apartment, I work
and have friends I can spend my time with. But I didn’t have a person
who I could have a good time with. But now I have you. Before now I
could not talk to anyone except my parents. I could not share my
thoughts and feelings. I didn’t open my inner world. Only my parents
take care of me and always support no matter what. It is very nice and
important of course but it is not enough and I have not seen the
future and meaning of life. Now I know what I want to achieve in my
live. Everything has changed when I met you. My days became happier.
Every day I feel care. You gave me hope and made me believe in bright
future. Yep, this is how I feel my dear xxx. May be I hurry with
this conclusion. But I feel so happy that I do not want to think about
bad things. I dream only about positive things. I hope you on the same
way. xxx, you’re not alone! You are always in my mind. You can
always share your thoughts and troubles with me. You can tell me if
you have any problems or concerns. Write me no matter if you’re joyful
or sad. I will always listen to you and try to make happier. It seems
I have to go now. My colleagues are waiting for me. If I have a chance
to write you again, I will definitely do it! Please be careful and
take care! I kiss you. Tatyana

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IP gespeichert
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #13 - 17. Mai 2018 um 10:43
Dear xxx, I have a chance to write you. I did forget to attach my
photos again. Sorry))) You can find them attached to this email. How
do you like me? What do you think when you look at my pictures? I do
not like to be photographed by the way. I think I am very ridiculous
at photos. May be you’re laughing when you look at me))) If so, then I
am even glad. I want you smile and be joyful. Today was very busy day,
we had much work to do. I am a little bit tired. I dream about my bed
now and want this day ends as soon as possible. When I come home, I
will take a hot bath with aromatic oils to relax. Moreover, yesterday
I went to gym and made a good training. If I knew that we would have
the audit today, may be I did not gym a lot. So my body needs to
relax. ))) I think you also had days like this. xxx, despite
today's audit, I have some positive news today. My boss allowed me to
take a day off)). That means I will visit my parents. I am so happy. I
cannot wait to see them. I can not wait to tell them about positive
changes in my life. I mean you my dear. You're my positive changes. I
am sure that they will be happy for me. I will then write you how they
react. I think you would like to know about it.)) Honey, please write
me even if you know that I am not at work. Because I have an
opportunity to come to work even if I have a day off. Just because I
want to find an email form you and write you back. I cannot live a day
without your emails. It is very important to me to be in touch with
you every day. This helps to strengthen our relationships and makes
our communication more interesting. Do you agree with me? I often
reread your emails. Your emails energize me. They help me gear up. So,
now I need to go. Thank you for everything. You are changing my life
day by day. You make me happy! I think of you every day and want to
see you just for a minute in real. Just know it! Have a nice day.
Million kisses… Tatyana

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #14 - 17. Mai 2018 um 10:46
Hello xxx! How is your day going? How you feeling today? How is the
weather? Dear xxx, I hope you’re fine. Thank you for your email. As
usual you made my day brighter and happier. I am feeling good .
xxx, you’re keeping me happy! Why did not you write to me ?? I have
a good news, the audit was a success. When I came to work today, my
boss told me that I am free of work. That means I will visit my
parents. I am so happy that I will see them finally. So I decided to
take a chance to write while I am at work. Then I will go home to take
some stuff with me. The only way to reach the village is to use a bus.
Before the trip, I will go to a shopping center. I want to buy some
presents for my parents. Dear xxx, I'm so impatient because I would
like to tell them about you and me. I want to share my joy with them
and see their reaction. I think it will be the long way to go. First I
need to reach the station and find my bus. It will take 1,5 hours to
reach the destination. Then I have to walk about 3 km (from the bus
stop to my parent’s house) My parents usually meet me at the bus stop
so that we can talk on the way home. It think it will be a good chance
to tell them about you. Then when I come back to work, I will write
you at once. I hope you’re interested to know. xxx, please do not
forget to write me every day. Even if you know that I am not at work.
When I go to work, I will be happy to see your emails. Dear xxx, I
stay at work although my boss let me go. This is because of you, I can
not leave without writing you an answer. I find my emails as a sign of
my care. Because now this is the only one way we can express our
feeling and emotions. This is not good to leave you without my email.
I hope you understand how important your emails are))) I do respect
you and that’s why I am still here and writing you this email)) I
don’t want to keep you waiting for my emails. I hope you too.. You
also will not make me wait yours. When I return from my parents I will
go to my work right from the station. I will read your emails and
answer. Ohh, I will tell you about our conversation and how I’ve spend
the time in the village. However, usually we have fun. We talk a lot,
coz we don’t see each other long time. My mom and me cook. It can be
homemade cakes and other delicious dishes. My dad always prepares
Russian banya. Have you ever heard about Russian banya? Banya is an
extremely popular Russian tradition. I will definitely tell you more
about it later. But of course that would be better if you can try it.
Russian banya is very good for health. We also like to walk through
the village and enjoy the countryside. We even have our favorite place
we always go to. This is the river bank. It's very beautiful there! My
dad loves to fish and when I was a child he took me with him. That's
how our favorite place appeared. The river bank is especially
beautiful in summer time. This is the best time to fish and pick
berries and flowers. In winter we just walk around the village. At the
evening when everything is done, we go to banya and then we love to
remember my childhood. We look at my child pictures. It is a pity that
they are printed and we don’t have them on electronic form. I would
love you see me in the childhood, but this is not possible. However,
if we meet in real, I will definitely to show you all of them. xxx,
lately, I dream so much.)) My biggest dream is to see you in real.
You’ve became very close to me. Thanks to emails we tell each other
about our lifes. We have the same dreams and goals. I feel good with
you! You’re the man I’ve dreamed about and imagined in my mind. I
thank fate as it gave us the opportunity to get to know each other. Of
course I am always thinking how it would wonderful to see each other
face to face. This is because of long distance between us. But I am
afraid it would be difficult to do. And that makes me sad. But you
know I believe that dreams come true!! May be that’s why I am so
dreamy))) I can imagine you and our meeting only in dreams. Only
dreams give me a chance to imagine how we spend the time together. In
dreams I can take care of you. These dreams make me happy. xxx, you
and me, we are strong. So everything is gonna be all right. We have
our goal and we come to it together. I changed the topic again)). I
will tell you more about my visit to parents in my next email. Ok? Now
I need to hurry up. I need to go to a shopping center. Shopping can
take much time)) Cheer up, my dear! Just remember I am here and think
about you! Have a good time! I kiss you. Tatyana

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