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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Polina <> (Gelesen: 3716 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
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Polina <>
22. Oktober 2016 um 09:29
I was very pleased to receive from you a sign of sympathy.
Remember we met with you on a dating site?
You gave me your email address and I decided to write to you.
Honestly, I first get acquainted on the Internet.
I have several friends who successfully find love through the Internet and I decided to
to follow their example.
You seemed to me an interesting and attractive man.
I think that our acquaintance will proceed well.
My name is Polina
I live in Russia, in the city of Perm.
It is a small city in the European part of Russia.
I live alone. I have no children.
I have been married 3 years ago. It was a bad experience.
I am 35 years old.
My height is 172 centimeters.
I work as a doctor. I'm a cardiologist.
I am engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
I can cure any heart =)
I always come to this with a soul and strong feelings.
In many ways, I'm proud of my work because it brings life and health of people.
In my spare time I like to go swimming and I love to read books.
I do not drink and do not smoke. I sometimes drink dry red wine or champagne.
I try to spare time for sports.
That's all I can tell you is about yourself.
I also invest in this letter some of his photographs.
I think that more will tell you about myself in my next letter.
Also I would like to know more about you.
Who do you work for?
Where do you live?
Your hobby?
And I would be interested to hear from you new photos.
I'll wait for a response from you.
Your new friend Polina
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2019 um 20:16 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Polina <>
Antwort #1 - 22. Oktober 2016 um 09:34
I would really like to know you, and see your photos.
on this I beg you, tell me, tell me about yourself. I am very interested.
I wait =)

Das Foto ist meines Wissen bzw. nach meiner Recherche nach neu!
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2019 um 20:16 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Polina <>
Antwort #2 - 22. Oktober 2016 um 09:36
Hi xxxxx
I am pleased to receive your letter.
I am pleased to know that I'm interested in you.

To be honest, I'm worried.
Because I expect a lot from our acquaintance.
I want you to just say that I want to find a serious relationship.
I'm not here for fun and games.
I hope that you, too, is serious as I am.
And I'd like to tell you that I'm not going to lie to you.
I always say what I think.
I'm on a dating site saw an ad warns people from scam.
At first I did not understand it. But when I read I was impressed.
I do not understand how you can cheat a person through the Internet, say that you love him and wait for the money from him.
No, I'm not looking for money to communicate with you, and that to find true love.
Hopefully in the future when we know each other.
If you have doubts about me, it's better we immediately cease to communicate, because I'm only waiting for the sincere words from you!
And I have read that many foreign men asking for naked photos for fun themselves.
So I do not when will not send naked photos.
I'm sorry if you thought my letter rude.
But I want to find real and sincere relationship.
On the Internet a lot of hype and I do not want to become a victim of this.
I want to let you know that I'm focused on the seriousness in the relationship, and not just for fun and money.
If you're ready to liability relations, then I'll be happy to wait for a letter from you.
I liked your photos. You're an interesting man =)

Your Polina
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2019 um 20:16 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Polina <>
Antwort #3 - 22. Oktober 2016 um 09:37
Hello xyz
How are you?
I would like to thank you answered me.
This means that you are willing to get to know me more and more, and you're interested in a happy future.
I believe that every man needs a man who makes life brighter and more colorful.
After all, we are human beings and we have feelings.

It is a pleasure to look at your photos.
Every minute I look at your picture =)

I'd like to talk a little bit about your family.
I have a mother. Just sister and niece.
The father unfortunately died last year and left my mother alone.
She is now retired.
She lives in the village.
I love her to come for a visit, there is always fresh air and very beautiful.
Russia has always been famous for its nature, large forests and clear lakes.
According to this when I go to my mom, I always admire the beauty of the Russian and my soul is calm.
I have always been proud of the relationship moimh parents.
After all, they lived through a lot together, and loved each other very much.
My mother still remembers my father, and continued to love him sincerely.
My parents have always been good people living on one salary only, and have always been proud that they live honestly.
They were able to raise me and my sister.
They gave me a good education.
And I will always remember and be proud of their parents.
What can you tell me about your parents?
It's great when people love each other and always keep around to help.
After all, the main concern of love for each other in joy and in sorrow.
The main thing is always to be with the person that you need.
What do you dumashe about this? I'm curious to know your opinion.
Timi You probably want to talk to me on the phone?
I gladly would like to hear your voice =)
But the phone call and who can call me, very expensive.
I am now a new simcard decorated with a special service to call abroad.
Once it is ready, I'll leave you my phone number.
Unfortunately I do not have time to write you a letter.
But tomorrow I'll be waiting on you new good news.
Your Polina
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. Oktober 2016 um 00:24 von Uli »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Polina <>
Antwort #4 - 22. Oktober 2016 um 09:41
Hello xyz
How is your mood?
I'm very happy to write you a letter again.

