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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Natalia <> <> (Gelesen: 15396 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Natalia <> <>
25. Dezember 2017 um 18:01
Good Evening! Man
where are you?
I want to small talk,
I'm safe person from Russian Federation At present I am look up goodness Man! My E-mail box and I will wait your reply.


Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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« Zuletzt geändert: 09. Oktober 2024 um 06:58 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #1 - 26. Dezember 2017 um 13:28


« Zuletzt geändert: 09. Oktober 2024 um 06:59 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
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Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #2 - 29. Dezember 2017 um 16:57
Hello xxx. I went to the dating agency in my city. I filled out the questionnaire, and I picked up the optimal candidate, to get acquainted. So I found your email.
Thank you for writing to me. How are you doing? I'm doing good. I want to apologize for the delay in responding to you.
So now you know my name (Natalia) I am 29 years old and I am a Aquarius. I was born February 11th, 1988. I will tell you I live in Manturovo a city in
the central part of Russia. Next big city Kostroma.
I have never written a letter away in another country, this is my only experience. Of course, communication in reality it would be better, but,
nevertheless, in an email communication also has its value. I think there is romance in the writing of messages and frequent checking email
while waiting for messages.
I have a good sense of humor. I think that I am an optimist. I like positive thinking. Maybe you want to know more information about me?
Please do not hesitate to ask me. I'll answer your questions.
I attach to my message of my personal photo. I think you're a decent man, and my photos you will see only you. My height is 168 centimeters.
My weight is 55 kilos. It is better to see my appearance you can in the photo. Please send your photos to the next message.
I conclude this letter I write, wishing the both of us well on our discovery of each other's likes and dislikes.
Okay, I will be waiting for your reply.

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Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2017 06:43:24 -0800
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #3 - 30. Dezember 2017 um 15:57
Hello xxx. Again thank you for your reply which was received with much pleasure. Yes I am well thank you and I hope you are all good too.
I have to say thank you for sending me your photos, I find you as a very attractive man.
I do not think that the problem of age is decisive in the relationship between a man and a woman. For me there is no problem.
You are older than me, and have a rich life experience. I think you have clearly set life priorities and values.
You will never admit those mistakes that could have been made in your youth. That's why I do not take seriously the difference in age.
Today I have a good mood. Now the beginning of winter. This is a time of beauty and love. I like winter. I love warmth, I like to walk in the park in
warm weather, I want to swim in the heat.
What is your hobby? I like to read books, prepare food. My preference is to eat at home because I like good wholesome food, but I am quite happy to eat out
in a restaurant or cafe sometimes providing the food is good, and I like to have a nice romantic meal out sometimes as I believe this is good for the relationship
and it helps break the monotony of every day normality. Now I am sending my photos, which were made in the cafe. Photos made by my colleague. My town is small.
My colleagues and friends - it's the same people. We often spend time together, go to movies, attend sporting events.
I think that you might be interested to know about my work. I work in the "AlYankv" company. It is a small company that is engaged in the production of doors and
windows. My work is not to make doors and windows. My position HR-Manager (Human Resources Manager). I spend interviewing and hiring personnel engaged in the affairs
of the company. I like my job. I think that in addition to money, the work should bring moral satisfaction. I have graduated at the faculty of
"Economics and management of personnel." I was lucky, my job matches my education. I work every day except Sunday. I work 9 hours a day, from 10:00 to 19:00 hours.
I am a good, friendly and kind girl. I appreciate the professional quality. Sociability, responsibility and sense of duty is the foundation of my character. If I
take up anything, I always try to bring it to its logical conclusion. Such is my nature and my upbringing.
I hope that you read my message. xxx, I want to start a relationship with a clean slate. We are adults. Our life has given us a different experience. We will
definitely share it. I want to make from the beginning our relationship was based on sincerity and trust. One of the features of my character - is straightness.
I can not say good or bad. I am a real woman. I do not have a goal, to appear an angel for you. Time will help you understand who we are to each other in the future.
I also send you a photograph that was taken in the summer.
Just have to wait and see.
I will wait patiently for your response. Natalia.

