
World Wide Web anti-scam

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Normales Thema Veronika <> (Gelesen: 4892 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 08. September 2009
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Veronika <>
28. November 2016 um 15:23
Good evening, I got message from dating agency. I'm 30 y.old It's my foto. What do you think? Do you like me? My name is Veronika. I think you are nice person. I know that now many people met partners in int. So I decide also to use such way. I liked you and I decided to get discover with you. Nobody know, maybe this is our chance. Like other people online. I want to write that I want only for long term relations. Im not interesting just chat, games or virtual romance. I do not like to spent in vain my time for this. I am from Rus. I think this is not a problem in twenty one century. We can meet in future. If this is problem just ignore my message. All that I want is to find man with whom I can be happy for the rest of my life. Сan you write more information about you, please. If you have Pic I will be glad to see it. Or you can send it later. I will be wait for your message. Verchika

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Razor Buzz
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Paragraphenreiter Öffentlichkeitsarbeit


Beiträge: 5931
Standort: Oberpfalz
Mitglied seit: 24. April 2008
Re: Veronika <>
Antwort #1 - 28. November 2016 um 15:56
Das ist aber weit weg von Russland:

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	2512975864
ASN:	8376
ISP:	Jordan Data Communications Company LLC
Organization:	Orange-jordan
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Asia
Country:	Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
State/Region:	Balqa
City:	Bab `Amman 

bigbear schrieb on 28. November 2016 um 15:23:
I am from Rus.

Und damit:  Smiley Smiley zeigt mir 5 angebliche Ergebnisse für das Bild. Wie üblich sind die Ergebnisse kaum nachvollziehbar und somit fragwürdig.
« Zuletzt geändert: 30. Juli 2017 um 17:17 von Stiray » 
Grund: Betreffzeile korrigiert 
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

Beiträge: 67497
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Veronika <>
Antwort #2 - 28. November 2016 um 17:49
from unknown (HELO localhost) ( with login) by with SMTP; 28 Nov 2016 12:24:04 -0000
From:  Verchik Lady <xxx>
Reply-To:  Verchik Lady <>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 13:24:57 +0100

Die korrekte Suche ergibt auf Datingscams:

Nadezhda <>

Salut ! I hope you have a good day! Thank you for your picture.
You are a very attractive man! Happy to receive your reply. I hope
that I can interest you not less than you me. I hope that you have
time to send me some notice. We can get acquainted and learn more
about each other. I understand that you ask a question where I took
your information. In Russia exist agency for dating which take money
for that to help to get acquainted with the man. I've paid twenty
dollars to find out your email. I hope this is not a problem. In
dating agency I have received the answer that they took your email
from dating site. They have not say the site name. I never used the
Internet for new acquaintances before now. I will tell you about
myself. My name is Nadezhda. But you can call me Nadya. I am 30 years
young. My b-day on May, 12, 1986. I live in Russian Federation in not
big town called Okulovka. Just ask and I will tell you about my little
city more. I hope that it will not disturb our correspondence. I think
that today the distance has no value. It was problematically to
surmount the big distances before now. But presently there are many
planes and trains for this destination. Iam not married and I live
with my mother. I never was married. I will tell to you about my
family after. I do not have kids. But I love babies. I work as the
seller in shop of cosmetics. I love sports and active rest. I love to
journey and to be in new places, but my employment does not let me to
do it often. I have many friends. We occasionally spend time together.
We play in the billiard and go bowling. I search in the man for love
and comprehension. I don't like those who lie and don't want to tell
the truth. Especially if I already to know this truth. As most woman,
in life I consider family! I hope that my letter not frighten you. I
send you my photos. I hope you liked it. Inform me please some info
about you: What do you do for fun? What is your character? What
qualities do you like in women? I also will let you know more about me
in the next mail. I will wait for your email.
« Zuletzt geändert: 30. Juli 2017 um 17:18 von Stiray »  

174944.jpg ( 61 KB | Downloads )
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1330
Mitglied seit: 08. September 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Veronika <>
Antwort #3 - 01. Dezember 2016 um 20:08
Hola xxx! I hope you have good mood! Thank you for your picture. You are a very attractive man! I am glad that you have written to me. I hope that I can interest you not less than you me. I hope that you have time to send me some notice. We can get acquainted and learn more about each other. I understand that you ask a question where I took your information. In Russia exist agency for new acquaintance which take money for that to help to get acquainted with the new person. I've paid twenty dollars to find out your email. I hope this is not a problem. In agency for new acquaintance I have received the answer that they took your e-mail from dating site. They have not specified the site name. I never used the Internet for new dating before now. I shall try tell you about me. My name is Veronika. I'm 30 years. My birthday on May, 12, 1986. I live in Russia in place called Okulovka. Just ask and I will tell you about my place more. I hope that it will not stir our correspondence. I think that in twenty one century the distance has no value. It was difficult to surmount the big distances earlier. But now there are many planes and trains for this purpose. Iam not married and I live with my mother. I never was married. I will tell to you about my family after. I haven't children. But I love children. I work as the marketer in shop of cosmetics. I like sports and active rest. I love to journey and to be in different places, but my job does not permit me to do it often. I have many friends. We frequently spend time together. We play in the billiard and go bowling. I search in the mate for love and understanding. I don't like those who lie and don't want to speak the truth. Even if I already to know this truth. As most woman, in life I consider family! I hope that my notice not frighten you. I send you my pictures. I hope you liked it. Inform me please some information about you: What do you do for fun? What is your character? What qualities do you love in women? I also will inform you more about myself in the next letter. I will wait for your mail.

Your friend Veronika.

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Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 20:58:45 +0400
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« Zuletzt geändert: 03. Oktober 2018 um 14:47 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Beiträge: 67497
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Veronika <>
Antwort #4 - 01. Dezember 2016 um 20:13
Mail über USA  Smiley

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1151914124
ASN:	19318
ISP:	Interserver
Organization:	Interserver
Services:	None detected
Type:	Corporate
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	North America
Country:	United States
State/Region:	New Jersey
City:	Secaucus 

from [] (unknown []) by (SG) with ESMTP; Thu, 01 Dec 2016 18:08:40.350 +0000 (UTC)
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 20:58:45 +0400
From: Veronika <>
« Zuletzt geändert: 30. Juli 2017 um 17:19 von Stiray »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

Beiträge: 67497
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Veronika <>
Antwort #5 - 24. Juli 2018 um 19:59
Externe Outings:


Die Bilder wurden bei Ksenia Kovaleva / Ксения Ковалева aus Moskau geklaut.
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. Oktober 2018 um 14:48 von Webmaster »  
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