With every letter we better begin to know and understand each other.
You wonder why I'm still single?
Yes, you remember, I was married three years ago, but now I'm divorced.
This is because my ex-husband did not appreciate family.
When I met him at the institute, he was a good man.
But over time, things change, and he developed a new passion, it's gambling and alcohol.
He often lost his salary and intermeddle into debt.
Because of this, he began to drink.
And when he came home drunk and started a scandal sometimes he beats me.
I endured all this and think that it will change.
But it appeared to me that he also changes.
And then I realized that this is not my man I loved.
It has changed for the worse.
I decided to talk to him, to say that I'm away from him, but instead he began to mock me.
And then I ran out of the house and began to call for help, kind people helped me and called the police.
He was then taken out of the house, and I gathered my things and went to her parents.
Then he came to me and tried to put up with me.
But I rejected it. I could no longer tolerate it.
And after a while he gave up and stopped me coming.
I no longer saw him.
And I think that this happiness.
Timi I do not want a man who will only use me.
I want a serious relationship and mutual love.
I'm an adult, and serious girl. I know how to love, and I can make a man happy.
I want to love, I want to take care of, I want to make breakfast in the morning,
I want to create a warm and cozy in the house, I can create happiness.
And when I get in the future, my love, my man, what it will be the most happy,
because I know how to love, cherish, care for and do everything that the man was fine with me.
many Russian men do not appreciate, as my ex-husband did not appreciate my love and care.
I have 3 years was not a man. I'm lonely. And I really want a new life.
At this point, you're the only man with whom I associate. And in my opinion, our communication
develops well.
I am very happy =)
I'll be waiting on you new news.
Your Polya

« Zuletzt geändert: 24. Oktober 2016 um 00:25 von Uli »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Polina <>
Antwort #5 - 22. Oktober 2016 um 09:45
Den Rest der Geschichte kennt eh schon ein jeder nur das ich halt noch wie oben zu sehen nach meiner, bzw. das ich überhaupt bezahlt habe Die gefälschten Dokumente bekommen habe.

Leute einfach bin jetzt zwar schlauer die Google Bildersuchfunktion verwenden!

In genau 1,2 sec. wisst ihr das es ein Scam ist!

Hello XXXX
It's so cool when you open your mailbox and finds a letter from you.
In my heart it becomes much warmer and lighter.
I am pleased to read a letter from you, to learn something new about you.
You are very pleasant and nice man.
And I'm sorry that I had not met you.
While this is understandable, we're from different countries, and we are separated by thousands of kilometers.
Unfortunately in Russia, not all men are the same gallant and interesting as you.
So my friends and acquaintances on the internet and went abroad to start a new life.
I have a lot of people say that foreign men are much more pleasant to chat, they always like to give compliments.
And now I am very convinced of this.
It is a pity that the good man found in Russia is very difficult.
I do not know what it involves and why the majority of men in these small cities like Perm, quick start drinking alcohol and die.
In Russia, a lot of men, but most men very early start to drink and take drugs and then begin to mock family.
This was my husband. First he pleased me, and then went into the worse.
The same befell consider my sister, but they still have a daughter together.
My sister is very long endured ex-husband.
But in the end she also divorced.
And now she was alone, but with her daughter.
I'm helping my sister in every way, especially her daughter.
Since I do not have my children, I try to take care of my niece.
Here such here the bad events happen in Russia. A lot of girls are suffering from the bad men.
On this, Timi , you are very nice and interesting man. You're different from all the men, and I want to know you more and more.
So tell me everything about himself, about a previous life, I want to know everything about you =)

I am pleased to receive your pictures. I do it every day with a smile on his face for a few minutes looking at your pictures.

Unfortunately now I have to finish my letter.
But how will I have the opportunity I will write to you.
Your Polya ( Polina )
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2019 um 20:17 von vierauge »  

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Re: Polina <>
Antwort #6 - 22. Oktober 2016 um 15:18
Die Bilder stammen von Nadezhda Soldatenkova / Nadezhda Olegovna Soldatenkova / Надежда Солдатенкова aus Chelyabinsk.

Weitere Themen:

Elena <>
Zulfia <>
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Polina <>
Antwort #7 - 23. Oktober 2016 um 21:27
Hallo Leute bin hier noch ein Greenhorn!
Hoffe das es so richtig ist kann den Spoiler nicht finden?!?

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« Zuletzt geändert: 25. Oktober 2016 um 17:44 von Uli »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Polina <>
Antwort #8 - 23. Oktober 2016 um 21:31
Das ist der Mailheader der letzten mail!

In Summe habe ich 20 mails bekommen.

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Kommt ganz schön rum, die Kleine!  Zwinkernd
« Zuletzt geändert: 25. Oktober 2016 um 17:46 von Uli »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 20. Oktober 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Polina <>
Antwort #9 - 23. Oktober 2016 um 21:45
Wer die auch immer ist bzw. wer auch immer das Profil betreut!

Die arbeitet jetzt wie aus den E-Mail Geschichten in einen Krankenhaus in Perm!

Glaube das Profil ist auch ein Fake.
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General Counsel

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Re: Polina <>
Antwort #10 - 24. Oktober 2016 um 00:31
Zum gefälschten Pass 52 09 119246 von Polina Mikhailovna Grebneva:

Die Basis des Passes ist mit dem Passfälschungprogramm in der Version 2.60 entstanden. Doch diese hat der Fälscher modifiziert, wie man an den unterschiedlichen Abständen der Zeichen der Passnummer erkennen kann.
Das Passfoto ist zu blass für den Hintergrund.
Weder Pass- noch Stempelnummer gehören nach Perm!

Und zum Zertifikat von ihr:
Dumm nur, dass dieses Zertifikat im Original am 31.03.2015 für eine Lyudmila Burlakova in Moskau ausgestellt worden ist! 
Es hätte mich auch schwer gewundert, wenn man in Russland ein Zertifikat erst  3 Jahre nach dem Examen ausstellt!
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. Oktober 2016 um 00:39 von Uli »  
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