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Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2017 11:17:46 -0800
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« Zuletzt geändert: 09. Oktober 2024 um 07:00 von Webmaster »  
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Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #4 - 31. Dezember 2017 um 00:29
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. Oktober 2024 um 07:00 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #5 - 04. Januar 2018 um 18:58
Hello xxx. I am glad that you have not forgotten about me. Hope you are fine. I like your sincerity and how they positioned. So I will try to do the same.
Happy New Year. I hope that you have met the New Year well. I met the new year with my parents at home. It was nice.
Good humor and intelligence attract me. I confess I was a little worried when writing a message. I hope you are in good health. You do not know how happy I was
to receive your lovely message. I am fine and I hope things are good with you too.
I can not know your mood today. This is the only negative communication in the e-mail. I believe that you are waiting for my message, and you are interested to
continue our acquaintance. Millions of people in the world are using e-mail every day. This is very useful if you consider the difference in time between the our
cities. By the way, time my city Manturovo, coincides with the time in Moscow.
Do you like sport? Winter sports? I love to skate and skiing. At any time of year, I go to the gym. I like to swim. I like to ride a bike. I lead a healthy lifestyle. I do not
smoke and do not drink alcohol. Sports activities and daily routine, help me to keep my vitality. I'm sending you photos that were taken in the end of January 2017.
I and my colleague, went together to the ski slopes. She took these photos.
I really like to travel, to get acquainted with the culture and history of new places for me. From early childhood, I was interested in the story. Love of stories
I had carried through for many years. I have a hobby to read history books, I was curious about the authors' opinion on the past. I wonder how it was before, and
why everything was as it is now. I like cooking. Reading books and cooking - it's my hobby. I am a supporter of a healthy diet. Moderate amounts of carbohydrate
and protein foods maximum. I try not to eat a lot of fatty foods. xxx, maybe I'll show you in this faddiness aspect. But believe me, nothing in life is not
so valuable as health. Health is given to us once and for all life!!! Proper distribution of the vital resources will help us save ourselves for many years.
xxx, I want to learn more about your life and your character. I offer to each new message, to tell you about one of the qualities of our character. You can?
In the last message, I wrote to you about my straightforwardness. Another quality of my character - is planning. It is not always possible. Sometimes I have to
adjust to the rhythm of life, changing my plans. However, I strive to ensure that the plan my day, my work, my rest. What character traits peculiar to you?
May be, I can be the woman you are looking for, so I wish to meet you after sending information about each other and leave the virtual world of internet.
Have a nice day and a nice evening. Natalia.

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Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 10:28:17 -0800
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #6 - 05. Januar 2018 um 19:08
Hello xxx. What time do you usually read my messages? I am at work now. I have free time, and I read your message. I was interested to read your messages,
I feel a curiosity to learn new things about you. Before we get acquainted, it was hard to imagine how people communicate on the Internet. We speak different
languages ??in daily life. Our countries have a different mentality. However, we can share everything that happens in our lives. You can always say about your
problems and joys. I will never stay indifferent to you. I'll be glad to give you advice and support.
xxx, I want to ask you a question. What prompted you to write me? Interest? Curiosity? I told you that I plan to travel to your country this year.
So I decided to get acquainted with you. I'm an adult and sociable woman. My choice was totally random. Now I understand that my choice was right.
Of course, in my soul, I want to grown more than friendship from our socializing. Perhaps we will have a serious relationship, a lifetime? I really want this.
I want you to tell me about your childhood. What you dreamed as a child? I'm curious to know about it. What fears do you have?
I live alone in my own apartment. My apartment is small, but it is nice for me, the most important is the warmth and comfort. I love indoor plants. They bring
comfort to the house.
I send you my new photos. I like to dress in warm weather. These photos were taken summer of 2017.
I asked you about fear... I have a fear of the dark and confined spaces. I take a taxi, when I go home at night. I do not like to use the elevator, when I'm alone.
My childhood dream - it is an endless supply of chocolate.
That is all for now my dear xxx, my coffee break is over and I need to go back to work, I always think of you. Natalia.

Spoiler für Time Warner Cable, USA:
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Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 08:47:27 -0800
From: Natalia <>
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #7 - 07. Januar 2018 um 14:10
Hello xxx. I often think about you. I want to surprise you. Together with my message, I send my voice message for you. I hope you like my voice. I have a
terrible accent? I worry... I'm sorry for the mistakes in my messages. My English is imperfect.
Today in my city overcast weather. The air temperature ranges from -5 degrees C to -15 degrees C.
xxx, I want to talk about my family. My mom and dad live in the city of Kostroma. My dad is a military man, his name is Vlad. My mother is a kid's doctor,
the name my mother Anna. I have an older brother. The name of my brother Sergei. My brother is married and lives in Smolensk city, he has a daughter - my niece.
My parents are very kind and wise people. I am grateful to my parents for the upbringing they gave me. I think that from an early age upbringing in the future of
man. Never I was not pampered. Now I'm an adult and independent life, the great merit of my parents. I always support their actions and words.
Remember, I promised to talk about my character? Another feature of my character - it is respect for the older generation. My grandparents died when I was little.
I can never go past the older who is afraid to cross the road. I always will render assistance. I like to do it selflessly. Good look and smile - this is the best
gratitude. The world is changing for the last 10-20 years. Our Government is very little attention paid to the problem of literacy people of retirement age.
I think it's wrong. In your country there are state aid program for pensioners?
Today I am sending you photos of my family. In one photo my brother, I, my mother and my brother's wife. In other photos, I and my niece. My brother's daughter. Her name is Olga.
How is your day? Do you frequently check your mailbox? At what time do you go to bed? I want to know about your thoughts before going to sleep... I like to remember
the past, when I was a little girl. My mother baked cakes every Saturday. I loved Saturday morning. Waking up in the morning and smell the cakes - this feeling is
impossible to convey in words. What memories of your past is particularly pleasing to you? xxx, you have a talisman or lucky number? My lucky number - 1.
Many in my life associated with that number. For example, my apartment number 11. My birthday is on February 11th. I think that there is a lucky number in the
life of all people.
Have a nice day! I must continue to work now. I will think about you.
I'm waiting for your message. Natalia.

Spoiler für Comcast Cable, USA:
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Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2018 09:14:19 -0800
From: Natalia <>
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #8 - 13. Januar 2018 um 14:37
Good day my dear xxx. I wake up in the morning, and I want to say "good morning" to you. We can talk on the phone? Please write your full mobile number.
What is the dialing code of your country? Your city? I'm asking you about this in the beginning of the message, not to forget.
I think I have a very romantic mood today. I as if flying in the clouds. Do you like romance? xxx, do you like to surprise a woman? I like romance.
I like to watch the stars, I like to have dinner by candlelight. I also like to dance to slow music. Please tell me what kind of vacation do you prefer? As for me,
I never liked the noisy companies. I'm much nicer to have a rest in a small company of my colleagues in a cozy cafe. I dream of a romantic evening alone with you.
Do you like my dream? Romanticism - is another trait of my character. I am very trusting woman.
Now I'm in my office. I like to see photos of your country on the Internet. Tell me about the beautiful places in your country. There are places that you like to
visit in your country? Or would you like to show them to me?
Sorry, if you are a long time waiting for my messages. I have a lot of work in recent days. In our company, the vacant post of the chief accountant and advertising
manager. These people have retired. Now, I have been searching for people on these positions. On duty to their profession, I work with the Employment Center.
There are many people who are looking for work. I reviewed many resumes and selected a few candidates. Now I have to conduct interviews. My job is not always routine.
As you can see, I talk with people. It is important not to make mistakes when taking people to work. There are important qualities such as ethics, tact, tolerance
and morality. xxx, in recent years, many young people can not get jobs because of a lack of experience. Young people finish university and have a higher
education. However, the employer refuses to hire them because they have no experience. I think that young people should be given a chance. Among all of them, can be
a talent that will bring big profits and company development. My director has the opposite view. To my director is important to have a steady income and maintain
all grown produce at the proper level. This requires experience. This is a long-standing point of contention between me and my director. I agree that for the chief
accountant needs experience. This is a great responsibility. For the post of advertising manager, you need to take a creative young employee. In today's world, it
is important to move forward, it is important not to stand still. I want to know your opinion about what I wrote. Do you agree with me? I want to know your opinion.
Sorry, now I write a lot about my work.
What's your favorite TV channel? I do not watch TV much. When I watch TV, I like to watch educational channels. For example, Discovery Shannel, National Geographic
Channel. I'm curious to know all aspects of your life.
Sorry, I can not send my photos today. I will send my photos to the next message.
What are your plans for tonight? My colleague suggests to go to the cafe to drink coffee after work. She said she wanted to share the good news with me.
You take care and look after your self, and I will wait for your response... Do not forget to write your phone number.
Kissing. Natalia.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #9 - 14. Januar 2018 um 13:12
Hello xxx. The most beautiful part of my day - it's reading your messages. In my words there is no flattery. Communication with you is changing my life.
I think about you when I wait your message. When I read your message, I want to close my eyes and imagine that we are face to face. You notice changes in your
life? What is associated with our communication in daily life?
I hope that does not bother you that I ask you many questions. My questions are very simple, but allow to know better your life. Thank you for answering my
questions. For me valuable to know your opinion.
xxx, I'm serious about communicating with you. I have a few personal questions. What attracts you in a woman? What do not you like in a woman? What should
be the woman of your dreams? Clever? Beautiful? I think that between a man and a woman should be mutual understanding and respect. There should also be confidence
and physical attraction! Men and women should be first and foremost friends. Sometimes there is a feeling of love, like lightning. Age brings a different
understanding of life. As a young people can give vent to emotions and heart. With age, you begin to think in the first place. Now, you can often see a picture
of how young people do not leave the mobile phone or tablet. There are many ways to communicate. I think that because of this lost romance, suspense, the ability
to think and analyze. You can not deliberately send instant messages. I like that we communicate in email.
I'm not in a hurry to get married. I want to meet a man with whom I will have understanding. My man should be able to make decisions and be responsible for their
words. Every word, man must confirm the action. I have important qualities such as caring, determination, responsibility, honesty, wisdom, commitment.
Joy and sorrow are to be shared by a pair of lovers of people.
I and my colleague visited the cafe. xxx, you remember, I wrote to you about this? She told me the good news. My colleague got married in the summer of 2017,
in June. She said she learned that she was pregnant. I am very happy for my colleague and her husband. Now I am sending you photos that were taken at the wedding
of my colleagues. I remember that day - June 12, 2017. It was a beautiful sunny day. It was at the wedding, about 120 guests. I do not particularly like such
events. Basically invited guests have a family or a couple. I was alone, and felt so uncomfortable. I hope you understand what I mean.
I look forward to your new message. I will think about you. Have a nice evening.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #10 - 18. Januar 2018 um 17:32
Hello xxx. Today is my day started early. In the morning I made breakfast and thinking about you. What kind of food do you prefer in the morning?
I eat breakfast porridge with pumpkin. I love the different cereals, they help me stay in shape. I also love tea and fruit in the morning.
I do not usually spend a lot of time to choose clothes that go to work. However, today was a special day... In the morning, I found a coffee stain on my white
blouse. Do not think that I was sloppy. I accidentally pushed a man in a cafe, where I and my colleague were having coffee. Perhaps he was looking for a reason
for acquaintance. I heard the apology and offer to help me. I did not say anything. I asked the bartender to give me wet wipes. That same evening, I washed the
my blouse and was sure that the stain has disappeared. My day started with the shopping. I bought a new blouse, before going to work. For me, this is an unusual
start to the day.
I woke up early to come to work earlier. As a result, I was late for 15 minutes. At such times there is a feeling that everything runs fate. xxx, do you
believe in fate? Perhaps our meeting was written in fate.
I have an important question for you. You write messages to other women? I'm writing a message only you. I appreciate our relationship and our friendship with
you beautiful.
You are very interesting man. I enjoy reading your messages. I feel a sense of sympathy for you. You can tell the most unusual acquaintance with the woman in
your life? Of course, I'm talking about a woman who you like. I've never been the initiator of acquaintance with a man. xxx, you are an exception. The Internet
is the only way to pay attention - this is to write a message. I have never regretted that I wrote a message to you. I hope and the future, preparing only
positive emotions for us.
I love the comfort and cleanliness of the house. You're often doing household chores? In your house there is a flower? I have many flowers at home. My favorite
flower lily.
I send my photo and video, which were made in early September 2017. It was the day when my colleague invited me to learn how to ride a quad bike. I was scared to ride ,
but was very happy to try.
Take good care, and write to me soon. Natalia.

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Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 06:40:36 -0800
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #11 - 19. Januar 2018 um 17:18
Hello dear xxx. This morning, I talked to my mom. My mom said that tonight will come to my city Manturovo. Mom to visit the city administration Manturovo,
to take some documents. I did not ask the details over the phone. Today, my mom left me at my guest. We will have dinner together. We are very close with
my mom and understand each other well.
I think tomorrow I along with my mom go to the mall. Mom plans to buy some clothes for winter. We women are very interesting by nature. We need enough to
have a good mood. Sometimes it is enough to hear a compliment or buy a small thing and comes well-being. If I go to the mall in search of certain things,
and I can not find your size or style of clothes, I buy a little trinket. It can be bijouterie, hair accessories. Or simply go to the manicure room, and
make a nice manicure. Thus, I am happy.
xxx, I'm in a hurry right now. I have to finish work earlier. I'll go home and make dinner for me and my mom. Please write, how is your day?
I'm sending you photos that were taken this summer. I went out for a walk in the park with my colleagues.
I am also waiting for your new photo.
I'm waiting for your message.
Kissing. Natalia.

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Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 04:25:38 -0800
From: Natalia <>
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Subject: have a nice day my dear xxx
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #12 - 20. Januar 2018 um 16:10
Hello my dear xxx. Thoughts about you taking me from reality. It seems to me that the butterflies fly at the bottom of my stomach when I imagine our meeting.
How do you imagine our first date? I miss the romance. Today in my city sunny weather. I like to see how the sunlight plays
through my office window. It's very romantic. I dream about how we walk together under the moon. This will be the perfect first date for you and me. I think that
for a first date is not suitable cafe or restaurant. We need to feel at ease and get used to each other's company. Nothing should not burden us. I'm sincere with
you in my messages. You do not know anything new about me when we meet.
xxx, yesterday I was with my mom. We walked to the mall, buy comfortable shoes for the mother. Then we sat in a cafe and drinking tea. I told my mother about
our communication in an email. It's hard to contain my joy of our communion inside me. I always sincere with my mom. Since childhood, we trust each other any secrets.
Needless to say that my mother was asking a lot of questions about you? I told my mother your name and a brief about your life. I described you as a very kind and
good man, intelligent with great intelligence. My mom said she sees the sparkle of my eyes and my happiness. However, my mother said that I should be careful.
My parents had never traveled to other countries. For moms hard to imagine that I will be traveling to another country for a meeting with a man. Moreover, recently
there was a plane crash, which reinforces the mistrust of international tourism. I think you understand that my mother and I had a long talk yesterday.
xxx, my parents, like all parents in the world - wish you happiness for their children. I appreciate the concern of my parents, and always take care of them.
In today's world, a lot of lies and deceit. I assured my mother that
it was not our case. Today, my mother came back to the city Kostroma. I think my dad already
knows about our relationship with you. I want to have the blessing of my parents for our relationship with you.
Now I want to write my home and work addresses. I do not want to lose our fellowship.
My home address: Russia, 157302, Manturovo, Lenin Street, 16-7.
My Job address: Russia, 157300, Manturovo, Parkovaya, 12A. This is the address of my office.
I trust you. When I was talking about you, my mother, my impression that I've known you a lifetime! I am not afraid of the distance between us. I'm seriously
thinking of traveling to your country in my upcoming vacation.
I'm send photos that were taken on the beach. These photos were taken in 2015 on the Black Sea. I and my colleague, together visited the South of Russia, to relax
on the beaches. She took these photos.
I hope you support my thoughts and ideas. I like understanding that there are between us. I miss you. Write a message quickly.
Kissing. Natalia.

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Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 04:46:23 -0800
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #13 - 24. Januar 2018 um 19:41
Hello my dear xxx. I am happy to feel your care. Thanks for the kind words that I read in your messages. I have a lot of work in recent days. My vacation
will start soon. Now I'm trying to finish all the work of the case. I did not notice how time has passed today. The feeling that the whole world stopped, and
you are doing your job. I think that sometimes it is useful to work, disconnect from the outside world. It keeps in tone, gives extra motivation and strength.
xxx, I like to come home after work and think of you. I'm going back to my empty apartment, and the only thing that brightened my evening - it is the thought
of you. I want to know about your weaknesses. What weaknesses do you have? Please write to me about it. Perhaps this is not the most pleasant topic of conversation
for a man. However, we are all humans, all have weaknesses. My weakness, from which I could not refuse for a long time - a dietary Coca-cola. I understand that
can not drink Coca-cola, but continued to buy the drink and drank it. This continued until I was in university. I can not say what drove me. I like the taste.
I liked the design of the glass bottle of Coca-cola. I adore Christmas advertising Coca-cola, which gave a sense of celebration and fairy tales. Now I give up the
habit drink Coca-cola. Perhaps in your life have weaknesses that you overcame? Perhaps there is a weakness that we can overcome together?
We are with you for a long time know each other and easily talk on different topics. You occupy an important place in my life. Sometimes it is hard to communicate
at a distance, because we can not see each other. Our meeting will help us to strengthen our friendship and to become closer to each other. You know, at this moment,
I am writing these words, and I have the excitement. For a moment I introduced our meeting, and I do not want to lose my feelings. I guess I'm writing a lot about
our meeting. I hope that you are interested to read my messages... I am sharing with you my thoughts, because I want to know your opinion.
I've never been in your country. xxx we have to discuss in detail our upcoming meeting. I'm not a frivolous woman. I think a lot about our meeting and writing
to you about it. I really, really want to see your country, and your way of life. I must see it through my eyes, and I think we're going to have a happy time
Please do not forget to answer my questions. You're the only man to whom I could confide in a long time.
I'm sending my latest photos. These photos were taken at the beginning of the week in a conference room in my office. Every week in my office, begins with planning.
With me in the photo is my colleague. Sometimes I use her phone to read your message. You see her phone in the picture.
I'm waiting for your message. Kissing. Natalia.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalia <> <>
Antwort #14 - 26. Januar 2018 um 11:08
Hello dear xxx. Yes, I also think about you every minute, and as soon as possible I want to meet with you. I completely agree with you that distance is a cruel thing.
Today, I have some good news about my vacation. I can not wait to tell you. In the morning I spoke with my director. The director said
that as soon as I finish the current case and offered all the reports, I can take my vacation. On labor law, everyone in Russia is entitled to 30 days vacation.
I can take a vacation, or 2 times 2 weeks, or once 30 days. Break between the vacations should be at least 6 months. I can also take extra vacation days, if work
on Saturday and Sunday. This year, I will have 35 days of vacation. I wonder how labor law regulates the holidays in your country?
News about my holidays give me the additional motivation to finish the job faster. Although often during the day, I get distracted from work and think of you.
My thoughts are you. xxx, I look forward to my vacation, so we can make an our meeting.
I plan to talk to my parents to find out their opinion about my trip to your country. The opinion of my parents is always important for any decisions. Although
the most important thing for me is that our mutual desire to meet. I want to start making plans for the upcoming vacations. I ask your opinion on this issue.
We can make plans for our vacation together? You will have days off, so that we can meet in your country? What is the name of an international airport close to
your home?
xxx, especially now I feel it is important to your care and support. Together, we must participate in order to arrange our meeting. First of all, I ask you
to frequently checked your mailbox. I may have any questions. I hope that you will help me in everything. My opinion is, in the modern world the little things
that can be categorized as "impossible." All people are the architects of their personal lives. I think that we have the strength of mind to make our meeting a
I'm sorry, I'm very fascinated by dreams of our meeting. Sometimes it seems to me that these thoughts are my own. I want to blink an eye, and be there for you.
I send my photo, which was taken in the summer of last year. What are the plans for the evening? I want to quickly come home to a hot bath.
Have a nice evening. I'm waiting for your message. Kissing. Natalia.

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Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 00:56:48 -0800
From: Natalia <>
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Subject: I kiss you
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